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  "Hows the job hunt going?" Genesis asked as she helped her aunt whip up dinner the following afternoon. Her mind kept wandering back to the three handsome strangers. She couldn't get them out of her head no matter how hard she tried. It's initially why she offered to help Lucy with dinner. A distraction to keep her mind off the boys yet somehow it only made it worse. She couldn't get them out of her head!

She'd nearly lost a finger chopping onions and was banished to peeling potatoes.

Lucy sighed. "I haven't been able to find anything. You'd think at least someone would have a sign or something!"

"If you want maybe we can go to the boardwalk tonight? I can help you look." She offered narrowly avoiding a mishap with the sharpened tip of the peeler. Who the fuck needs a sharp pointy peeler? That's just an accident waiting to happen.

  "You would?" The smile on her face hurt more than words could express. The motherly love that always filled her smile hurt so much. It's why she'd spent almost every morning over the last week in the garage with her car, each night alone on the boardwalk. Sam and Michael had the one thing Genesis always wanted. A mother who gave a damn. Lucy cared where they went, how long they where out, she set rules and actually acted like a mother. Renée was nothing like Lucy. Lucy cared about both her children. She didn't shun their differences or hurt them when they didn't conform to her whims. She didn't scream at her children or slap them for talking too loud. She didn't demean them or talk down to them. Never once did she insult them or humiliate them. It hurt to be around them because every time she watched them interact she turned into that little girl who couldn't understand why mommy didn't love her.

  She hated that little girl. The girl too naïve to see the blatant manipulation, the girl who's blind hope for her mother's love only decimated her childhood. She can still remember the moment her world shattered. "You are why we got divorced in the first place! I never wanted you! You are nothing more than a mistake Charlie wouldn't let me get rid of! Everything was perfect until you came along!"

  She was only seven.

  "Of course!" She smiled, briefly meeting the woman's eyes as she buried the pain. She refused to let Renée hurt her anymore. She'd stopped letting herself care when Renée decided to send a card for her eighth birthday addressed to the mistake. "Whatever you need, just let me know, okay?"

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