Chapter 8

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Keaton's POV

"Hush, now let's go quiet to the park
Where it first started
Cool night, us lying in the dark
I felt my heart
Was trying to find the place for you to stay
A place where I feel safe

Anything we have known, anything we've forgotten
In the rain, in the dark we'll lay
In your arms, in your arms I'll stay
Anything we have known, anything we've forgotten
In the rain, in the dark we'll lay
In your arms, in your arms I'll stay..."

I stood there, mesmerized by Violet's voice. Even though I've never heard the song, Violet's version made me fall for here even more. People crowded around to listen, some even left money. Violet looked so immersed in the music. I didn't notice when more people stared and crowded around. It was like we were the only ones in the world. The entire time she was singing and playing, her eyes were locked on mine.

Violet finished the song and everyone there clapped, bringing me back into reality. Violet smiles and put her guitar down. She picked up the money left on the ground and I grabbed her skateboard. As the crowd thinned, we began to walk. "So... What'd you think?" Violet asks, keeping her eyes on the ocean ahead of us. "I think you were amazing. Why didn't you tell me you played guitar?"

Violet blushes and looks at the ground. "I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean, when I was younger I used to busk but I kinda stopped when I started High school. It never struck me to such a big thing y'know...?" Violet trails off. We continue to walk before we end up on her street.

"Do you think you could ever face your parents? Like confront them about everything?" I ask randomly, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, really. I was hurt when they told me about the split. Hurt that I knew that they would end up getting a divorce. It just... it came at the worst possible time." She stops walking and she stares at the ground. I turn towards her, "What makes it the worst possible time?" I ask softly.

"Tomorrow is the anniversary of Anna's death."

VIolet's POV

Keaton grabs my hand and stays quiet for a moment. For a second, I think that he'll push the subject. But he doesn't. Bringing up Anna, was hard. I haven't talked about her death to anyone since it happened. We stand there for a while and it's like the entire world melted into puddles and it was just us- me and him. Keaton wraps me in a hug and I loose it. I can't control the sobs that escape my mouth and the tears that follow from my eyes.

Eventually, my tears dry and my heart rate slows. I hear a door open and pull away from Keaton. I grab his hand and run down the street. After rounding a few corners, we stop running and lean against the side of a building. I take a deep breath and slide down the wall. I lay my guitar next to me and realize that we left our boards on the sidewalk in front of my house. I tell this to Keaton and he says, "We'll get them later."

He spots Wes's car and he gives us a ride to grab our boards. We circle around the block and head to the Stromberg's. I lean my head against the seat and slowly drift off to sleep.


"Violet... Violet... Violet..." A voice calls out to me, a voice that I recognize. "Anna?! Anna is that you??!" Anna appears next to me, looking the same from when I last saw her: Blond hair, pale blue eyes, scars lining her wrist. She reaches out to me, but is consumed by darkness. I run, faster than ever. Anna reappears, this time with the face of a sinister mask. She reaches out once more and sends an electric shot through my body. I crumble to the floor, breathing stops, heart races....

I jolt awake, my eyes dart around the room. I am definitely no in Wes's car. Bright light blinds me for a few seconds. The room is white and sterile; a hospital room. I search the room for some kind of nurse's button, but then I see Keaton sleeping by the window. I grab the first thing I see, a pillow, and throw it at him. He jolts awake and throws the pillow back. His eyes go wide when he sees me. He stands up and runs out the door, returnign with a nurse and doctor. The doctor rushes to the clipboard by the bed and flips through some pages.

"Violet, I'm Dr. Taylor," A woman with short black hair says to me. She writes something down on the clipboard before turning to me again. "Tell me the last thing you remember."

I scrunch my nose and think, "I was in the car with Wes and Keaton. We were driving to their house and I fell asleep."

Dr. Taylor says something to the nurse then to me she says, "Did you have any strange dreams? Maybe with a loved one who has passed?"

"Actually, yes. I had a dream with my friend Anna... who's now passed." I say, rembering my dream. A flash of something- concern? worry? fear?- appears in Dr. Taylor's eyes. She rushes out the door. I collapse back onto the bed and a throbbing sensation starts behind my eyes. I wince and cover my eyes with my hands. Someone enters the room and mumbles something that I can't make out. I open my eyes and standing there is my Mom, Dad and the nurse from earlier.

Mom starts crying and envelopes me in a hug. "Will someone please tell me what's going on?!" I ask, frustrated.

Mom startes at me, "Violet, honey, you were in a car crash... And you died."

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you all hate me. Don't deny it, we all know it's true :(              Anyways, Feedback pleeeeeease? I'll give you a virtual cookie! And if you comment your twitter name I'll follow you! But you have to follow me first: @StayPunkUnicorn. Don't forget that I loooooove yoouuuuuu! <3 Peace out little awkward turtles xxxxxxxx

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