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  "Last chance," Genesis couldn't tear her gaze from his wrist. The thick liquid oozing from the self inflicted bite dripping down to the cracked tile beneath him. Her tongue slowly snaked across her lips as his arm extended in her direction. His blood practically singing to her as her instincts screamed to take a gulp. "How far are you willing to go?"

She hesitated. Did she really want to be sixteen forever? Eighteen maybe, but sixteen? Not only that, but what about her dad? She couldn't just disappear on him. Not like this. She knew if she disappeared he'd stop at nothing to find her, which would only cause problems for them further down the road. She wanted to be one of them, to stay with them more than anything. But she also knew she couldn't, at least not yet.

  "And what if," she swallowed, taking note of the tense atmosphere. Her boys eyes locked on her as she considered her next words. "I wanted to wait until I'm eighteen?"

  David's head tilted, his eyes resting upon her face as the silence seemed to drag on. The tension becoming almost unbearable as Genesis hoped she hadn't messed everything up. Last thing she wanted was to upset any of her boys. She's barely spent a whole month with them and she was already considering giving up everything to be with them. It was absolutely crazy. Yet for some reason, it felt so right. She's felt like she's known them for years rather than weeks. Just the thought of messing everything up had her on the verge of a panic attack. She couldn't help but realize the humor of the situation. Surrounded by four blood sucking vampires and her biggest concern wasn't dying. Upsetting them scared her more than death.

  David moved. The motion pulling her from her thoughts as he tugged his sleeve back down his arm. The black fabric concealing the bite on his wrist. "We can wait." She noticed him relaxing into the wheelchair. His eyes still on her as he brought a cigarette to his lips.

"For some things." She jumped, Paul's head resting upon her shoulder as his arms wrapped around her waist. In a single second Paul had her on the couch, her side pressed against Dwayne's chest. Her legs draped across Marko's lap as Paul pulled her back so her head was on his thighs. A joint already between his lips.

Her lip found itself between her teeth. "Why?"

The teasing grin on Paul's lips didn't fade. The look in his eyes however did. The midnight blue orbs darkening with an emotion Genesis couldn't read. "Why what?"

"Why are you guys letting me wait? Why didn't Michael get the same luxury? Why Michael? Why..." she tailed off. Why me? She wasn't special. She was boring, unimpressive, and in her opinion, rather average. In a crowd, Genesis was someone easily overlooked. Nothing about her stood out. Every single part of her was average at best. It's why Renée never loved her. The thought made her flinch.

  "We don't have a choice with Michael." David said, still casually lounging on his wheelchair. Throne seemed more appropriate though. "But you," his tone changed. "You belong with us. You can feel it can't you?" Her breath hitched as Paul's hand ran though her hair, Dwayne's hand slowly tracing circles on her stomach. How did he know? She nodded. "That's why we can wait, because you belong with us. We know you won't run."

  "But how? How do you know? What if you're wrong David?"

  "Trust us, Genesis. You belong with us."

  She was ready to push further, to ask all the questions burning within her skull. Only to be interrupted as laughter erupted from the cave entrance. Laddie running through the entrance of the cave with a heart melting smile on his lips. A big stuffed bear in his arms as Genesis let Dwayne get off the couch, Marko instantly taking his spot and tugging her away from Paul. The boys protest falling on deaf ears as Genesis let Marko cuddle into her. His curls tickling her cheek as he rested his head on top of hers.

"Where's Star?" The dark edge to Dwayne's voice drew her attention as Dwayne lifted the boy into his arms.

"I don't know. I got lost. But this really nice lady found me and got me popcorn and candy and let me play the claw game!" She felt the growl that rumbled up in Marko's chest. His eyes flashing yellow briefly at Laddies admission. As did the rest of her boys, the danger Star had put herself in becoming glaringly obvious. "When Star didn't come back she drove me home. She was really nice!"

"Was she now," Genesis had a feeling there was more to David's upcoming question then her let on. The yellow eyes giving away his obvious anger despite the calm tone. Maybe that's what made him so terrifying. "Did she give you her name?"

Laddie nodded excitedly. "She said it was Rosie!"

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