Chapter 23

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Violet's POV

The waves crashed on the beach as the tide came in. The sun was just getting low, giving the sky an orange-ish glow. I felt Keaton wrap his hands around my waist, resting his chin on my head. Turning around, I throw my hands around Keaton's neck and smash my lips onto his.

He pulled apart and smirked, "What was that for?"

I shrugged, "Just wanted to get that in before people started coming." As if on cue, a group of Keaton's family arrived. "C'mon, I still have to meet your family."


Later that night, my family, Keaton's family and a few of our friends-including Leila and Dani- were sitting around a campfire talking. I sat by the ocean staring up at the stars when a figure dropped down next to me. Keaton slung his arm around my shoulder and brought my closer to him. Near the campfire, music started playing- Leila brought her guitar. 

"Violet, can I show you something?" Keaton asked, moving away to face me. 

"Uh, yeah, sure, Keats." He reached into his hoodie pocket and took out a small black box. He opened the box and revealed a silver ring with a blue gem in the center. 

"Keaton, is that a -"

"No, it's just a promise ring. I just want to know that, in a few years, you'll still be mine," He said, fiddling with the ring. Keaton slid the ring onto my right ring finger and stood, helping me up. 

"It's beautiful," I breathed. Keaton smiled. 

"May I have this dance?" He asked as Leila started playing a different song. 


Keaton rested his hands on my waist; mine were entwined around his neck. Slowly swaying in circles, we talked about anything and everything, laughing at awkward silences. 

"Looks like we have an audience," I say, nodding my head towards the fire. Leila was strumming her guitar and singing with a smile. Dani gave a thumbs up with a huge grin. Our families were watching as well and I swear I saw Jake give Keaton a death glare. 

"More reason to do this," Keaton whispers before kissing me.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I smiled into the kiss. The moment felt like pure bliss, like nothing could ever ruin what we have. Whistles and cheers erupted from our familes when we broke apart. I smiled and rested me head on Keaton's chest and Leila played love songs. 

It was a moment of true happiness. 


A/N: So this was the last 'official chapter' :(. I had fun writing this chapter and I'm pretty proud of it. The next chapter will be the epilouge and then, the end. A picture of the ring is on the side. 

Peace xx

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