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  Genesis hadn't regret the decision to drive until she pulled into the shady gas station. The tank of her 1975 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am practically teetering on empty for the last forty miles on some deserted street in rural California. Seeing that sign ten miles back was a god send, at least she thought it was. The second the stop came into view she'd almost wanted to test her luck further.

  It looked like only one of the lights was working, the pale fluorescent light barely illuminating the darkened gas station. The dilapidated building looked a storm away from coming down with one end of the roof dipping. The same side that contained the boarded up windows. The other side of the building faring no better as the paint peeled around cracked windows. Had it not been for the neon open sign in the only not-completely-destroyed window she'd of thought the place was abandoned.

Pulling up to the pump beneath the seemingly only functional light she momentarily questioned her sanity. Wasn't there some news story about all kind of creeps hiding out in rundown gas stations? Or was that just a horror movie trope? She really couldn't remember and wasn't sure if she wanted to. Though she could practically hear her fathers voice in her head telling her how stupid it was to stop.

"Well, fuck me," she mumbled, rolling up her window and shutting off the car before cautiously climbing out. The key chains clinking against one another the only sound as she made sure to repeatedly press down on the lock button. She'd hoped that the loud beeping noise would scare off any potential car thieves that may be lurking around as she tugged her pepper spray out of her bag. Last thing she needed was to be robbed or worse.

  Pushing through the door the bell dinged practically echoing throughout the deserted store. The dull lighting giving the store a rather dingy feeling. The mostly deserted shelves didn't inspire confidence. "Can I help you?"

Genesis practically jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice. Whirling towards the register where an older man was sitting on a plastic bar stool. He had to be in his late sixties, early seventies with a balding head of white hair, his bloodshot brown eyes framing his nose which was too big for his gaunt face. When she caught his eye he smiled, crooked and missing yellowed teeth welcoming her eyes as he swirled the toothpick at the corner of his mouth with his tongue. She could practically feel the bile burning at the base of her throat.

  Approaching the counter she pulled her wallet from the pocket of her hoodie. "Hi, can I do fifteen on number," she glance briefly over her shoulder. "Seven?"

"Not from around here, are you?" He questioned, his foul stench making her recoil slightly. The register clicked as she handed over the cash, taking extra caution to ensure she didn't make contact with his skin.

"You could say that." She kept her response vague, shifting her weight as she could pretty much feel his eyes roaming her figure. Yep, total serial killer.

He smirked at her words. "You one of those runaways? Let me guess, Santa Carla no?"

She hesitated. "Um...let's start again, shall we. Fifteen on seven," her eyes narrowed. "Please." She hissed.

The smirk on his lips practically tore his face in two as he held out her change. "Watch yourself sweetheart. Bad things happen to kids in Santa Carla," she reached out and snatched the five from his extended hand. "I'd hate to see a face like yours on a missing persons poster."

She didn't acknowledge his words as she turned to leave. Her hand clutching the strap of her bag as she beelined towards her car. Almost robotically beginning to fill the tank while she kept her eyes peeled. The feeling of being watched never once fading as she clambered into her car. She'd of sworn she heard footsteps as she floored it out of that shady ass gas station.

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