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  Her head felt a thousand tons heavier than it should've. The thin blanket that covered her body might as well been one of those weighted blankets Bella always brought with her whenever she came for a summer or holiday. The light outside hurting her eyes as she forced her body out of the bed. She was still wearing her shirt from yesterday. Her jeans and jacket where thrown over the chair in the corner. Her boots sticking out of her closet as she stretched. Her back popping as she tried to remember the events of the previous night. Her brain pounding against her skull. The clock on the bedside table reading 14:37 as she sluggishly dragged herself out of bed.

  Her joints felt stiff as a familiar pain flared from her right elbow. A dislocation she'd never had reset properly. In her defense the water didn't look that bad when she decided to cliff jump.

  A heavy sigh escaped her lips. Her hair an absolute rats nest atop her head as she stumbled into the bathroom. Her mind completely incapable of remembering anything beyond letting go. The feeling of weightlessness all she can remember. The boys probably brought them home after that. It was a somewhat reassuring thought as she stumbled into the bathroom. Ensuring the door to her room and the neighboring guest room where locked before starting the shower. Her clothes quickly discarded into the hamper as she began the process of wiping away all traces of yesterday's makeup.

  An easy task made incredibly difficult as her mind spun with memories of the previous night. The cave, the food, dancing on the fountain, David teasing Michael, the bottle that made her danger magnet alert chime like a million little bells in her body. When she'd said no David looked proud. Almost happy that she'd rejected whatever was in that fucking bottle. She wasn't stupid, she knew it wasn't wine.

  That girl had said it was blood, but that seemed really unlikely. But...the boys can't be human. They where too perfect, too quick, too intelligent. Something about them was off. She knew it in her bones. Those Frog boys Sam was hanging around with had been sprouting on about vampires in Santa Carla. Sam was constantly telling her about the things they told him. The kinds of things she knew from watching Dracula and some very cheap supernatural romance movies with her best friend Leah.

  It seemed so outlandish. So utterly impossible it boarder-lined on insanity. Yet just as she was sure something was off about her boys, she was sure the Frog brothers where onto something. She never saw the boys during the morning, they lived in a fucking cave, they survived a drop off of a damn bridge that would've killed a normal human, and she had a sinking suspicion that cup was really full of blood. Not too mention those two boys that had tried to destroy Laddie's teddy bear appeared on missing persons posters two days later. Pair that with their predatory nature and she knew.

  They where vampires.

  You'd think a revelation like that would've been game changing. World altering or some shit like that. But it wasn't. It was like someone putting a name to a face you'd always known. Suddenly everything about them just made sense. A missing puzzle piece finally snapping into place and revealing the whole picture. It should have changed how she felt towards the boys.

It should have terrified her.

  Yet it didn't.


  "Grandpa Charlie! Windex is not after shave!" The youngest Swan protested as Sam smirked deviously behind the man. The poor dog clutched beneath his arm as he practically skipped around the kitchen. Patting windex onto both cheeks with a smile that reminded her so much of her father...who she need to call.

  She'd spoken to him a total of four times in the two weeks she'd been in Santa Carla. Her father had been putting in crazy hours and their conversations where more through voicemail than anything as he was always busy. People where going missing in town and he'd barely been sleeping, let alone at home. She never called his office line unless it was an emergency as she didn't want to interrupt him. He took his job incredibly seriously.

  "Big date tonight grandpa?" Her head shot towards the teen. His back towards the door with the dark sunglasses on his face. He looked completely high as grandpa brushed past him. Snatching up his hat and stuffed dog before responding.

  "I'm dropping off some of my handiwork to the Widow Johnson." He lifted his eyebrows suggestively, turning to leave when Michael stopped him.

  "What did you stuff for her? Mr. Johnson?" You could hear a damn pin drop as grandpa looked at him almost horrified.

  "I-" She couldn't believe she was about to say this. Poor puppy. "I think it's sweet. You did a great job grandpa."

  "Thank you, Genesis! At least someone appreciates the arts!" That brought the smile back to his face and with a lingering look in Michaels direction he rambled out the door.

  "That wasn't funny Mike!"

  Genesis leaned against the kitchen sink, facing the two boys as they argued. Sam's valid points only getting a "piss off" in response. She shook her head. "Look," she started. "You two need to figure your shit out. I'm going to be in the garage." She said just as bikes began revving loudly outside.

  "What the hell?" She whispered, spinning to look out the window only to see headlights cutting through the darkness. Yelling of her boys rising above the revving engines as Sam latched onto her arm out of fear as Michael ran towards the door. He hesitated before throwing it open and charging out into the pitch black darkness. The crickets chirping in the distance the only sound for miles in any direction as Michael spun on the dirt path.

  "What's going on Genesis?" She swallowed, running her hand through Nanooks fur as she watched Michael. "Why don't you go take your bath. Okay?"

  The boy nodded. Grabbing Nanooks collar and practically dragging the Malamute into the house where a few minutes later she heard the radio playing above them. She took a deep breath. "Michael, I'm pretty sure they're long gone," doubtful. She could feel them. They where watching them from somewhere, probably from the large tree by the gate that was completely concealed by the darkness. "Please, just come in already."

  The boy spun once more, before sighing and shouldering past her and into the house. His retreating footsteps didn't deter her as she stepped out. Letting the door shut lightly behind her. The rocking chair by the door swaying in the breeze as she kept her eyes locked on the tree she knew her boys where in. "I know what you are."

  "What are we then, Genesis?" She jumped as David's voice filled her head. Each syllable echoing within her skull as she tried to remind herself that air was necessary.

  "Vampires. You're vampires."

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