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You are all amazing and I thank you guys for your patience!

Genesis leaned against the hood of her car. An unlit cigarette twirling between her finger tips as she watched the sun slowly dip below the water. An old eighties station playing from the speakers barely louder than the engine of the car below her. The waves crashing against the cliff face devouring any chance of discerning the tune. The dying light shining within her forest green gaze as she tapped her foot impatiently against the loose gravel beneath her feet.

  She was slowly mulling over the events of the previous night in her head. As she had for the past hour she'd spent atop the bluffs. She was still incredibly pissed after everything that had happened the previous night. Who the hell did Star think she was? Putting Laddie at risk like she did was completely unacceptable. He was a child, sure he was a half-vampire child, yet it didn't change the fact that he needed just as much supervision, if not more. Before she'd left her boys the night before they'd given her the rundown on the half-vampire situation. Giving her all the details and side effects of being a half. Some of which she'd already known. She'd seen them in Michael ever since the night he'd been offered the bottle. The irritation, the cold disposition, the hunger blazing in his eyes. The intensity in which he acted and overreacted to every little thing. From a joke to a comment. It was like walking around on egg shells whenever he entered a room. Dancing around on cracking ice and hoping you wouldn't fall in.

  Thank god nothing had happened last night while she was with her boys. All the different scenarios and possibilities plaguing her mind. Michael could've easily killed Sam or her. Even Lucy and Grandpa where at the mercy of Michaels rapidly crumbling morality and self control. Something Star was not helping with. Every time he blew up, there she was fanning the flames. Hopefully after tonight Michael will calm down some. Though deep down she knew the only thing that could help him was blood.

  "Genesis!" She jumped, barely reacting in time to catch the boy who threw himself at her. It took her a moment to get used to his weight as she thanked her lucky stars he hadn't knocked her on her ass. The sun having set completely while Genesis was completely lost within her own head.

  "Hey bud," she brushed his hair from his face. She didn't need to look to know that Marko was already gone. He'd left the moment Laddie was in her arms. "You ready to go and have a blast?"

  He nodded, giving her a wide beaming smile as she dropped him into the passengers seat.


  They'd spent nearly two hours at Oswald's before Laddie began to get hungry. It's why Genesis found herself in her current situation. Laddies hand clutching hers as he dragged her around the boardwalk talking animatedly about a comic Paul had gotten him last week. Only stopping once to adjust his grip on the new stuffed lion under his arm that she'd managed to win at a claw machine.

"They have the best pretzels." Laddie told her as they stepped past a man's proposal. The boy completely focused on getting a cheesy pretzel from the stand across the boardwalk. Something Genesis was beginning to regret agreeing to as she nearly face planted because of a crack in the cement. The dense crowd making her slightly nervous as she tightened her grip on Laddies hand.

  She had a bad feeling.

  It was like her entire body was screaming at her to go the other way. Her heartbeat echoing in her ears as each step forward caused her anxiety to flare sky high. Her stomach dropping as bile burned the back of her throat. "Laddie," her vision blurred to the point she could barely make him out. Though she knew he'd heard her. Her body coming to a stop as she tried to get her breathing under control. "We need to go. Now."


  She shook her head, instantly regretting the action as she felt like she was going to fall over. "No! We need to go now. Trust me, please."

  She couldn't tell if it was the urgency in her voice or the look on her face that caused Laddie to agree. The both of them beginning to head back in the direction of the arcade. Though the feeling in her gut didn't fade. In fact, it got worse. It felt like all her inner organs where being smooshed. Her chest locking up as whatever was setting off her "danger meter" was getting closer. The realization only made the anxiety worse as Genesis picked Laddie up despite his protest. Her long strides carrying them quickly across the boardwalk as she tried to get her breathing under control while simultaneously dodging throngs of people that seemed to be swallowing her alive. Claustrophobia induced panic and her "gift" bleeding together as the line between reality and anxiety blurred. Laddies weight the only thing really keeping her grounded in reality.

She momentarily thanked her lucky stars once they'd reached a spot near the restrooms. The thinning crowd allowing her to breathe a little easier as she slowed to a more normal pace, despite her gut instinct telling her to run. If she started running whatever it was following her would realize that she knew. Someone had to be following her, someone who wanted to hurt her or worse, Laddie. Besides, running was the worse thing she could do. She was a Swan! A single crack in the pavement and that's it.

Using her free hand she tugged her pepper spray off the lanyard around her neck. No one would touch him so long as she was still breathing. No one.

"Genesis? What's wrong?"

"Something's..." she trailed off. "I've just got a very, very bad feeling, bud."

He opened his mouth to say something but whatever it was was stopped when a hand wrapped around Genesis' wrist. Jerking the girl back and nearly sending her crashing against the wooden boardwalk beneath her feet.

"Hey you! You're those boys whore, aint ya!" She winced at the stench of the man's breath. His grip on her arm tightening to the point she cried out, struggling to pull herself free without dropping Laddie.

"Let me go!"

He pull her closer. His straggly beard dusting against her shoulder and making her wince as he spoke into her ear. "Those bastards killed our friends. Seems only fair we get their bitch."

"Fuck no." She lifted her her leg, causing him to screech like a little bitch as she slammed her knee against his dick. His hand releasing her arm as she ducked under another guys swinging arm, and took off towards the parking lot. Shoving people out of the way as she hoped her boys would realize something was wrong. Or maybe she'd get lucky and stumble upon a security guard or a cop.

"Get her! Get that fucking bitch now!"

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