Chapter 5

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Keaton's POV

I took a shaky breath, she wants to meet my brother. I told her I was in a band, but I didn't tell her we were famous. If she meets Wes and Drew she'll know that I didn't tell her the full truth. But I can't deny those eyes. "So, uhm, this way to my house." I lead her down the street towards my house. As we walk passed the skate park full of douche bags, they whistle and shout at Violet. She stares at her feet and I protectively put and arm around her waist. "Don't worry about them, they're just dicks." I whisper into her hair. We hurried along the sidewalk, my arm never leaving her waist. When we reach my house, Violet's head perks up.

"Whooaa," she mumbles. "This house is sick as!" Her eyes brightened and her smiled widened. I smiled weakly and sighed in relief. We walked through the door, only to find that Wes and Drew left for a surf. The note they left said they'd be back around noon, but with waves like the ones today, I knew they'd be out until possibly sunset. I gave Violet a quick tour of the house, her eyes perking up every time we entered a new room. We finally ended up in my room and sat down on the floor near my bed, like we did at her house.

"So, tell me about you." Violet said, breaking the silence.

"Whadda ya want to know?"

She smiles like a little kid, "Everything."

I sigh, "Well, I grew up in Sequim, Washington, I'm 16. Wes and I have an older sister, Brooke, who's up north working on her studies. My parents are divorced and I have a step-dad. Skating, surfing, snowboarding and music are my life. Oh and food, never forget food. I have a cat named Zuni who's really dumb and sleeping over there," I point to where Zuni is, fast asleep on a pile of clothes. "Drew is out honorary brother, 'cause he and Wes have been friends forever. Oh and there's one more thing... I'minabandcalledEmblem3withWesandDrewandWe'rekindaFamous..." I blurt the last part out so fast, Violet doesn't have time to react.

She stares blankly at me, rapidly blinking her eyes, taking it all in. Finally she says something, "I already knew that. I knew from the first time we talked that you were the Keaton Stromberg from Emblem3, it was kinda obvious. And judging by the size of this house, I was right."

"So you're saying, I overreacted for nothing? I mean, that's kind of a relief but why didn't you tell me that you knew about the whole band thing?" I ask, rubbing the back of my head.

"I didn't want you to think I was a fan girl..." Violet trails off as the door opens and the house is filled with screams and cheers about how amazing the waves were. Footsteps bound the stairs and Wes and Drew burst into my room.

Wes smirks, "Heyy baby Keats finally got a girl in his room."

Violet stands up and my faces turns red with embarrassment. "Hi, I'm Violet. Keaton and I are just friends." Violet sticks her hand out but Drew comes over and hugs her instead. Drew hates handshakes, he thinks they're too formal. He's a hugger. Wes chuckles in the background, "Yeah, they all start out as friends." I stand up and punch him in the arm. He mocks hurt and Drew finally releases Violet.

"Keats you should've been there! Those waves were mint! Wes bailed a couple of times checking out girls, but I nailed it every time," Drew says as if I should be impressed. It happens every day. Wes checks out girls and Drew focuses on the waves. But, why would they do back out t the beach when we were there this morning? I take Drew's bragging as the answer and shove the thoughts from my mind.

Violet clicks her fingers in front my face, pulling me back into reality. "Hello? Earth to Keaton! My mom texted me, she needs me home, so I'm gonna go okay?"

"Oh uh yeah, cool. I'll walk you out" I stammer, disappointed that she's leaving. I walk her to the door and she hugs me before walking off.

Violet's POV

"Moooom! Daaaad! I'm hooooome!" I yell into the house. That's when I hearing my parents upstairs. They sound as if they were fighting, my parents never fight. Except for the time Jake said he was joining the army. I climb the stairs, two at a time and knock on my parents bedroom door. Minnie and Lily were at a friend's house and God knows where Jake is, probably down at the gym. The other side of the door becomes quiet. I reach for the knob when the door is yanked open by my mother, her ears practically steaming. She regroups and holds the door open.

I sit on the bed and pull my knees up to my chest. I mess with my shoelace when Dad clears his throat. Yeah, you loose your voice from yelling. Trust me I know, smart ass. I thought that, but I would never even dare to say it aloud. I've always disliked my father, ever since I saw him in a drunken state. I was only four and one night, he came home, drunk off his ass. Back then it was only Jake and me, Minnie and Lily weren't even in Mom's stomach back then. Anyways, Dad came home, I was supposed to be in bed, but being the rebel I am I peeked out the door. Mom and Jake were on the couch and Dad started rambling.

Mom tried to get him to bed and he smacked her across the cheek. Jake came to her defense and threatened to take him on in a fight. He was a brave 10 year old but Dad passed out before Jake could even make a move. I watched the whole thing and ever since, I've hated my father.

My mothers sweet voice snaps me back to the present. "Honey, we've decided that things aren't working out very well. Your father will be staying in a hotel not very far. Until we can sort things out, this is how it's going to be." Mom does things fast, like ripping off a band aid. I stand up without a word and walk to my room. I grab an old duffel bag and throw some stuff in it.

"Violet, what are you doing?" Mom asks, standing in the doorway.

"Packing. I'm staying at a friends house. Mom, we both know you and Dad will end up getting a divorce and I don't want to be here when you two start fighting again. Tell Minnie, Lily and Jake I won't be coming back for a few days." I grab my board, sling the duffel bag on my shoulder and walk past my mother, staring blankly with tears brimming her eyes. I pass my father on the way out the door and tell him this: "I saw you hit Mom when I was four. I know where you keep your secret stash of liquor. I know you have a drinking problem. And I've hated you for 12 years of my life for it. This family will be better off without you." He stares at me and I walk out, leaving my parents behind.

I drop my board and call Leila and Dani to let them know I wouldn't be at home and say nothing else on the matter. I skate off, thankful for the two weeks off for winter break. I go to the first place my mind thinks of, Keaton's.

As I near his house, I pick up my board and walk. I knock at the door and when Keaton opens it, I collapse into his arms and break down. "Shh, everything's gonna be okay." he whispers, stroking my hair. I keep crying, I've only known this kid for a couple of weeks but I already trust him enough to cry in front of him.

A/N: SO I really wanted to get this chapter up because I don't think I'll be able to update the rest of this week. I'm crazy busy with school and shit. Feedback would be really great, so I know what you guys like and don't like. If you guys ever need to talk about your parents getting a divorce or anything at all, just message me. I've been through a lot and I'm all ears.  Peace out lovelies! xxx

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