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Sorry about how long this chapter took. I've got serious writers block. Sorry about how short it is.

The tension was suffocating. The only sound within the cave being Dwayne's almost feral growling and the chirping of Marko's pigeons. Laddie, who was still held protectively within Dwayne's arms was looking between each of her boys with confusion in his eyes. "She was really nice!" The silence only seemed to stretch on as none of her boys spoke up. Yet she saw the way David's eyes flickered from one boy to another as if following a ping pong match and Genesis briefly if they were talking telepathically between each other.

  "Was she now," Genesis spoke up, noting Laddies discomfort almost immediately as his arms tightened around the stuffed bear. Quickly smothering her own rage. "Did you have fun playing the claw game?" Laddie nodded furiously as he stifled a yawn. "I didn't win anything but it was still so much fun! I really wanted that bunny though," he rested his head against Dwayne's shoulder. The exhaustion clear in his eyes. "Her car was super cool too. It was a convertible." This was the most Genesis had heard him talk since she'd met the boy. She only wished it was under better circumstances. Star should consider herself lucky she wasn't present at the moment. She didn't think she'd be able to stop herself from pounding her skull into mush.

  "Dwayne," Genesis jumped when David finally spoke aloud. His tone harsher than she'd ever heard. "Put Laddie to bed." It was a clear order that Dwayne didn't hesitate to follow despite Laddie's protest as Dwayne began walking towards the back of the cave.

  "Genesis," her eyes met David's. His crystal eyes filled with so much rage it made her shiver. "Can you take Laddie tomorrow night? We have an issue to take care of." She knew what he was suggesting and she wholeheartedly agreed with her boys decision. This was at least the third time Star had knowingly allowed Laddie to wander around alone. He was only eight, at best. Who does that? Anything could've happened to him. What if those assholes from her first night on the boardwalk had some friends looking for revenge? Santa Carla isn't the kind of place you leave a child unattended! She understood why her boys were angry, hell, she was pissed the first time this fucking happened. Now she was just straight up infuriated. She wanted to hurt that fucking bitch.

"Of course. I'll pick him up right after sunset. One of you can come find us when you're done."

Star just made the biggest mistake of her life. Nobody fucks with her family and gets away with it.

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