Chapter 22

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Violet's POV

"I think I'm going insane," Leila says. She was laying on my bed with her head hanging off the side. 

"Why do you say that?" I ask, throwing a bouncy ball up in the air and catching it. Leila's head shoots up and she rights herself on my bed. 

"Because of you and Keaton and all this mushy stuff. Plus this song is making me sad." She hops off the bed and switches out my iPod for hers. The first notes of the song filter out and my best friend instantly brightens up.

"What song is this?" I asked.

"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming lips," Leila automatically replies. She's always liked old alternative music. 

"Ohmigodohmigodohmigod!! Vi, look at this!" Leila yells, throwing a magazine in my face. Flipping through the magazine, I see what an ad for the new Percy Jackson movie. "Really, Leila? Really? It doesn't come out until August," I say, but my best friend goes on fangirling.

"Oh em gee, Violet, you have to come to the premier with me! And so what if it's in August, that's only two months away!" I shake my head and continue to flip through the magazine. Leila and I got into the Percy Jackson series a few years ago. She loved the series so much, she couldn't let go of it. Hence the fangirl attack. 

A loud knock at my door calmed Leila down. I yelled that the door was open, because I'm too lazy to get up. Jake opens my door with Dani trailing behind, a huge grin on his face. My brother left without a word, Dani flopped down on my bed, his grin getting wider. 

"What're you so happy about?" I say, putting the magazine on my nightstand. 

"Oh, nothing, only that I have the best news ever!

"Well, spill it, then!" Leila says, laying next to Dani across the middle of my bed. 

"Okay, girls, are you ready?" Dani starts, "Noah is taking me to a Lady Gaga concert!" The grin on his face could not get any bigger. 

"That's awesome, Dani!" Leila exclaims. I reply with an equally enthusiastic statement. Apparently, it wasn't much. 

"You don't seem too happy for me, Vi. What's wrong?" Dani asks, moving closer to me. 

"Of course I'm happy for you, Dani. What, do you want me to put on a fireworks show?" 

Dani rolls his eyes, "The sarcasm was not needed." I smirk and go back to the magazine. Leila's weird musci continues to play through the speakers as my two best friends talk about their upcoming plans. My phone dings and when I don't pick it up right away, the room goes silent, only the music is still playing in the background. 

I look up from my magazine to see Leila and Dani staring at me. "What?"

"Aren't you going to answer your phone?" Leila asks, getting up to change the song. 

"It's probably just my mom checking up," I say nonchalantly. 

"Or it could be your booooyfriend," Dani suggests, holding out the 'o' in 'boyfriend'. 

I roll my eyes and pick up my phone and show them, not even looking at the screen "See, it's just my mom."

Dani grabs my phone, "Honey, unless your mom changed her name to Keaton, it's not her." I snatch my phone back at look at the text;

From: Keaton

- Hey(: you wanna hang @ the beach?

I tell him that I'm with Leila and Dani and put my phone down. "He just wanted to know if I wanted to hang at the beach, that's all." 

"Well, then let's go to the beach!" Leila says, taking her iPod from the dock and putting her flip-flops on. She and Dani drag me off my bed and trow my shoes at me, then barrel down the stairs. I tell Jake where we were going and when I get to the down, Leila shoves my board at me then pulls me out into the sunlight. 

"C'mon, Vi, hurry up!" Leila yells at me. I kick off and speed ahead of my best friends. I slow down enough to fall in line with them. Dani hands me my phone, "You're lucky I grabbed it before we left." I smile at him and put my arms arounf their shoulders- letting them pull me on my board.

"C'mon, guys, let's go meet my boyfriend."


A/N: Happy 4th to all the Americans out there! Sorry for being late on updating.

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