Chapter 19

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Violet's POV

"Jake, give that back! You're gonna give him a heart attack!" I say, reaching for my phone. We were sitting on a bench in the skatepark and Jake had grabbed my phone and texted Keaton about needing to talk.

"Lighten up, Vi, he probably just thinks it's about the tour shit." Jake says, laughing at my attempts to get my phone back. When I finally do, Keaton had replied;

'Uhm, ok, what about?'

Jake had gotten up to talk to friends, leaving me on the bench.

'How much of an idiot my brother is? Sorry about that last msg, that was Jake.'

I grabbed Jake's hat that he left on the bench and put it on, shielding my eyes from the sun. Keaton and I text for a while before he has to go. I put my phone in my back pocket and grab my board, kicking off and heading for the railing. I grind it and circle back around. I readjust the hat and kick off, gaining more speed.

I do a few more tricks before Jake and I leave. We skate around town for a bit, talking about anything and everything. It felt good to spend time with my brother. We stopped at our favorite spot on the beach and stared out at the waves. I turn to my brother, "Do you want to hear something creepy?"

Jake raises an eyebrow at me, "I'm not sure... but, why not?"

I cross my legs and sit facing him. "Okay, so you know that show, Phineas and Ferb? Well there's a back story to it. The mom was married and had Phineas and Candace, but later got divorced. She then married the British dude and had Ferb, who has a brain disability which is why he doesn't talk. Anyways, Candace is schizophrenic and imagines the boys building all these things. That's why when she calls the Mom to look at the inventions, the mom never sees them. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is her therapist and gives her this drug. She becomes addicted to the drug and OD's."

We sit there in silence for a few minutes. Noah, Dani's boyfriend, had told me the story a few days ago and I couldn't watch Phineas and Ferb with the twis for quite a while. Jake stares at me and opens his mouth, trying to say something but no words come. I smile and he just shakes his head. "You know, little sis, you have a very weird mind. Where the hell did you hear that, anyway?"

"Noah told me a few days ago. There are a bunch of other back stories to innocent cartoons. It's weird what you can find on the internet these days." We go back and forth talking before we decide to head home.

"Hey, Jake, can I ask you something?" I say out of the blue.

He rubs the back of his neck, "I guess, what do you want to ask?"

"How do you know if you're in a relationship with someone?"

"Well, normally, I'd ask them on a date, and if we go on more than one date, it would probably mean that we're dating. Why?"

I take a deep breath and let it out. "I don't know where me and Keaton stand. Trust me, I have no intentions of being one of those clingy girlfriends who always wants to know where I stand with my boyfriend, I'm just confused."

 Jake takes a deep breath and looks at me in the eyes. "Do you remember the girl I was with right before I left for training camp?" I nod, her name was Amber.

"Well, the day before I left, I proppsed to her and she said no. I had thought that I knew where we stood as a couple, and I guess I was wrong. The point I'm trying to get to is, for you right now, I'd say it'd be best not to know. The reason I'm saying this is because knowing might make you do things that you regret later on. I regret feeling like I loved Amber when I really didn't and sometimes, I silently thank her for saying no so that we wouldn't have gone through that entire thing and end up heartbroken. I don't want you to know where you stand and do something crazy like I did. What I'm trying to say is that, not knowing could be better than knowing."

I stare at Jake for a moment before replying. "All I want to know is if I'm Keaton's girlfriend or not. I didn't need a lecture, but thanks for telling me anyways." We start to make our way home, the slience between us is comfortable. I missed speding time with Jake, it feels like we've been on two seperate planets.

When we get home, the house is quiet, the only sign that there was life, was the TV. I set my board at the door and kick off my shoes. I fall onto the couch and let my arms hang awkwardly off the side. Jake mumbles something and heads upstairs.

I grab the remote and start aimlessly flipping through channels. My phone rings and it's an unknown caller ID;

'Hey Vi, it's Leilaa :3 I'm using my cousins phonee(: So, I need some advice..'

I smile down at my phone, 'Okie ^.^ what kind of advice??'

It takes a while for Liela to reply, but when she does, it's a lot to take in.

'Okie well there's this guy, let's call him STeven. Anywhoo Steven is like this really big jerk to me and a total douche bag. SO today I was at the beach and Steven started walking towards me and I was all like 'oh gee this will turn out just great' and then we started talking and he made me mad so I walked off towards Noah who was on lifegaurd duty. Then Steven grabbed my arm and kissed me and it was soooooo freaking surprsing and I kindaa maybe sorta liked it. WHAT DO I DOOO??!'

I tell her to just wait it out and see what happens. We talk for a little bit more before I start to doze off. But just as quickly as it came, the drowsey-ness fades away. I guess I was too tired to fall asleep.


New Update on 'The Upside Down' within the week. Peace xxx

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