Chapter 2

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Violet's POV

"Violet, VIOLET!!!"

"Huh? What?" I stared at my best friend Leila from across the table. I  had been thinking of Keaton all day. My mindset was worse than on a normal day. I zoned out in all of my classes, daydreaming of him walking towards me in the skate park. He just wouldn't leave my mind, no matter how many times I pushed his image to the back of my memory.

"You keep zoning out! I'm trying to talk to you but you won't answer. What's up with you?" Leila asks.

I sigh, "I'm fine it's just... This morning at the skate park, I might've met a boy..."

"A boy?! What's his name? Do I know him? What's he look like? Does he come here?"

"Yes. Keaton. No. Around sixteen, blond/brown hair, green eyes, wicked skate moves. I don't think so." I answer all of her questions at once. I look out the cafeteria window to the football field. Cheerleaders with short, tight clothes hanging 'seductively' over the football players. You know, the norm. Lelia kept on asking questions when Dani, my guy best friend, came and sat down. Lelia fills him in on my meeting Keaton.

"Oh my God you met a boy our age?!! This is so great for you Vi!" You see, the thing about Dani is, he's over excited whenever I come in contact with the male species. I awkwardly tug at my gauges, tightening them.

"Listen guys, he doesn't even know my name! All I said to him was 'Sorry I have to go' 'cause I would've been late for school and I do not want another detention, especially since Mom and Dad are on my case. It's not really a big deal," I say, still messing with my gauges.

"I guess you're right but still, this could be good for you," Lelia says.

Keaton's POV

I thought about her all day, the girl with the gauges. I could barely play my bass and Drew and Wes defeated me every time in CoD. Damn what's with this girl?

I grabbed my board and walked out while Wes and Drew jammed. When I got to the skatepark, the girl was there weaving through the mob of guys who were bailing on the pavement left and right. She landed from a perfect 360 and kept going. I flicked my board up and went over to her. She stopped when she saw me.

"Hey you're the girl from this morning right? I don't think you told me you're name." Smooth, Keaton.

"Violet. Keaton right?" Violet. I like that name.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool of you, showing up all these douche bags."

"Thanks" she laughed. Her laugh is cute. Ew, Keaton what the Eff?

"So you gonna skate or are you just a poser?" She asks, pointing to my board.

"I'm definitely not a poser" I say as I drop my board. I skate over to the ramp, drop my board and fly. I do a few tricks here and there, making sure Violet's watching. I get tired of showing off for her and walk back over to her.

"Ok, you proved your point. But I should be going now."

"Wait! Let me walk you home," You just met her!!!! She's gonna think you're a perv..

Violet's POV

Wait, did he just ask to walk me home? What the Eff?

"Uhmm.. Sure, I guess," I finally stutter out.

I picked up my skateboard and started towards home. I heard Keaton's footsteps not far behind.

"So, how long have you lived here?" he asked.

"All of my sixteen years. What about you?"

"A few years. Any siblings?" he replies.

" Two younger twin sisters, Minnie and Lily and my brother is in the Service. You?" I explain.

"My brother, Wes, is 18 and his friend Drew is like our honorary brother."

"Honorary brother eh? I like that," Don't be such a dork Violet. I push the thought away and continue talking to Keaton. He seems pretty cool. He's in a band with Wes and Drew, Emblem3 I think. He grew up in Washington and his parents are divorced. We talk until we get to my house, with my Dad standing at the front door, waiting.

"Well, here it is. And there's my Dad, creeping on us." I say.

"Nice place. I should, uh, get going. I'm supposed to meet Wes and Drew to go surfing."

"Cool. I'll see you around." We exchange numbers and I head inside to face the wrath of my parents for walking with a boy they don't know.

"Who was that?" my Dad questions me as soon as I walk in.

"A boy. His name is Keaton."

"Do I know him?" Dad presses.


"Does your Mother know him?"

"Probably not."

"Violet, you know the rule."

"Violet's in trouble now!!" The twins yell in unison.

"Shut up!" I yell back.

"Stop it all of you! Violet, up to your room. Now." The thing about my Dad is, he doesn't yell. He 'talks sternly'.

I walk up stairs and slam my door loud enough to hear. Great. I just met the kid and my Dad already doesn't approve of him.

A/N: Thoughts?? I probably won't update until next week. I'm crazy busy with school. Anyways, Feedback would be nice so please comment!!

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