Chapter 16

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Keaton's POV

"Okay, let's take it from the top! 5,6,7,8!" Our vocal coach, Travis, yells. Wes starts to sing, then Drew and then I hit the back up vocals. The song sounds smooth and I can tell Travis likes how it's coming along. The song ends and we take five. All I can think about is the tour- and Violet. The first date for the tour is coming up fast and I'm scared as hell.

Wes walks over to where I'm sitting and sits on my right. I stare at the wall, not wanting to make eye contact. A week before, Wes and I got into a fight about him and Drew always getting high. Drew had cut back but lately, Wes was higher than the empire state. He was also high when the fight happened.

"I'm sorry..." Wes mumbles, looking at the ground. I look back at him, his eyes not meeting mine. "I'm sorry that I've been smoking so much. I'm trying to quit, but it's hard."

"Dude, you're going soft on me. Don't do that." I laugh. Wes punches me but laughs too. He stands and walks over to Travis. I sigh and when Travis tells us we can leave, I grab my board and skate to the park. When I get there, a bunch of pot-smoking douche bags are hanging around the half-pipe. They're all looking up and passing the blunt around.

I look up and see someone with bright red hair kickturning. By the way the pot head's are gawking, I'm pretty sure that whover's skating is good.

I drop my board and skate towards the bowl. I drop in and practice my front 360. The pot heads all cheer at the person with red hair and I try to focus on perfecting the trick.

"Hey Keaton! You just gonna ignore me?" The voice interrupts my concentration and I skid on the pavement. I silently thank Mom for making me wear knee pads. I look up and standing at the edge of the bowl is a girl, her red hair blowing in her face.

I squint and see that its my long-time friend, Jannali. I climb the walls and hug her.

"What are you doing here? I though you couldn't find a flight from Australia." I say, completely shocked.

She shrugs and we skate out of the park. We stop by the house for a few before I leave to go over to Violet's. The night was just beginning and the music in my ears filled my head.

When I get to Violet's, she answers the door before I get the chance to knock. The dark bags under her eyes and pale skin indicate that she hasn't been sleeping. Violet steps aside to let me in and she leads me to her room. The covers strewn all over the floor instead of her bed and she lays down with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hidden concern dripping from my voice.

"The insomnia fairy comes to visit every night." Violet says, sitting up. I sit next to her, plugging my iPod into the dock. The music fills the room and makes the awkward silence comfortable.

A knock at the door makes us both jump. Jake comes in and tells Violet to come down stairs. I get up and we walk down stairs. I grab my board, say goodbye and skate around the town for a while. I remember that I left my iPod back at Violet's so I circle around and skate back.

The door opens and one of Violet's sisters hands my my iPod. The door closes not a moment later and I'm left standing there.

Violet's POV

Mom and Dad sit on one couch, Jake and the twins on the other. I sit on the chair, waiting for someone to start talking. The only thing I'm thinking of is sleep, something that I haven't been getting enough of lately. Each night, I'm awakened by the same nightmare: A dark, shadowy figure takes me away from reality.

Dad clears his throat, breaking my thoughts. "Violet, we don't think that going on this tour is a good idea..." He trails off, his words hanging in the air.

"Why would you think that?" I ask, confusion dripping from the sentence.

Mom glances at Jake and he nods and says, "Your insomnia is worse than ever and we... we don't exactly trust Wes and Drew."

I stare at my brother, burning holes through his forehead. The twins looked like they were caught in between a tennis match. I silently stand and walk up to my room, but I don't go in. I lean against the door and slide down to the floor.

I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head. The pounding in my right temple is consistent Jake comes and sits next to me. "You know I'm just trying to protect you, right?"He asks, I don't make eye contact.

"I know." I whisper. The lightbulb in the hallway flickers, then burns out. I groan and fall over on my side. Jake laughs and helps me stand. I walk into my room and find the flashlight I keep under my bed, for safety pruposes, of course. I walk dow the stairs to find Minnie and Lily frantic and shocked with fear. Like me, they are terrifyed of the dark.

I sink into the chair and set the flashlight on the arm. Mom comes into the room holding lit candles and sets them on the coffee table. I close my eyes, enjoying the quiet peacefulness. The twins sit at my feet and cling to me.

"Well, the powers out, a fuse blew." Dad says, walking in. Mom sighs and sits on the couch. I have a feeling that the earlier conversation will resume.

The night goes on, and not a word about me not being able to go on tour. The lights flicker back on and I turn off my flashlight. The twins finally let go of my legs and I stand up to stretch. I climb the stairs and turn my bedroom light on, realizing how much of a mess it really is. I start to clean and then my phone rings.

The text is one of the usual, some random ass number telling me to go kill myself. I turn my phone on silent and continue to clean.

Keaton's POV

It feels like the entire world feels silent and dark. After I left Violet's I didn't go home, instead I went to the beach. The dark waves violently crash onto the shore.

The street lights flicker back on, filling the darkness. I turn and walk back to the sidewalk and drop my board. I hear someone behind me and I pick up speed. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I ignroe it. I ignore everything but the cement.

I turn a corner, heading towards home and then the sound behind me stops. I look over my shoulder, expecting to see Wes or Drew following me to make sure I went home. But no one's there. I hop back on my board and speed downhill.

I'm halfway home and that's when I hear the person behind me. I ignore them and my phone vibrates once more. I answer the call while still skating.

"It's okay Mom, I'm on my way... Love you too, bye." I say, picking up my board and walking the rest of the way.


A/N: Terrible chapter, I know. My computer is being a dick (sorry for the language) and I haven't been able to update. I should be able to get back on the one-chapter-a-week schedule. I should have the next chapter of "The Upside Down" by the weekend. SOrry for the long wait :/ Peace xxxxx

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