Chapter 7

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Violet's POV

Oh. My. Freaking. God. I kissed Keaton. He kissed me back. Then Wes came and ruined it, but that doesn't matter. After I went back to bed and laid there staring at the ceiling, my lips still tingling, Leila and Dani texted me ranting about some 'ratchet girl eating a tampon' for likes on Facebook- Dani's words, not mine. Gross. Dani sent me the link, I couldn't even think about watching it. Seriously, who in their right mind would do that? Anyways, after pointless banter, I told them about the kiss. Leila called me immediately and went full-on fangirl. It was 2am so I had to hide under the covers to make sure no one heard.

"I knew you were gonna fall for him! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She screams, nearly bursting my eardrum. I tell her to quiet down and she does. I tell her everything and once she hangs up, Dani calls. I reiterate it all. After talking for a while, I decide that I need sleep and we say goodbye. I toss and turn for a while, but end up falling asleep, dreaming of the kiss.


The next morning, I wake up and the house is quiet. I slowly get out of bed and walk down the steps, careful not to make noise. I get to the bottom on the steps and see Keaton laying on a couch in the living room. I silently went into the kitchen and grabbed an orange. I stood, facing the counter, tossing the fruit from hand to hand. The next thing I knew, a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. I turned to come face to face with a half-sleeping Keaton. He gave my a lopsided smile, "Good Morning." I smiled back, "Morning."

Despite being made out to be an awkward little turtle, Keaton is fit. Whoa there Violet, don't be a perv. We stood there for a while before Drew came down, without a shirt on. Keaton took his hands away from my waist and fiddled with the coffee pot. I continued to toss my orange before going to shower. The water was warm on my skin and I stayed there for twenty minutes. I dried off and dressed in  skinny jeans, singlet, plaid over-shirt and a beanie. I put in my red gauges before grabbing my board, phone and Ipod and left the house.

I met Dani and Leila and Starbucks and, as promised, I told them why I left my parents' house. After that, they bombarded me with questions about the kiss;

"What was it like?"

"Are you guys dating yet?"

"Does he have a cute brother?"

"Is he famous? I heard he is."

I answer all of their questions at once, "Innocent. I don't know where we stand. Yes, his name is Wes. Yeah, Keaton, Wes and their friend Drew are in a band, Emblem3." They seem satisfied at my answers and quiet down.

"Guys? Do you think I should get back into busking?" I ask, breaking the silence. When I was 12, I got my first guitar. Things were okay back then, but we needed money so I started busking. Every weekend I would go out on the busiest street corner and play. My earnings depended on how well I played, and if people were feeling generous. Jake left for the military when I turned 14, and just like that, I stopped busking, and playing altogether. He was the one who encouraged me to play and when he left, I gave up.

My question must have surprised my friends because they stared at me for a few seconds. Then, Dani spoke up, "Vi, you haven't even looked at your guitar, let alone played. Don't take offense to this but, why now?"

I thought about what Dani asked. Why now? Why did I want to start busking again now? The answer was simple, but trying to tell my friends wasn't.

"Because.... well... My dad hated it when I did it six years ago. And since my parents are probably going to get divorced, I figured, why not? I mean, I'm turning 17 this year, almost an adult. Plus, mom never really minded it." I say this nonchalantly but deep down, just thinking about my parents getting divorced makes me want to cry. I grab a napkin and ball it up in my fist under the table. It's all I could do to not cry. The subject is dropped and we say our goodbyes.

I skated around for a bit, then headed to some place I really don't want to go: home.

Keaton's POV

White noise fills my ears. I lower the volume on the amp and sling the strap to my bass over my head. I play a few chords before practicing the new song Drew wrote. The song, Tequila Sunrise, was mint and I was pretty stoked when I got to sing the chorus. But as I played my bass, I could only think of Violet. She left the house this morning and wouldn't answer my texts. I started getting worried when Wes said she was probably out skating.

My mind drifted off throughout the day, mostly to think about Violet. Wes had to punch me to pull me back into reality, many times. And as I stood by the back door, my thoughts were interrupted by a crashing sound. I ran into the living and found Zuni running away from a pile of glass on the floor. I cleaned up the mess and grabbed my board.

Once I hit the pavement, everything around me melted into nothing. It was just me, my board and my iPod. I hit the skate park and started working on perfecting on my frontside air. I bail on the pavement a few times but I'm determined to make it perfect. After a while I take out my headphones and take in the world around me.

There wasn't much to notice, really. Some guys getting high and holding their boards like posers; the sound of waves crashing on shore; couples walking hand-in-hand; little kids running around. I pick my board up and head out of the skate park. I pass the guys smoking weed and they start to act like they know how to skate. Posers.

I'm on my way back home when I pass Violet's house. She's walking out the door, skateboard and guitar in hand. Wait, Violet plays? She drops her board and slings her guitar strap over her head. She starts to pick up speed and grinds a nearby bench perfectly. I stand there, watching her and I must've looked like a total stalker.

When she finally sees me, she smiles and skates over to where I stand. "Hey Keats. Whatcha doing?" she asks. I smile, "Just hanging around. I never knew you play, " I say, gesturing to her guitar. She blushes, "Oh yeah. I have for a while but I dropped it a few years ago. But I'm getting back into it."

She start walking and I can't take my eyes off of her. Every time I'm around Violet, it's like my mind just melts into a pull of nothingness. She starts saying something about bucking and I'm caught off gaurd. "Whoa wait. You busk?"

She blushes again, "Yeah, when I first got my guitar four years ago. I decided to start again, I need some money and I can't rely on my parents all the time. I need to start providing for myself." She sounds so business-like when she says this. Like she's a completely different person from the girl with the gauges I saw a few weeks ago. We keep up the banter for some time before dropping our boards and skating again.

We come to a corner thats buzzing with people and Violet suddenly stops. She turns to face me and says, "Do you want to hear me play?"

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! But I was busy with school shit. But anyways I added new characters!! When invision Dani I see Chris Colfer. Leila is now played by Kina Grannis and if you don't know who she is, here's the link to her music video for her song 'In Your Arms'. I'm completely addicted to it. So yeah, Peace Out my lovelies!!!!

P.S., Feedback would be great! xxxxx

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