Chapter 4

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Keaton's POV

I breathed in the salty air. I haven't been surfing for ages. My first duck dive was amazing. The water was cool and helped clear my head. All I thought about was Violet. We hung out a few times a week and she never left my mind. Every time I went to the skate park, every guy there talked about her. We're not even dating but I feel so protective over her.

"Keaton! You gonna go catch the wave?" Wes called out, pulling me from my thoughts. Sure enough a massive wave was coming right at me. I laid down on my board and paddle over to it. I stood up, just in time to catch it. I heard Wes and Drew in the background, then it all went silent. The wave crashed down on me and sent me into the water. I tried to swim upwards but my ankle was tangled in with the strap on the board.

I tired staying still and untangling the strap but it made me panic even more. I finally got it loose and broke the surface of the water. I saw Wes and Drew paddling towards me. "Dude! We thought you died!" Drew yelled. I found my board and pulled myself up, still trying to slow my heart rate.

"What happened to you out there? You never bail like that," Wes said, his face full of concern. "I guess my mind wouldn't stay focused and I bailed. No big deal." That wasn't a complete lie but I couldn't tell them about Violet, they'd embarrass me about it every second. I swam to shore and dried off. I saw some girls staring at me, but none of them compared to Violet. What am I saying?! We're not even dating and I don't know if she feels the same way...

I pulled my shirt over my head, grabbed my shoes and went to sit in Wes's car. Ten minutes later, we were driving back home. I knew Wes was suspicious about me bailing and there was an awkward tension in the air. Drew's phone beeped every five seconds, my brother's eyes were locked on the road and I looked out my window. We passed Violet's house and I saw two girls who I guessed were her sisters. I perked up when I saw her. Her strange hair, gauges and simple outfit make her look even more perfect. Whoa Keaton, don't go all pervy.

When we get home, I change and walk to Violet's. I pass the skatepark and there are a bunch of guys still talking about her and some are too blazed to even talk. I keep walking, pretending not to notice them. I get to Violet's house and carefully take my steps to the door. When I knock a guy who looks around Drew's age opens the door. "Uh, hello?" he asks. He's wearing dog tags so I assume he's Jake. "Oh uh hi. Is Violet here?" Stay cool Keaton, he's only in the army and can probably smash you.

"And who is asking?" he says, folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm her friend, K-Keaton." Jake moves aside and let's me in before yelling up the stairs to let Violet know I was here. She comes running down and smiles at me. I give her a small smile, still aware of her brother towering over me.

"Jake this is Keaton, I met him at the skatepark. Keaton this is my older brother Jake. He just got discharged." She says, smiling perfectly.

"Yeah, we've met." Jake says with a scoff.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding..." I say looking down.

"No! I mean, it's fine. Jake was just going to go relax, wasn't he?" Violet says, glaring at her brother.

Jake walks off and Violet grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. Her room is full of posters and lyrics, most of them from songs and bands I've never heard of. Her iPod plays softly, giving the room an indie vibe. I look around at the darkly painted walls, this was definitely not what I expected. But I didn't expect it to be frilly and pink either.

"So, this is my room," Violet says, sitting down on the floor by her bed. I plop down next to her and take another look around. "It's.. cool. I like it," I say with a smile. It wasn't a lie. She smiles and a silence falls over us. The only thing not making this awkward is the music.

You'll be loved you'll be loved

Like you never have known

The memories of me

Will seem more like bad dreams

Just a series of blurs

Like I never occurred

Someday you will be loved

You may feel alone when you're falling asleep

And every time tears roll down your cheeks

But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet

Someday you will be loved

"I like this song. What's it called," I ask.

She blushes, "Someday You Will Be Loved.."

"Death Cab for Cutie?"

"Yeah.." She blushes again and looks down at her hands. She stretched her shirt over her knees and played with the hem.

Violet's POV

Oh my God. Did I seriously just blush?! Now he's gonna think I'm all soft! I mean, I am sometimes but I can't let Keaton know that. I fiddle with the hem of my oversized 'The Kooks' tee when Keaton gets up. He walks over to my iPod and takes it out of the dock, then puts his in. A familiar song starts to play through the speakers.

Life's too short to even care at all ohh

I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control

These fishes in the sea they're staring at me oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

A wet world aches for a beat of a drum


If I could find a way to see this straight

I'd run away

To some fortune that I should have found by now

I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down, come down

Life's too short to even care at all oh

I'm coming up now coming up now out of the blue

These zombies in the park they're looking for my heart

Oh oh oh oh

A dark world aches for a splash of the sun oh oh

I giggle, "Cough Syrup is like, my favorite song ever." Wait. I giggled. It's physically impossible for me to giggle. This boy is turning me soft!

Keaton chuckles, "Mine too I sang it at a school thing in 2011. It was pretty mint."

"I bet. I'd never have the guts to go up on stage and sing. My voice is terrible." I'm not lying. "Minnie and Lily got all the talent. All I have is a skateboard and gauges." I twist my spikes to loosen them up.

Keaton looks at me, "Yeah but you're skills are sick as. Every guy at the skatepark who's not blazed notices you." I guess he had a point.

"Maybe you're right..." I sigh and stand up. I reach for Keaton's hand and pull him up. "C'mon let's get out here." I say, his hand still in mine.

"Uhm yeah let me grab my iPod. Where to?" He asks, never letting go of my hand. "I was thinking your house? You've met my brother I kinda wanna met yours." I lead him down stairs and find everyone in the kitchen. I run through introductions and pull Keaton out the door before they could say something.

A/N: Helllooo there! I know I said 15 votes on the last chappie but I really wanted to post this just to get it out of the way. This was mostly a filler and I might not be able to update for a week or so. My depression and insomnia have both been acting up and I'm just a complete mess. Anyways, I will try to update as soon as I can. So yeah. Peace out xxx

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