Chapter 18

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Violet's POV

".. But I owe it all to you, my little bird," Ed Sheeran sings and the crowd screams. Yes, I am at an Ed Sheeran concert and it's amazing. He finishes up his song 'Little Bird' and starts talking to the crowd. I glance at Leila beside me and smile widely. She had won the tickets a week before and since she knows that Ed Sheeran is my idol, she brought me along. Despite the slight claustrophobia, the concert was the best I've been to.

The rest of the concert, I sing along to the songs and actually have fun. The ride home was about four hours, so I caught up on some sleep. When I woke up, Leila and I were back in Hunting Beach and it was a few hours before dawn. Leila dropped me off at my house and I crashed on the couch, falling asleep instantly.


"Violet, if you don't wake up, I will sit on you." I wipe the sleep away from my eyes and see Jake standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. I groan and push myself up into a sitting position. Jake sits next to me and grabs the remote, flipping through the TV channels.

"You know, if I weren't so tired, I would punch you right now." I say, yawning. Jake laughs and I get up to stretch. I go upstairs and jump in the shower, letting the hot water work out the knots in my back. After about fifteen minutes, I step out and dress in grey skinny jeans, a Spider-Man tee-shirt and my dark blue vans. I put in my spike-gauges and quickly blow dry my hair.

I run downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal and sit next to Jake. We sit there, eating our breakfast and watching 'The Legend of Korra' reruns. "I remember when I had a cartoon-crush." Jake says out of the blue.

"Oh yeah, who was it?" I ask, taking my eyes of the screen for a moment.

Jake sighs, "Katara from 'Avatar'." I tried to control my laughter, but I can't. Jake hits my arms and I try to compose myself, which just makes me laugh even more. "Oh shut up Violet Blaze. I know you have a cartoon-crush."

"Yeah, I do. It's Mako. Happy now, Jake Bruce?" I say, finally calming down. I walk up to the sink and put my bowl in. I grab my board just as Jake is opening the door. We looked at each other and nodded. Jake grabbed his old long board from behind a chair and we skated off toward the park.


Keaton's POV

"Keaton! Snap out of it, man. You just missed the sickest wave ever!" Wes yells, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I paddle out towards a wave and wait for just the right moment to stand. Just as the wave comes towards me, I stand up and ride it, going into the tunnel it made.

Wes and Drew had paddled out to shore to flirt, so I was one of the only people out in the ocean. I sit on my board and catch my breath. I lay back and look up at the sun, closing my eyes at the blinding light.

My mind was clouded with preparations for the tour. I know I shouldn't be stressing so much, but I can't help it. All there is to do is wait it out and see what happens.

I sit up and paddle out to shore and stick my board in the sand next to me. Wes and Drew are oblivious, flirting with random girl. I grab my towel and dry off my hair. I grab my board and put it in the back of the car. I change into my clothes, silently thanking myself that I left my swim trunks underneath my wetsuit. I take my iPod from the backseat and put the headphones in.

I had just gotten into the car when Wes and Drew come back, starting the car up without a word. It was obvious; they'd been rejected.

The drive is silent, the only thing not making it even more awkward is the music.


"So, boys, do any of you have girlfriends?" We were at an interview at Young Hollywood and Tracy had been asking lots of random questions.

Wes takes my wrist and puts my hand in the air. "Keaton, who's your girlfriend?" Tracy asks, and I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. When I don't saying anything, Tracy presses on with the questions, all of which Wes and Drew answer for me.

"What's her name?"


"How old is she?"


"How and when did you meet?'

"Skatepark, ran into her."

It goes on like this for a while until the interview ends. In between asking questions about Violet, Tracy tries to get me to talk. I just smiled and nodded, my awkwardness taking over.

On the drive back home, I check tumblr and see lots of gifs of me and Violet, my smile widening. We haven't seen each other for a while, with preparations for the tour filling up my life. I shot her a quick text and look out the window at the passing sea.

Violet responds almost immediately.

'I think we should talk.'


A/N: Okay, so, so, so, so sorry for the long wait but I have the OAA 's(Ohio Achievement Assment. Stuffy name, I know) coming up next week and I've been putting most of my free time into sudying. Updates should become more often in the next few weeks. I'll try my best to update next week :/ Also, the cliffhanger will be finished in the next update.

Peace xx

Twitter: @StoryNever_Ends

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