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Genesis was frozen. The hair on the back of her neck standing on end as her lungs burned. Her heart slamming against her ribcage with an unrelenting force, to the point she was genuinely surprised her ribs hadn't snapped. The blood coursing through her veins like fire as she tried to get her breathing under control. She could feel the wind flying through her hair and hear the pop music playing from the floor above her. The hard wood pressing against her back as she tried the handle.


The gravity of the situation fell on her shoulders as actual gravity abandoned her. Her body going airborne in a matter of seconds. Her sneakers leaving the ground accompanied by her shocked screams. "Holy shit!" The ground was a good thirty feet away as she struggled to tear herself free from the arms around her waist. Which in hindsight wasn't a good idea as the fall would've killed her instantly. "Holy shit! Don't drop me!"

Manic laughter greeted her screaming and she grew slightly worried as she realized who was holding her. "Paul, I swear I'll fucking haunt you if you drop me!" She was panicking now. She knew in her gut he wouldn't drop her, but that didn't help her nerves. Especially since she couldn't even see the ground anymore. Only a dense fog that seemed to swallow the world around her. The wind whipping through her hair as she became aware of how fast they where moving. The wind whipping against her skin to the point it actually began to hurt.

"We won't let you fall." Dwayne's voice echoed within her skull and she was finding the weird telepathic talking increasingly annoying her as a headache had begun sprouting within her skull.

  "Where are we-" her sentence cut off as gravity pulled her downwards. Screams tumbling from her lips just as she felt arms snatch her up. Blonde curls and laughter greeting her as she glanced up. "What the hell! I'm not a-"

  "Questions can wait," It was David this time. "Just enjoy the ride."

She bit down on her tongue before a retort could escape her lips. It wasn't the time for sexually fueled comments as literal vampires held her life in their hands. Literally. All Marko had to do was let go and she'd plummet to certain death. She was seriously questioning her life decisions at this point. Why did she decided to confront four vampires alone again?

  She hadn't even thought it through! Guess this is what she gets for being impulsive as the lighthouse came into view. The light giving her a brief view of the ground a good forty feet below. The jagged rocks a guaranteed death sentence should his fingers slip. Though she thinks his next actions where on purpose as she fell. Her body colliding with Dwayne who caught her a good twenty feet above the ground. Her screams practically echoing around her. "Assholes! Stop dropping-" Dwayne smirked down at her before dropping her near the edge of the cliff. Her stomach rising quickly and making her nauseous. "Fucking assholes!"

She felt arms around her waist and looked up to see David staring down at her. Her chest pressed against his as her own rose and fell violently, while her lungs burned as if she'd ran a marathon. Her heart thundering within her chest as his steel gaze searched her face.

  "How far are you willing to go, Genesis?"

  She could feel the eyes of her boys on her as she held David's gaze in her own. Her mind whirling as his words resonated within her skull, barely registering it when her sneakers met the rocks. Now that she knew what they where she knew what he was asking. He wanted her to be one of them...

  Her hand reached up to cup the side of his face, her thumb brushing the corner of his lips as she became acutely aware of where they stood. The waves crashing loudly below, the entrance to the cave looming ominously before them. He wanted her to become one of them. To be a vampire and for some reason that made her happier than she'd been in a long time. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she spoke, her voice barely rising above a whisper. "As far as I can."

Black Swan {twilight~lost boys}Where stories live. Discover now