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Genesis Swan had always been good at acting. Her whole life was practically a stage production of pretending everything was okay. Like she wasn't upset by living in the shadow of her sisters perfection. Isabella was perfect, Genesis was an accident. Bella was quiet and polite where Genesis was loud and outgoing. Bella liked books, Genesis liked cars; Bella was spineless, Genesis was anything but.

  When their parents separated Renée took Bella and ran. Leaving Genesis behind so she could go play perfect mom with her dearest angel. As far as Renée was concerned, she had everything she wanted the moment Bella was born. Genesis was just the mistake she pretended didn't exist. Genesis had only seen her mother a hand full of times since her parents divorce and, save for the occasional Christmas card she'd forget to sign, she hadn't had any contact with her in years.

Renée was happy with her new husband, Phil and perfect daughter. Genesis on the other hand was happy with her dad and the old car in the detached garage he spent his free time teaching her how to fix. She liked the bleak weather and rain of Forks. Though the warmer weather was nicer on her car. She even enjoyed the occasional fishing trip she'd take with her father and his friends. Hell, Genesis would even say she enjoyed listening to her best friend prattle on about her dumb ex and home wrecker cousin.

Yet all good things had to come to an end. For Genesis, the end came when her father told her about Bella coming to live with them. She'd come early, enjoy her summer in Forks so Renée could pack up her trophy life in peace. The mere thought of seeing her entitled sister after the events of her last visit pissed her the fuck off. Who the fuck does she think she is, stalking back into their lives after everything she's done?

Was it so bad to want just one more summer just her and her dad?

"Your grandpa called." She glanced briefly towards her father, pretending not to notice the softness in his chocolate brown eyes. His free hand running through his hair as he cradled a steaming mug in his other hand. She remembered painting the flowered mug in second grade during art class. Most of the paint had washed away after years of use.

"What did he want?" She didn't look up from the table. Suddenly the lines in the wood became almost as interesting as the conversation. A spoonful of cereal shoveled into her mouth as she pretended not to be interested.

Her Grandpa Emerson was a very eccentric man. The last time he'd called Genesis was subjected to a very detailed explanation of how he'd stuffed a squirrel for some Widow Johnson. Though that'd been some time ago. "He was calling to check in," Grandpa Emerson was a sore subject for her father. The circumstances of how he'd ended up being adopted by the Swans had left their relationship strained. "And to invite you to Santa Carla for the summer."

The spoonful of cereal destined for her mouth clattered back into the bowl. Her green eyes wide with shock as she fixated her gaze on her father. "What?"

  He continued on as if he hadn't heard her interruption. "I told him I'd have you call him with your answer."

  She blinked. "You'd let me go? For the whole summer?" She couldn't fight the smile beginning to cross her lips. "The whole entire summer?"

Her dad shifted. Awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck. "I know you and Bells haven't always gotten along." Understatement of the century. "So I figured what's the harm. Besides, your aunt Lucy is going to be there with her boys. I'm sure he's mentioned them, no?"

She nodded in response. Lucy was her fathers half-sister. He never really talked about her, though Grandpa liked to prattle on about her and her boys. Then again, grandpa could prattle on about pretty much everything. She can still remember the night she'd answered the phone to him practically crying about never getting to see her dad grow up or see her and Bella in person. She's pretty sure he was on something.

  "Yeah, but Gramps talks a lot about...a lot."

  That got a small chuckle out of the older man who nodded slightly in agreement. "You're not wrong. But I'm serious Gen. if you want to go, I won't stop you. Hell, I'll help you pack."

  "Chief Swan, language!" She teased. "Think of the children."

  He shook his head, giving her a playful glare before the conversation turned serious. "I'm serious, Genesis. Do you want to go?"

  She glanced towards her bowl of cereal. Twirling the spoon until a small whirlpool formed in the center. Her mind racing as she tried to find the words that'd spare her fathers feelings. "I...I want to go. If you're sure it's okay?"

  "Give it an hour, then call your grandpa."

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