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Genesis knew she was screwed the moment she opened her mouth. The two punks dangling a tattered bear over the head of a little boy. He couldn't have been more than nine with tears streaming down his face as he struggled to reach the plush toy. It was a pathetic scene, two grown ass adults picking on a child. She couldn't let that slide.

  Maybe calling them "dumb fucks" wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done, but it got their attention all right.

  "Who do you think you're fucking talking to?" One of them snapped, his tanned flesh peppered in freckles and sunspots. A nasty sun burn on his right arm held her attention. If it came to blows she'd want to know where to hit them. The other guy she'd just aim for the dick and hope for the best. Or his crooked nose which must've been broken at some point.

"Two dumb fucks with nothing better to do than pick on a child!" She hissed, glaring at the two assholes as she moved closer to the boy. If things went south she'd want to make sure that he was out of harms way. Nobody would lay a finger on him so long as she was there.

  "This has nothing to do with you," The crooked nosed guy hissed, actually flashing his teeth like a cat. "Unless you're with that fucking gang I suggest you walk away now, slut!"

  She feigned a gasp, her hands flying to her chest. "How you wound me!" She glanced down at the boy who was clinging to her leg. His eyes meeting hers before flicking back to the bear that crooked nose held in a vice grip at his side. "They don't see the family resemblance?"

  "What, you with one of those bastards? Maybe we oughta teach you some manners." She didn't like the sound of that. God, she really needed to learn to keep her mouth shut.

  "Just give me his bear and we'll be on our way, okay?" Sun-burnt-ass-face slid his hand into his pocket and Genesis couldn't contain her worry as she practically shoved the boy behind her. Crooked nose holding up the teddy bear and making it wave before grabbing an arm in each hand and beginning to pull. "Rip that bear and I can guarantee you'll never see again." She warned, tugging the container of pepper spray from her pocket. Her father had no idea how handy it was.

  "You don't-" He stopped mid sentence and went white as a sheet. She tilted her head as the sun burnt asshole literally took off in the opposite direction. His thundering footsteps swallowed by the roaring boardwalk around them as he disappeared into the crowd. It wasn't until she heard the boy at her side speak that she realized what had them so scared. "Dad, they took my bear."

  Genesis spun around only to freeze. Her brain momentarily short circuiting. Holy fuck. Was all her mind could produce as she traced the line of each individual muscle in the darkened flesh of his abdomen. The leather jacket covering his arms seeming to suit him as the cheetah practically popped off the dark material. His ripped up jeans and biker boots screaming "bad boy". Her eyes trailed upwards following his strong jaw bone upwards from his plush lips. Past his flawless cheek bones to his deep charcoal gaze. The brown orbs flashing between the three of them with an almost predatory glint. His long raven locks blowing across his face as a gust of wind blew across the boardwalk. Perfection. The word suited him yet it wasn't enough. He was more than perfect, he looked fucking flawless.

  "Look man, we didn't mean anything by it." The guy quickly back-pedaled stealing Genesis' gaze from the heart throb in front of her. Good thing to as she scrambled to catch the bear before it could fall into a puddle of god knows what. "Take the thing okay? We don't want any trouble."

"Fuck off." Holy shit his voice. It practically flooded through her, sending a delightful shiver down her spine as she crouched down in front of the boy. A soft smile crossing her lips as his beaming smile warmed her heart. The brown bear quickly snatched into his arms and held against his chest.

"Thank you."

"Of course," she smiled. "I couldn't let them hurt your teddy!"

He just sent her another smile before turning towards the man and grabbing his hand in his own. She could tell he was ready to say something when she felt hands on her shoulders. "Genesis, finally! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

It was Sam, a single plastic bag dangling from his arm as she turned away from the handsome stranger. "My mom said we need to get going." She nodded.

"You riding back with Michael?"

"Probably, so it'll just be you and my mom."

Genesis nodded. "Alright." Glancing back she found both the boy and the stranger gone. Swallowed up by the crowd as if they'd never existed. She deflated slightly, she didn't even get his name.

Following Sam towards the entrance to the boardwalk she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The hair on the back of her neck standing on edge as she resisted the urge to glance over her shoulder every other minute. Her heart practically beating it's way through her rib cage as they trudged through the crowds. Each person blurring into the crowd until she could barely register anyone around her, save for the feeling of eyes on her back. Holes being metaphorically drilled through the back of her skull.

She couldn't get to her car fast enough. Sams pace was too slow. He strut like a runway model more than he actually walked. Move, move, move. She could feel it. The way each breath burned her lungs. If he didn't start fucking moving she was going to have a panic attack. God, when was the last time she'd had one? One-two years ago? She could remember how it felt like the walls where caving in, the world swallowing her whole as she screamed for breath.

Move, move, move.

She didn't acknowledge her aunt or cousin as she unlocked the car and pretty much threw herself behind the wheel. Her shaking hands barely getting the key into the ignition as her aunt climbed slowly into the passengers seat. Breathe Genesis, breathe. She inhaled deeply, holding her breath for ten seconds before releasing it. Repeating the process a few more times until she could properly breathe.

"Genesis, honey. Are you okay?" She flinched at the sudden pressure on her shoulder.

She forced a smile to her lips. "I'm okay aunt Lucy. Just needed to catch my breath." The lie fell from her lips as easily as breathing. The woman's worried look fading from her face as the engine roared beneath her body.

"Okay, sweetie."

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