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  For the first time since arriving in Santa Carla, Genesis was completely alone. Lucy had gotten a job at Video Max that night and was probably sleeping after working a ten hour shift. Sam and Michael where watching a movie on her laptop when she left, both boys pretty much shooing her away when she asked if they where coming. Grandpa had a date with the Widow Johnson who he kept rambling on about. She must be something special to put up with all the stuffed critters grandpa brought her.

  Tossing her hair over her shoulder she let her eyes wander the boardwalk. The loud music practically deafening as she delved deeper into the crowd. She really wasn't sure where she was going. She just knew, deep down to keep going. Like an invisible string tugging her deeper and deeper into the proverbial rabbits hole.

She hesitated. The neon Video Max sign looming overhead casting an unnatural glow on the street below. Her emotions warring with her instincts as her heart said to continue while her head screamed to run the other way. She could see Laddie's dad and brothers. Each one either sitting on or leaning against a respective motorcycle. They gave off a dangerous air, an almost predatory aura that should've sent her running.

It didn't.

She wanted it, them, something. She could barely think. Something about these four boys just made her brain stop functioning. Why can't-somethings wrong. It's like everything around her blurred from existence. The only thing she could focus on being those four boys who each shot her glances that while innocent seeming possessed an almost predatory edge.

"Look who it is," she was standing in front of them. She couldn't remember moving. The ice blue eyes staring down at her seeming to pierce through her soul. "What's your name, sweetheart?" A pleasurable shudder traveled down her spine. Every nerve in her body practically alight with a pleasurable, almost numbing, sensation.

"We won't bite."

She swallowed. "Gemma." The lie fell from her lips like honey. Surprisingly strong and convincing despite the current emotions waging war within her. Though by the smirk stretching across his lips she knew he didn't believe her. His tongue snaking across his upper lip, a gesture that had her immediate attention. It'd be so easy to claim his lips with hers, tangle her fingers in his bleached locks. She'd only need to take two steps.

Head out of the gutter, Genesis.

"We all know that's not your name."

She couldn't help the smirk that crossed her lips. Cocking her hip as she placed her hand on the afore mentioned hip. "Do we now? Then what, pray tell, is my name?"

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