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VIolet's  POV

~2 years later~

I stood at the top of the ramp, watching as contestant number 14 dropped in. I twisted the promise ring Keaton gave me two years ago. He was at a pro surfing competition in Santa Monica with Wes and Laraine. Drew stayed back and was watching in the stands with Leila, Dani, Jake and the twins. Mom and Dad had to work. 

Contestant 14 skidded to a stop in the middle of the ramp, which ended his turn. I took a deep breath, kissed my ring for good luck and bomb drop. Landing perfectly, I kick off to gain more speed. I do a few more tricks until the buzzer goes off, signaling the end of my turn. Fortunately, I'm at the other end of the ramp when it goes off. 

With my board in one hand, I climb down the ladder. I had just stepped onto solid ground when I was crushed in a hug. "You were so great, Vi!" Leila says, releasing me from the hug. More hugs were passed around and we all talked until I had to go and see where I placed. 

~10 minutes later~

"And second place goes to.. Violet Henderson!"

 I smile a small smile to myself as I stepped up to receive my trophy. Second place was a huge honor, considering that I was the only girl to place. First place went to a guy who's been skating longer than me, and I've been skating for a pretty long time. 

First place guy, Tom Genkins, came up and congratulated and hugged me. All in all, he was a pretty sweet guy. I congratulated on him getting first place, then he left. 

"You did awesome, little sis," Jake said, slinging his arm over my shoulders. 

"Thanks big bro, and as much as I love you, you smell like sweat more than I do," I say, wriggling out of the half-hug. 

The next thing I know, I'm in the car with my siblings following the car with Drew, Dani and Leila. We were on our way back to Huntington Beach from LA. Watching the cars fly by, I think of Keaton and if he did well in the surfing competition. 

I twist my ring instinctively and listen to Jake changing the radio station. Finally he gives up, "Vi, in the glove box is a CD holder, pick one. I'm tired of listening to static." I open the glove box and start flipping through the CDs. I finally settle on Set It Off's 'Cinematics'.

I pop it in the player and listen as 'Nightmare' starts playing. I glance in the back seat to see Lily and Minnie fast asleep, their heads resting on each others. 

We stop at home to bring the twins in and tell Mom and Dad the news before Jake and I file back into the car and drive to the boys' house for the party- a celebration of Keaton and me entering our first pro competitions. 

We get arrive, cars are parked half way down the street from the house. Laraine answers the door and embraces both me and Jake before ushering us in. The place is crowded with people, half of who I couldn't recognize. 

"I'm going to go find Hannah," Jake said over the music. Hannah was his girlfriend of six months. I was about to reply, but my brother was gone. I started wondering around, looking for someone familiar when I bumped into someone. "Sorry I-' I started to say, but was cut off by a pair of lips meeting mine. I pulled back and was face to face with Keaton. 

"Hey," He said, smiling

"Hi," I said, returning the smile. 

An awkward beat passed while people came up to us with congratulatory hugs. 

Keaton took my hand and lead me through the crowd, out to the back patio. The night air was cool compared to the mass of body heat inside. We sat on the grass, me leaning into him. 

"We have to move to LA to be closer to the studio," Keaton says, staring at the stars. 

"Does that mean everything has to change?" I ask, turning to face hime. 

"In some ways, yeah. But I'll still be here, and you'll always be the girl with the gauges who I saw two years ago."


A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sorry, just had to get that out. I remember coming up with the first chapter of this story last year, one night when I couldn't fall asleep. It just seems surreal that it's over now. I'd like to thank my friends for pushing me to publish this story. It seems crazy that now, so many people have read this and I find that really amazing. I'm still not sure if I want to do a sequel or not, but I'll tell you guys when I decide. I just want to say thank you guys and I love you all <3


Carly xxx

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