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  "I want the truth!" Genesis was having trouble keeping her cool as her voice echoed through the cavernous halls. She could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks as a scowl stained her face. Though at the moment she couldn't tell if it was due to the exhaustion or the sheer anger that boiled within her. The nights events had struck her like a ton of bricks, the anger and frustration spilling over as her mask slipped away. Her whole life she'd perfected the art of downplaying her own feelings in order to appease those around her. Pretending that everything was okay became the motto that defined her very existence. From the moment her mother first looked at her with disdain she's played her part with conviction. Yet at this exact moment, she didn't have the energy to pretend, no script to read from in order to keep the perfectly directed production going. It's as if everything she'd done in the last three hours had swallowed her whole and left her physically and emotionally spent. All she could focus on was the glaring lack of information that left her and Laddie completely vulnerable. What if Max hadn't helped them? What if rather then help her Max decided he was hungry? The night could've gone from piss poor to straight up deadly in a matter of seconds and her boys would've been unable to save her.

Genesis needed to know more, and she refused to leave until they told her everything. Ignorance was bliss until that same ignorance got you killed.

"I need the truth, and not the "riddle me this" shit you've been telling me either." She glanced towards David, meeting his gaze with a heated glare of her own. "We could've died tonight. If it wasn't for Max, I'd be dead right now, and then to find out he's a vampire like you guys. What if he wasn't a friendly? I'm too uninformed to be able to defend myself."

  "You don't-"

  "Don't even think about trying to tell me I don't need to defend myself!" Yelling at vampires, what a marvelous idea! "You guys weren't there! They came at us and I didn't know what to do. I had no way to contact you, no way to defend myself. Then to learn that Max is also a vampire that could've snapped my neck and drained me dry and I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. So many things could've gone wrong tonight because of all the things I don't know."

  Genesis found herself unable to tear her gaze from David's. Green colliding with cool steel as she refused to back down. You could've died, the mantra that played on repeat within her skull. A vivid reminder that forced her to stand her ground, to meet David's challenge head-on despite every instinct telling her not to. She wouldn't back down, not when her life hung in the balance.

She wasn't sure how long David kept her gaze, unblinking as a cigarette bobbed between his lips. A sharpness to his feature Genesis had initially overlooked as his eyes seemed to darken ever so slightly. It quickly became clear to Genesis that the four vampires were communicating telepathically when Dwayne slapped the back of Paul's head, a growl rolling free from his throat. "Hey! Was jus' a suggestion!"

"A shitty suggestion."

"No it wasn't!"

"Paul. Marko." David's voice halted the argument before it began. Not once letting his eyes leave hers as a plume of smoke left his lips. "This will take a while."

  "I have time."

  "Whatcha wanna know, sweet-cheeks?" Paul chimed from the couch.


  David sighed. "Then you should know, we aren't the only type of vampire."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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