Chapter 12

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Keaton"s POV

"I love you..." I whispered, as Violet fell asleep on my shoulder. Wes and Drew were silent, and probably still fuming. If they hadn't been there, I would've murdered the guy from the beach. I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to find a new place to surf.

The drive is silent, only Violet's faint breathing fills the air. I stare out the window with music playing in my ears. My head relaxes and I close my eyes. The car somes to a sudden stop and Violet jolts awake. "What the hell?!" I yell, trying to keep my eyes from buldging out of my head.

"Sorry, this dickbag in front of me is blocking the intersection!" Wes calls back. Violet lets out a sigh and leans back against the seat. She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her chin on them. She takes one of my headphones and I listen to the soft music playing.

Some boys are filling, some boys are filling the hole

 They're making the killing at the top of the billings

 Their role, and that's all that they know

 But some boys don't listen, some boys don't listen at all

 They don't ask for permission, they lack inhibitions

 No walls, and they get what they want

But some boys don't know how to love

Some boys are singing, some boys are singing the blues

 Joylessly flinging with the girls that they're bringing to their rooms

 And then leave them, they're through

 Some boys are sleeping, some boys are sleeping alone

 Cause there's no one that's keeping them warm through evening

 They know that they're on their own

Violet looks over at me and blushes. Someday, I'll have to find out why she blushes so much. As the traffic starts moving again, Violet starts to fall asleep again. It's like she never sleeps at night... We make it to her house and I have to carry her up to her room. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep.

I walk back out the car and put my headphones back on, blocking out the rest of the world.


"Keaton! Wake the fuck up, man!" I roll over and cover my ears with my pillow, trying to find sleep again. "Wake. UP!" Wes jumps on my bed and I take my pillow and nail him in the chest with it. He falls off the bed and lands with a thud.

"Keaton, Mom and Brent are coming home in two hours, then we have to head to the studio. If you're not up in ten minutes, we're leaving without you and Mom's gonna be pissed." Reluctantly, I peel the covers off and get into the shower. I throw on jeans, a tee and a hoodie before walking out of my room to get coffee.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." Drew says when I enter the kitchen. I hit him over the head and drink my coffee. "So, why are Mom and Brent coming home early?" I croak, still groggy from lack of sleep.

"I dunno, man. That's one you should ask Wes." But before I could ask, Mom and Brent walk through the door and Wes ushers me and Drew into the car. We make it to the studio within 20 minutes and already people are bustling around with papers and official-looking suits. We're pushed into a board room with our management team. Our manager, Trent, is sitting at the head of the table with a few others.

"Boys, sit down, please." Trent says, motioning towards the empty seat at the other end of the table. He starts babbling about the press, paparazzi and other sit. I zone out, looking to the front, making it seem that I'm paying attention. It isn't until they start talking about tours when I start listening.

"We'll start in the U.S., then fly to South America to do a few shows in Brazil. Then it's over to Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We might make it to Asia and Africa, if we can find some venues. And Finally, end the tour in Canada. The total tour will take around six months, depending on if we stay on schedule." My chest starts to clench. What about Violet? I think. I can't leave her alone for six months when a few bitches are bullying her. I sit up straight and act like I'm listening.

After the meeting we head home and I lay my head on the cool glass window. I watch cars speed by and waves crash onto shore as we pass the beach. My phone vibrates in my pocket, breaking the trance.

From: Violet

How was the meeting?

I smile down at my phone and I catch Drew's eye in the mirror, and I can tell he knows it's Violet.

To: Violet

Mind-numbingly boring.  But we're going on tour.

I send the message and she replies almost immediately, like she knew what I was going to say.

From: VIolet

That's amazing! I just heard from my online-teacher and she said that I now have a 4.0!

I try to be happy for her, but it's hard when I know I'm going to be in different countries for six months. I reply, trying to keep my mood up. We keep up the banter until she has to go. I stare out the window and the car is silent. We pull up to the house, but no one moves. Wes and Drew turn around in their seats so they're facing.

"Listen, Keats, you have to do something about you and Violet..." Drew starts.

"And what am I supposed to do exactly?" I ask, completely confused at what they were getting at.

Wes gives me a look, "Bro, you have to ask her out or tell her how you feel before we go on tour. IF you don't you'll spend six months wondering what would have been." That has to be the deepest thing Wes has ever told me.

I stare back at them, my mind reeling. "Guys, I was gonna tell her.... eventually.... But I don't think now is the right time. I'll tell her when it is the right time." I get out of the car and walk into the house, still a bit confused about the conversation. I go up to my room and play my iPod,

Now I'm stuck inside this motion

I cannot control

Feels like the waves of the ocean

On top of me roll

So can I come up for air

There must be somebody swimming near

To pull me up

I can't breathe down here

Well, just long enough that I lose my fear

That I won't come up again

How I'll sink to the bottom of what I am

At least I'll go down with a drink in my hand

Maybe that was the problem it all began, whoa

Said, I'm addicted and I can't change

The path I walk, it remains the same, mm, mm

But if I get swept away playing these games

Remember all that I used to be

Not what I became....

I sing softly to the song and let my mind rest. I block out the rest of the world, thinking of nothing and letting the music carry me. I was half way to sleep when Wes barges in, breathless. "Keaotn, it's Violet."


A/N: Contest time! Whoever is the first to comment the songs and original artists will get a part in the next chapter! Okie, that aside I'm pretty sure you all hate me and are going to come at me with fire and pitchforks demanding that I tell you what happened to Violet so I'm gonna go hide in that corner.....

Peace xxxx

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