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Genesis was in absolute awe the moment she stepped into the cave. More specifically into the open cavern. The large chandelier and old fountain looking almost archaic as she stared with wide eyes. Letting it sink in as Dwayne set about lighting the various fire barrels in the cave. The light giving the place a sort of creepy feel as she walked further in. Noticing Laddie handing a boombox to Paul as he walked around the edge of the fountain. Marko standing off to the side with a pigeon in his hands.

  "Not bad huh?" She could hear David as he spoke, her body acting on its own as she stepped closer and closer to the fountain. The boy obviously noticed and smiled. His dimpled cheeks making her weak in the knees as he scooped her up. Her boots thudding against the stone as he easily lit a cigarette between his lips with her under his arm. It felt right. Being here, with them. It was a strange feeling, being so comfortable around practical strangers. Yet here she was, letting him press the cigarette to her lips. The cancer stick finding home between her lips. The smoke fueling the addiction she thanked her lucky stars her father never caught on too. "This used to be the hottest resort in Santa Carla about a hundred years ago." She handed back the cigarette. Watching the boy place it between his lips as he started rooting through his pockets. "Too bad they built it on the fault. In 1906, when the big one hit San Fransisco, the ground opened up and this place took a header right into the crack." Paul pulled a joint from his front pocket. A smile gracing his lips. "So now it's ours."

  "So check it out. Mikey," laughter erupted around her as even she couldn't contain her snort of amusement. Michael wasn't a Mike and most certainly not a Mikey. Mike made her think of Mike Newton and his inability to think of anything beyond football and getting his dick wet. Michael was nothing like Mike. He wasn't shallow. He might not be the most complex person, or the sharpest, but he wasn't shallow.

"Marko, food," the sudden sound made her jump. The cigarette once more between her lips as Laddie walked over, a cassette clutched tightly in his hand. He made an up motion and Dwayne helped her hoist him onto the ledge.

  "What've you got there?" He held it out to her and she couldn't help the small burst of excitement. Whitesnake scribbled across the front in messy handwriting she could hardly make out. The 1987 album her all time favorite from the band. "You like Whitesnake?"

He nodded, shyly peeking at her as she inserted the tape into the boombox by their feet. "What's your favorite song?" He held up two fingers and the moment she reached the track a wide smile stretched across her cheeks. "You've got style little dude!" Quickly grabbing the boys hands and carefully dancing along to the beat of the music. The heavy guitar riff practically echoing through the cave as her hips swung. Carefully spinning Laddie as his laughter filled the cave.

"I know you, you know me
I'm the black sheep of the family,
I'm in an' out of trouble
I'm the talk of the town
I get wild in the street," She felt their eyes on her. Her skin practically dancing beneath their stares. Deliberately swaying her hips in a more noticeable way as Laddie pulled her off the ledge of the fountain. Hands latching onto her waist as she stumbled. "When the sun goes down
I steal around, like a thief in the night
Dancing 'til the break of day," Genesis could feel them drawing closer. Her hips still swinging as a firm chest met her back. Hands still on her waist as she felt the growing arousal pressing against her bottom.

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