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"Star's been dealt with."

It was the eloquent way Marko phrased that situation as he led Genesis through the wreckage of Video Max. It looked like a literal tornado had torn through the place. With cracked CD cases and cassettes littered across the floor. At least three of the racks had been toppled, one of the tv screens was crushed beyond repair, and she wasn't going to ask about the smears of blood on the carpeting. It was beyond apparent a fight had taken place while she'd hidden away in the back, it was also clear who'd won. She was tempted to ask what he'd done to the punks, but then thought better of it. She knew from experience that some things were better left unsaid.

Besides, the only thing she cared about in that moment, was the safety of the boy still holding her hand like a lifeline. His eyes bloodshot and cheeks still damp as he walked alongside her. His shaking hand entangled with hers in a vise grip. A grip she returned with equal strength as her body was still buzzing with residual adrenaline and anxiety. In her gut she knew they were safe, but she couldn't get her brain to understand that.

  "Max," she spoke as soon as she caught sight of the man. Not missing the way the atmosphere seemed to shift at her exclamation. Nor did she miss the look Max shot towards Marko. "Thank you so much!"

  "Of course," he gave her a weird grin that caused an uneasy feeling to settle within the pit of her stomach. Her hand tightening slightly around Laddies as she fought the temptation to hide him behind her. He helped you, she found herself repeating within her head like a mantra, a hollow mantra that did nothing to silence the unease that coiled in her stomach. "What sort of man would I be if I ignored a damsel in distress?"

  She glanced towards Marko out of the corner of her eye. Not missing the torrent of emotions swirling in his eyes, nor the guarded expression as he nibbled on the flesh of his thumb. If her gut wasn't enough, the look on Marko's face was a flashing neon red sign. Max was dangerous. Dangerous enough to make the vampire alongside her nervous. Unless...well, vampirism would explain why he made her feel so uneasy. From day one she'd noticed something was off about him.

  "A man with a clean store."

He chuckled, "That I would be," the smirk on his lips was far more unsettling than Genesis would ever admit aloud. The way his dark brown eyes seemed to pierce her with an unsettling amount of recognition, as if he understood every minute thought that filled her head. "But as you can see, I do not have a clean store," he paused. "Nor am I a simple man."

The silence was all encompassing as it took everything in her power not to cower beneath the weight of Max's gaze. Laddie quickly being tugged closer to her side. "It seems I underestimated your mind," He continued, his voice unsettlingly deeper than Genesis thought possible. "You put it all together faster than I'd anticipated."

"It...it wasn't hard," shut the fuck up, her brain screamed as she felt Marko shift closer to her. "You weren't really hiding it, were you?"

  "We were not."


  He chuckled, pulling his glasses from his face and beginning to clean them with the hanker-chief in his pocket. "Because, you my dear, are meant to be one of us."

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