Chapter 21

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I'm skipping ahead to where the boys come back because it would have dragged on otherwise.

Violet's POV

They're here. They came back. I ride to the airport with Laraine and the entire way, I'm basically biting my nails in anticipation. It's been six months- six long months- since I've seen Keaton. Video chat doesn't come close to the real thing. 

Laraine senses that I'm nervous. "Don't worry, sweetie. If I know those boys, nothing can change them, not even a six month tour. It'll be okay." 

"Thanks, Laraine." I say with a big smile. And I mean it. 

We get to the airport soon and I hop out of the car. There's a crowd of screaming girls in fron of the door which security is trying to hold back. Laraine and I slip through and enter the overly-air conditioned just-as-chaotic-as-outside airport. I stand on a chair to get a better look of the room. 

A windowed wall off to my left shows the runway, where a plane has just landed. I cup my cup of my eyes to shield away the sun. I step down from the chair and stand with Laraine in anticipation. 

After what seems like eternity, the crowd of girls at the door scream a little louder. I stand on my tip-toes and strain my neck trying to see over the crowd of people. 

When the boys finally reach us, there's dramatic entrance, no spotlight, no chorus. Just me and Keaton. 

"Hi," he syas. Instead of responding, I throw my arms around his and hug him tight. 

"I missed you," I say into Keaton's shoulder. He hugs me tighter.

"I missed you, too." Someone- most likely Wes or Drew- coughs and we break apart. 

We load the boys' luggage into the trunk of the car and pile in: Drew taking shotgun, with Wes me and Keaton in the backseat, in that order. The drive home is filled with talk about the tour and things to come. The music video for 'Chloe' dropped a few days before the tour ended, which resulted in a total craze on Twitter. 

Keaton takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I smile up at him and rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and snuggle into Keaton.


40 minutes later, we're back home in Huntington. The boys are moving to LA in few weeks, to be closer to the studio. I call Mom to let her know we where back and help move the luggage into the house. 

"Let me show you something," Keaton says, taking my hand in his. We bound the steps up to his room. I had only been in Keaton's room once before, and it looked exactly the same. I flopped down on his bed and he took out his camera. 

Keaotn sat down next to me and started flipping through the pictures. I took the camera from him, "Keats, these are amazing! You have real talent." His cheeks went pink and I planted a kiss on his lips. 

 When we broke apart, I felt myself wanting more. About a week ago, Keaton and I confirmed our relationship but decided to take things slow. 

My phone started playing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana- Jake's ringtone. He told me that I had to be home soon, or else. I knew he was joking, but figured I'd better get home anyway. I said goodbye to Keaton, Wes, Drew and Laraine before walking home. 


A/N: Shit chapter, I know. But they're together, yay! I spent about a week trying to figure out a ship name. Yeah, no such luck. From here on the story should be winding down and there's only about nine chapter's left. SO if you have any ideas on how it should go, hit me up on tumblr or twitter. 

Peace xx


Twitter: @StoryNever_Ends

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