Chapter 3

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Violet's POV

"Where'd you go? I miss you so, it's like it's been forever that you've been gone." The song, Where'd You Go by Fort Minor, blasted through my headphones. Every time I listen to it, I'm reminded about the day my best friend, Anna, committed suicide. Three years ago, we were both depressed and it was a little easier knowing that someone else was going through it with me. Then, something changed in me. I wasn't always sad or crying every day. But Anna was and I wasn't there for her. I remember her texting me, saying that I was her best friend and I would always be the sister she never had. That's when she died. I don't even know why I was listening to it.

I pressed skip on my iPod and Black Veil Brides started playing. My favorite song, Rebel Love Song, vibrated through my bones and willed my body to get up off my bed. I danced around my room and as the song ended I decided that I should try to get some homework done, which was pointless. When the hell will we ever use algebra in real life? That question will haunt me until graduation.

My phone vibrated on my bed.

From Keaton x:

Hey just wonderin if u wanted to come skate??

To Keaton x:

Sounds sweet as be there in a bit.

I sent the message, grabbed a hoodie and my board and headed for the door. I was five feet from freedom when a voice stopped me. "Where do you think you're going?" I turned slowly on my heel and faced my mom.

"Out, to the skate park...." I said slowly.

"With who?" Mom pressed. Damn she was good.

"A friend..."

"Do I know this friend?" Fuck I can't tell her about Keaton! I already got the third degree from Dad.

"Uhm... yeah actually. Dani's cousin remember? The girl who's in love with her board?"

"I guess it's fine." I walked over to hug her then headed to the skate park. I spotted Keaton waiting for me near the fence. "Hey there stranger," I saw as I make my way over to him.

"I could say the same to you," he says with a smirk. Oh God that smirk. I haven't seen him in a week yet it feels like years.

We stand there for a few minutes until I decided to break the silence, "So are we gonna skate or what?" Keaton smiles and we both drop our boards. After skating around for a while I put my headphones back in.

Those who are dead are not dead

They’re just living in my head

And since I fell for that spell

I am living there as well


Time is so short and I’m sure

There must be something more

Those who are dead are not dead

They’re just living in my head oh…

And since I fell for that spell

I am living there as well oh…

Time is so short and I’m sure

There must be something more

The Coldplay song played as I grinded a rail and showed up every guy there, even Keaton. I smiled to myself as I passed their wide-eyed stares. I listened to a few more songs, did some more tricks until I had to call it a day. "Aye Keaton! I'm gonna head home!" I yell over to him. I flick up my board and wait for Keaton to catch up. We walk a few blocks in silence until he starts a conversation. "So tell me about your family."

I look at the ground and rub the back of my neck. "Well there's not much to tell really. My dad is super strict about me having a life. He thinks that I'm supposed to go to Harvard and become this life-saving, cancer-curing doctor. I haven't told him that I want to be a musician yet. My mom is a bit more trusting. She lets me be me but she thinks I'm too young to date. Minnie and Lily are only nine but they're cool. And Jake is in the Service, which you already knew." I take a breath, saying that entire thing without breathing.

"Wow, that's pretty cool have a brother in the Army. All my brother does is jam, play video games and try to pick up girls," Keaton says with a slight laugh. His perfect laugh. Whoa there Violet, calm yourself.

When we reach my house, I see my dad's car parked in the driveway so that pretty much meant he was spying on us. I gave Keaton a big hug and we say our goodbyes. I was falling for this boy. Hard.

Keaton's POV

I floated back to the house after dropping off Violet. She's so perfect. Every time I see her, I get butterflies, my heart starts racing. Her skating skills outweigh any guy out there so I know Wes and Drew would approve. But what would she do if I told her we were famous? Would she still want to be friends... and hopefully something more?

I ran up to my room and grabbed my guitar. I could hear Wes and Drew jamming across the hall so I went outside.

Girl, lay your weary head down

And I’ll fight off the monsters…

Underneath your-or-or-or bed

And I love you

To the moon and back

Don’t blink twice

As the stars fall from the sky…

Believe your eyes

And I’ll take you through the sky…

I strummed a bit more, until my hands start to hurt. I went back inside and set down my guitar. Wes and Drew stopped jamming and were headed out the door with their surfboards.

"Hey Keats, you wanna go for a surf with us?" Wes asks.

"Nah I think I'll pass..." I say with my head down.

"C'mon man! You always want to go surfing!" Drew says. He wasn't wrong...

"Yeah but it's been a long day and I just finished skating." It's not that I didn't want to hang out with them or go surfing. I just couldn't get my mind off of Violet. And if I'm thinking of her while surfing, I'll probably bail out. But I couldn't tell them that.

"Oh well, man. Suit yourself." Wes shrugs and they both walk out. I go up to my room and lay down on the bed. I stare at the ceiling and eventually fall asleep thinking of Violet.

A/N: So Violet's POV was really long and Keaton's was short but that's because I got writers block writing Keaton's. Anywhooooo I'm thinking 15 votes for the next chappie?? C'mon guys I need motivation. But I'll update even if I don't get that many. Feedback would be great!!

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