Chapter 6

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Violet's POV

"Thank you for letting me stay here, Mrs. Stromberg," I say, after I drop my bag on the floor. I looked around the guest room. It was small and white with little, yet probably expensive furniture. A bed, flat screen, night stand, a dresser and a desk fill the room. A large window covered the wall. "Please, call me Laraine. I'll just leave you to get settled," Laraine said, smiling, before walking out, closing the door behind her. I take a shaky breath, trying to calm myself down, my heart still pounding from when I broke down. I walked over to the window and watched the sun shine high in the sky. In the distance, you could see the beach.

"Violet?" A voice pulled me back into reality. I turned around to see Wesley standing in the doorway, hands in pockets. "Uh, yeah. Go for it." I manage to stammer.

"Do.. Do you have feelings for Keaton?" He asked, the complete opposite from when I first met him earlier in the day. I'm taken aback at his question. Did I have feelings for Keaton? I've known him for less than a month, there is no physically possible way for a crush to develop in such short notice. Is there?

"Wes, I've known your brother for less than two weeks. The only feelings I have for him are in a friend kind of way." That was pretty much a total lie. I mean, I guess I do have feelings for Keaton but there's no way I'd tell Wes that, especially since I just met him. Wes gives a lopsided grin and says, "I know you're lying, your eyes tell it all. Just as long as you don't hurt him, I'm cool with you two dating or whatever." The last part kind of surprised me. I hadn't even thought of me and Keaton dating. That'd be crazy, right? Wes leaves without another word.

I sit on the edge of the bed and let myself fall back. I took off my jacket and stared at my scars. I could still vaguely see the word PERFECT written on my arm. That was when Anna was still alive. Like I said, we were both depressed. I was deep in thought when the familiar sound of The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus came from my phone. Their song 'Face Down' was Leila's ring tone, so I answered it without hesitation. I'd barely been able to get out a 'Hey' before she and Dani started screaming at me.

"Leila!! Calm down, geez. I'm alright I just needed to get away from my parents that's all." I said, still lying on the bed.

"Where are you? You could've stayed with me! My mom loves you, you know that!" Leila said, calming down a bit. I heard shuffling then Dani started talking, "Or me. Come on Vi, what the Eff?"

"Listen, I'll tell you guys everything tomorrow at Starbucks, alright?" I stood up and paced the floor.

"Alright, but leave out anything and I'll flip." Lelia said, serious yet joking at the same time. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I threw on my jacket and headed out of the room. I heard yelling and gun shots in one of the rooms and figured one of the boy's was playing Xbox. I made my way to the kitchen where Laraine stood, making dinner. I asked if she needed help but she waved me off. I had just sat down on a couch when Drew, Wes and Keaton raced down the steps.

I tried to make myself as invisible as possible, a skill of mine that I'd mastered over the years, but Keaton saw me immediately. When he saw me, butterflies began in my stomach and warmth flooded my cheeks. I shrank down, but to no use. Keaton walked over, plonked down and put an arm around my shoulders. My awkward level reached 'Maximum Awkwardness'.

"You ok Violet?" Keaton asks, his arm still around my shoulders.

"Uh yeah, I'm just still a bit on edge." I say, sitting up. He was even closer now, my heart was pounding a mile a minute.

"You can talk to me, you know. I'm here for you." Luckily, Laraine called for dinner so I didn't have to respond. We got up and made our way into the dinning room. Wes and Drew talked to Laraine about their plan for their careers. I focused on a pattern in the wooden table while I ate. Then, a man walked in the door and took a seat at the other end of the table. I looked to Keaton for an explanation. "Violet, this is our stepdad Brent. Brent this is my friend Violet, stuff's going on at her house so she's staying over for the weekend."

Brent looked at me then smiled, "Good to have you, Violet." I smiled weakly and went back to focusing on the pattern, my mind wondering off.

Keaton's POV

Dinner was awkward. Even more awkward when I put my arm around Violet. Oh God, what was I thinking? This girl is messing with me big time. After dinner, I went to room and picked up my guitar. I slip down the stairs and out the door. I sit down on the grass and start strumming Decode by Paramore:

How can I decide what's right?

When you're clouding up my mind

I can't win your losing fight all the time

How can I ever own what's mine

When you're always taking sides

But you won't take away my pride

No not this time

Not this time

How did we get here?

Well I used to know you so well

How did we get here?

Well I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes

And its hanging on your tongue

Just boiling in my blood

But you think that I can't see

What kind of man that you are

If you're a man at all

Well I will figure this one out

On my own

(I'm screaming "I love you so")

On my own

(My thoughts you can't decode)

It was an emotional song, but it fit the situation. If you could call it a situation. I finished playing and heard soft claps behind me. I turn around to see Violet standing there. My faces flushes and I turn back around. She comes over and places herself next to me.

"You know, that's one of my favorite songs. But I've never been into Twilight." I must've had a confused look on face because she went on to explain, "The song was played in the movie Twilight but I never really got into sparkling vampires. I'm more of a Harry Potter fan."

She looks down at her arms, my gaze following hers. She quickly shields her arm. I gently take it away from her, only to find faded scars writing out the word PERFECT. I bring her arm up and kiss her scars. I look up to see her crying. "Violet, why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I thought you wouldn't care. Plus, it's kind of a long story." She manages a soft chuckle. I look into her eyes, and slowly lean in. Her eyes flutter close and our lips meet. It's a soft and gentle kiss but it sends sparks through me. That is, until Wes comes and ruins it.

"Keaton, mom's looking for yo- oh uh, just come in soon."

I stand and help Violet up. I walk back to my room, guitar in hand. Even after I'm in bed trying to find sleep, I still feel the warmth of her lips on mine.

A/N: They kissed!!!! So, it was really awkward for me to write Keaton's part 'cause, you know. No offense to any Twi-Hards out there, but I'm a Potterhead. Sorry for the exremely long wait! I've had really bad writers block and I had to rewrite the chapter because it didn't really make sense. So yeah. Fell free to follow me on my Twitter that I just made the other day: @StaypunkUnicorn. Awesome name, I know. Anyways this chapter is dedicated to Summerlove1224 cause she's an Awkward turtle and I never replied to her text. Peace out my lovelies!! xxxxx

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