Chapter 14

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Keaton's POV

I wake with a jolt, my body is tense and ready to fight. I'm shaking and sweat forms at my hairline. The dream was horrid. It was of Violet, only she wasn't alive. She was a ghost, haunting the streets but no one could see. The rest, I can't repeat. My phone rings, the alarm telling me to wake up.

I climb out of bed and hear Fall Out Boy playing, Violet's ringtone is their newest song. I smile at the Good morning text and reply. I throw on jeans, a tee and a beanie. Wes and Drew are already in the car, ready to go to the studio. I hop in the backseat and stare out the window. The beach is deserted, the grey skies looming over the violent waves.

The rain starts to streak the window, the raindrops racing towards the bottom. Wes turns on the heat and the radio.

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

You were walking on the moon, now you're feeling low

What they said wasn't true, you're beautiful

Sticks and stones break your bones, I know what you're feeling

Words like those won't steal your glow, you're one in a million

This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world

Whatever you've been told, you're worth more than gold

So hold your head up high, it's your time to shine

From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold

(Gold gold, you're gold)

You're worth more than gold

(Gold gold you're gold)

I thought of Violet when I heard the song. I zone out for a while, staring out at nothingness. The sun peeks through the clouds, disappearing within seconds.

We get to the studio on time, hustled into another meeting, then record some songs. The recording process is going well, but I can't seem to forget about the tour and just focus on the music. My mind is clouded with thoughts of what will happen in the next six months. We take five and I go outside to where the rain has let up.

The cold rain pierces my skin like tiny swords. The air is heavy and muggy. I head back inside before I get drenched and find Wes and Drew whispering on one of the couches. They look up at me and Wes clears his throat.

"Keats, we think that you need to talk to Violet soon." He says, all parent-like. I stare at them, not knowing what to say.

"Look, we start tour in a month. That gives one month to confront Violet. We don't want you to come on the tour and be all hormonal and sad for six months. Either you tell her now, or stay here until you tell her." Drew says, the last part comes out harsh.

I nod my head. It's the only thing I can do. I stare at them, they stare back. Trent comes in the room, giving one last pep talk before letting us leave. I walk out to Wes's car and grab my skateborad. I drop it and skate, feeling the rain against my skin.

Once I get home, I run up to my room and grab my guitar, disturbing Zuni's sleep. I run back down the steps and skate over to Violet's house, passing Wes and Drew.

I skate past the vacant beach and skatepark, getting stares from people driving on the slick road. When I make it to Violet's house, her brother opens the door and I bolt up the stairs, ignoring his death glare. I knock on Violet's door, careful not to be too loud. She opens it, looking as beautiful as ever. I sit down on her bed, positioning the guitar in my hands.

Did I drive you away?

I know what you'll say,

You say, "Oh, sing one we know",

But I promise you this,

I'll always look out for you,

That's what I'll do.

I say "oh,"

I say "oh."

My heart is yours,

It's you that I hold on to,

That's what I do,

And I know I was wrong,

But I won't let you down,

I say "oh",

I cry "oh".

And I saw sparks,

Yeah I saw sparks,

And I saw sparks,

Yeah I saw sparks,

Sing it out.

La, la, la, la, oh

La, la, la, la, oh

La, la, la, la, oh

I strum the final chord, never looking up at Violet. I take a deep, shaky breath and just sit there. She sits down next to me, balling her long sleeves in her hands. "Keaton, I...." Her words trail off.

"You don't have to say it." I say, trying to hide the sadness in my voice.

"The thing is, I want to. I love you Keaton, I do. But I'm not ready for this. I've had some bad experiences with relationships..." The last part makes me snap my head up. I look in her eyes, searching for any hidden emotion. I want to say something, but she goes on the explain about her past.

"My first boyfriend... Let's just say his name is Luke. We started dating in eighth grade, met over a science project. Corny, right? Anyways, things were great at the beginning. Then things started getting serious. He tried to talk me into going to tier 15. I said no, so he hit me. He said if I told anyone, he'd make things worse. So I kept it all in. Every time I refused something, or didn't say anything at all, he hit me. He'd push me, punch me and kick me. It was truly awful, I went to bed afraid every night. This all happened when Anna was still alive, so when it got to be to the point of him possibly killing me, I told her. I also told Dani and Leila.

"Anna and Leila and Dani were al furious, ready for blood. I told them not to do anything; that I could handle it myself. The next day, Anna and Leila came to school, both with their guitars. They spotted Luke and me, and sang 'Face Down' by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Luke was so mad, he slapped me right then and there.  Before he could do any more damage, Anna stepped in and protected me. Since then, I haven't trusted very many guys, never got into a realtionship longer than two months."

Violet takes a breath, her eyes brimming with tears. I set my guitar down and pull her into a hug, letting her cry. Once she regroups, Violet puts on a sad smile and says sorry. "You shouldn't be sorry. THat Luke guy or whateve was a jackass. No one should betreated like that." I say.

"Thanks Keaton. I think I really do love you, but I'm not sure if I can handle a serious relationship," Violet says, slightly shrugging her shoulders.

I smile, hugging her again. We stay like that, until my phone starts to ring.

From: Wes

Mom wants you home

I reply and look back at VIolet, who's staring down at the bed and biting her lip.

"Keaton? I know you want me to go on tour with you..."


A/N: So. Much. Drama! I can't even handle it. Any whooo, thoughts? This was just a filler chapter, the next fewwill be about the tour and blah blah blah. I'm running out of things to write about so, any ideas?

Peace xxxx

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