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Short but something? I'll try and have another longer chapter up soon for you guys.

  Genesis found herself staring at the blank wall ahead of her. Her hands nervously running through Laddies hair as she tried to pick up on the commotion erupting just beyond the door. A door currently clashing with the clinical feel of the Video Max break room. It's where she'd found herself hidden away almost as soon as she'd stepped foot within the video store. The moment Max saw her it's as if he'd just known that she needed help. Help he gave quickly as he practically shoved the two of them into the shops break room. Immediately after is when the commotion started. She could hear the punks shouting at Max, cursing up a storm as they demanded he give them up.

"You better hand that fucking bitch over or you'll regret it!" His words were punctuated with a sound Genesis could only attribute to them knocking over a CD rack.


Another loud bang had her arms tightening around Laddie, in response. Said boy crying softly in her grasp, his head buried into her side as she slid down the far wall. Keeping a tight grip on Laddie as she did so. She knew deep down that Max wouldn't let anyone hurt her. But that didn't stop her from clinging to her pepper spray like a lifeline. Green eyes fixated unwaveringly on the staff only door across from her. More loud banging and yelling coming from the other side as someone started screaming. Followed by more crashes and bangs.

"I won't let them hurt you," she spoke softly, afraid to raise her voice above a whisper. Soft words of reassurance tumbling from her lips as she tried to comfort the boy in her arms. His safety was all that mattered to her. No one would touch him, not so long as she was breathing...well, sort of breathing. Sprinting, full speed, across the boardwalk was not helping her breathe any easier at the moment. Her mounting anxiety also didn't help as the commotion outside started to diminish.

  She knew someone was on the other side of the door before she saw them. Her grip tightening on her pepper-spray as she tucked Laddie against the wall behind her. Using her body as a buffer between him and whoever stepped through that door. Rising to stand protectively over him. She might not be able to stop them from hurting herself, but she'd sure as hell keep them away from Laddie. No one would hurt him, not as long as she was still standing.

  The doorknob twisted.


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