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  Genesis wasn't sure what she was doing as she followed after her cousin. The frizzy haired brunette occasionally sending her a look over her shoulder that screamed go away, yet she stayed. Her gut told her to follow, so she did.

  Besides, Michael and Star where headed towards Video Max which is where she'd promised to meet the boys, so she figured why not? Though the awkward flirting was honestly grating on her nerves as she was rolling in second hand embarrassment. Star probably wasn't even her real name. Santa Carla was known for its runaways, most of them wouldn't hand out their names all willy-nilly. It wouldn't surprise her if she was planning on robbing him blind or getting a free meal and a fun ride. Both seemed equally as bad because who knows what kind of diseases she has.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Michael offered, looking at the girl like his life revolved around her existing. It was honestly scary how he was looking at her and Genesis couldn't understand why she wasn't running already.

  "Okay," Michael hopped on and offered her his hand just as four motorcycles pulled up around them boxing them in so they couldn't escape. A smile found its way to her lips as she waved at Laddie. His beaming smile at seeing her warming her heart as she let her eyes roam Dwayne's form. The boy shooting her a wink when he noticed her stare. She felt her cheeks heating up and tore her gaze from him, only to end up in a heated stare with midnight blue eyes. The boy clearly high as a kite as he punched Marko's shoulder and motioned towards her. The cheeky grin that spread across his face not making her heated cheeks any better as Paul cackled besides him.

  "Where you going, Star?" She turned to face David, his ice blue eyes flickering between the three of them as Genesis leaned slightly against Michaels Honda. His eyes catching the motion as his panty dropping smirk focused on her.

  "For a ride," Genesis noticed how the girl avoided his gaze. "This is Michael." She shifted letting Michael trap her hand, softly tugging her towards his bike as Genesis moved out of the way and in true Swan fashion tripped over her boots as she did so. Cursing the Swan's history of clumsiness as a hand latched onto her arm to steady her. The black leather glove bringing her gaze to David who's eyes flashed briefly with worry.

  She shot him a hopefully reassuring smile as he refocused his attention on Star and Michael. "Let's go."

  "Star." He shot her a look when she finally met his eyes. Begrudgingly detangling her fingers from Michaels as she made a move to get on his bike only for him to shake his head and point towards Marko. "Ride with Marko."


  "Star." She dipped her head in an almost submissive way and slowly climbed on behind the boy with an awkwardness she'd only ever seen Bella display. For some reason it put her mind at ease as she put her arms around him with immense hesitation. She didn't like her touching him, but she could deal with it.

  What the fuck Genesis, you barely know them.

  "Genesis," David held his hand out to her. His eyes glinting with hope and fear. She could see the two emotions battling behind the piercing gaze that made her heart thunder within her chest cavity. Everything about these four boys was absolutely captivating. Every glance made her feel as if she was the only girl in the world, each touch igniting her nerves in a way no one else ever had. Even her ex boyfriend hadn't made her feel half as special as just a look from these boys did. Everything in her screamed to take his hand, so she did.

  The warm leather pulling her close as she inhaled the smell of pine and leather. Throwing her leg over the back of his bike as he pulled her arms around his waist. She could feel his muscles beneath her touch. A soft hum falling from her lips as her arms tightened around his waist. "Do you know where Hudson's Bluff is? Overlooking the point?" She could feel each word rumbling through his chest.

  Michael met her eyes over David's shoulder. "I can't beat your bike."

  She could practically feel him smirking. "You don't have to beat me Michael. You just have to try and keep up." The engine revved beneath her as she briefly heard Dwayne telling Laddie to hold on before they shot off. The wind whipping through her hair as they shot off. Slowing only once to go down the stairs.

  "Holy shit!" She could hear the boys screaming and hollering behind them. Briefly glancing back at the torrent of sand they where kicking up as the boys flew across the beach. She could see each of them as they screamed and hollered. The wind whipping past the as her head came to rest on his shoulder. She'd never really been on a motorcycle before. Her first time on one being with Michael only an hour prior and she could say these boys where making her seriously consider buying one.

  She flinched, the bikes practically flying beneath the boardwalk. A few beams flying dangerously close to her skull as they kept going, not once slowing even as they entered a forest area a little ways from the boardwalk. The bike beneath her making her feel weightless as they sped past tree and swung around turns as if the laws of physics didn't exist. A fog slowly beginning to take them as the sounds of the bikes seemed to fade until all she could make out was the fog. It felt like it was closing in on her, her breath coming out in harsh pants as she tried to push past the claustrophobia induced anxiety that weighed on her mind.

  She briefly caught sight of the lighthouse in the distance. Her breath catching in her throat as she noticed the bike slow slightly beneath her. Her cousin coming up besides them, obviously pushing the Honda to the absolute limit. "Come on!" His voice broke through the fog that echoed in her ears. She could feel his chest as he laughed. The sound absolute music to her ears, slowly calming the anxiety that was clawing within her. Though it didn't ease the nerves as she knew they where getting close to the cliff. The lighthouse light briefly cutting through the thick fog and revealing the edge of the bluffs.

Michael didn't notice. Or maybe he did but didn't care. He only picked up more speed as the bike beneath her began to slow. It gave the illusion that he was going faster. David's bike stopping just along the edge of the cliff. A straight drop that would've killed them instantly upon hitting the water. Michael barely managing to stop in time. The back toppling over and sliding dangerously close to the edge before stopping.

She took a deep breath.

"What the hell are you doing, huh?" Michaels fist was flying dangerously close to her face as he struck David clean across the jaw. From her position on the bike she could see the dangerous gleam in his eyes as his jaw clenched tightly. "Just you! Come on, just you!" Michael was screaming to be heard over Star's god awful screeching. The other boys holding him back as her hand fell on David's shoulder. Giving it a slight squeeze in an attempt to calm him before he could hurt Michael. She had no doubt he'd win if it came to blows.

"How far are you willing to go, Michael?" She felt the threat in his words. The challenge. This was a test and what happened next would be on his head. What happened next was his choice. This was his chance to walk away.

He didn't though.

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