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  Genesis wished he'd worn a shirt. The defined muscles beneath her arms making her flush as her head rested against the back of his leather jacket. Her hair an absolute mess as they took turns and jumps that would've probably given Lucy a heart attack if she'd seen them. The wind howling in her ears as they went.

Breaking through the tree line they followed the railroad tracks for a good five minutes before stopping. She finally lifted her head and noticed the bridge before them. It's funny how rickety something can look yet still be able to support a damn train. Dwayne detangled her arms from around him as he slid off the bike. Holding his hand out to her to help her off, which was probably a good thing considering she had the coordination of a fish out of water.

  "Perfect timing," she heard David say as Dwayne's arm came to rest over her shoulders. Her arm wrapping around his waist as they started walking across the bridge.

  "What's going on?" Michael chimed as Genesis found herself looking down. The darkness beneath them making it almost impossible to see anything beyond the boards.

  "Michael wants to know what's going on."

  "Marko, what's going on?"

  She glanced towards the boy at her side. The wild gleam in his eyes only making her smile as he sent her a wink. A sparkle in his eyes as he responded. "I don't know. What's going on, Paul?"

"Who wants to know?"

"Michael wants to know!"

"I think we should let Michael know what's going on." David's voice silenced the boys laughter as he stopped. His arm thrown over Michaels shoulder as he smirked. "Marko?" While it may have been posed as a question she knew it was an order. She had them mostly figured out.

The boy smirked. "Good night, Michael." He looked at her. "Angel." Then he jumped. His voice floating upwards as he fell. She barely had a second to react as Paul followed. Laughing as he did so. Dwayne's arm falling from her shoulders as he followed the pothead blonde. "Bottoms up." Paul snapped his fingers then jumped. Disappearing as Dwayne took his place. Her body completely frozen in fear as her heart thundered furiously within her. Dwayne nodded and flashed finger guns before stepping through the hole and disappearing from sight.

"Come with us, Michael." David said before reaching out to her. "Genesis?" She knew what he was asking. The black leather gloves he wore beckoning her with promises she knew he'd keep. Everything in her told her that these boys, these inhumanly, perfectly, flawless boys would never hurt her, would never put her in a harmful situation. Something about them had been drawing her in. From the moment she'd saved Laddie from those bastards everything had changed. Every moment without them felt wrong, a night without seeing them physically hurt. Talking too them, getting to know them was like nothing she could describe, even with an entire dictionary at her disposal. Every word felt weak.

Even perfect wasn't enough.

The worn gloves met the soft flesh of her hands. The smile that tore across his face making her feel all warm and fuzzy as he tugged her into his arms. "Hold on tight." He whispered, her arms latching around him as he stepped through the hole.

  She expected the feeling of weightlessness. The air whipping past her face for all of three seconds when suddenly, it wasn't. Her heart thundering against her ribs as David's hand tightened around her waist. Her eyes shut tightly as she didn't dare to look. Heights didn't scare her, she'd gone cliff jumping so many times with Leah Clearwater that heights didn't even make her nervous anymore...falling to your death though, that'll do it.

  "Open your eyes, Angel!" Marko called, Paul chiming in from besides him, "Come on, sweet-cheeks!" She swallowed. Slowly prying her eyes open as she looked down into the dense fog. Her breath catching in her throat as she realized how screwed she probably was. If it wasn't for David's arm on her waist she'd probably of just died.

  Said boy lifted her body slightly, a second arm snaking around her waist as Paul pulled her from his grasp. Her hands latching onto the bar between the two boys. Facing Marko as David called for Michael to join them. Her legs brushing against Marko's as he kicked Paul's shin from around her. Paul retaliating with a kick that skimmed across her own leg before finding Marko.

This isn't so- A fucking train horn silenced her thoughts as she felt the bridge shaking in her grasp. The boys almost immediately beginning to holler and shout in excitement as Genesis tried desperately not to slip. "Hold on!"

It started to get worse. The vibrations jostling through her as her hands started to slip. "Holy shit!" She couldn't help the shriek that left her lips as she tried to readjust her grip just as she noticed Paul's form falling into the fog that seemed to devour him whole. Fear struck her as she held on for dear life. You did always say falling to your death wouldn't be the worst way to go.

"Don't be scared Michael!" She met Marko's sea green eyes. Her own forest green holding the stare as his words shot through to her very core. Don't be scared. She watched as he purposely let go. Plummeting into the fog with screams of joy as he disappeared. Dwayne following as she struggled to hold on.

"You're one of us now, Michael!" She could hear David's shouting. "Let go!"

She's pretty sure he dropped. Michael shouting his name as the train continued on above them. Her hands where slipping. The strain on her arms becoming to much as she stared into the fog. It wasn't as threatening as it should've been as she let go to the sound of Michaels screaming.

"Holy fucking shit!"

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