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Grandpa Emerson was exactly how Genesis imagined him being. His balding head of white hair and a mustache that vaguely reminded her of her fathers. Though the most striking resemblance was her grandpa's chocolate brown eyes. The same shape and shade making her chest clench with guilt as she thought of her father. She felt kind of shitty for abandoning him for a whole summer, despite his obvious urging. She's pretty sure he just wanted some mistake free bonding time with her twin. Though Bella was such a snob she'd probably ignore their father the whole time. She always hated how her twin treated their father. Like seriously, was it that hard to put an ounce of effort into having an actual relationship with him?

  Shaking her head she shot the elderly man a tight lipped smile as a he led her deeper into his home. The rustic design pleasantly surprising her as her grandpa nervously prattled on and on about the house rules. "I hope you like it. I had Lucy help with the sheets," he said, pushing open the furthest door on the right. The hinges surprisingly silent as he revealed an equally as eccentric and rustic bedroom. The plain, navy blue sheets catching her eyes quickly as it stood out against the obnoxious yellow wall paper. On either side of the queen sized bed where light oak nightstands. A matching dresser leaned up against the wall across from the bed, alongside the door. On the far side of the room was a huge window that overlooked the vast nothingness that surrounded her grandpa's property. The light of the setting sun shining in as the blue drapes fluttered in the breeze. It was a sight to behold. All she'd need to do would be unpack and hide all the poor stuffed creatures under the bed where she won't have to look at their poor faces.

  "It's really nice grandpa," she flashed the man what she hoped came across as a genuine smile. Her green eyes locked on the squirrel placed haphazardly on the nightstand facing the door. The black beady eyes seemingly following her every movement as she shifted beside the man.

  "Okay, well the widow is expecting me so I'll need to get going," he spoke beginning to leave the room as Genesis quickly tossed her suitcase onto the bed before following the man. Purposely leaving the door open so she wouldn't forget which room was hers. "Remember everything on the-" he was cut off as a middle aged woman walked through the front door. Her loafers thudding against the hardwood as she carried in a handful of grocery bags. The deep purple sweater and ankle length floral skirt giving off a massive eighties feel. "Dad, we got you more cookies."

  The rules grandpa was about to unload once more on the youngest Swan where forgotten as he practically snatched the bags out of the woman's arms. In an instant he had them on the counter, quickly rooting through them in a desperate search for cookies as the woman laughed lightly. It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that this was her Aunt. Lucy Emerson if she remembered correctly.

  "And you must be Genesis." Her green eyes shot towards her aunt, the woman's lips twisted into a warm smile that surprisingly resonated in her deep blue eyes. It wasn't something she was entirely used to.

  "Yes, ma'am. It's nice to finally meet you." She tried to be polite, hoping the smile she expertly plastered across her lips would ease some of the awkwardness. Her aunts smile only seemed to grow as her eyes trailed across her face.

  "Oh," she practically jumped out of her skin as the front door was thrown open. Two boys walking in with arms full of grocery bags. The tallest of the boys had to be Michael, as she recalled he was seventeen. His dark brown hair looked a complete mess as he used his shoulder to get a strand out of his eye before swatting the boy at his side with one of the bags in his arms. Sam was practically the spitting image of Lucy only as a boy. At only fourteen he had a slightly strange sense of fashion, his trench coat not suited for the weather at all. His complaints falling on deaf ears as no one seemed to pay him any mind.

  Genesis was glad to be out of the spotlight as Lucy started taking the bags from her sons who continued to mess around. It was kind of uncomfortable watching them interact. She felt like she was intruding. She never liked that feeling. "Hey, it's Genesis right?" Michael noticed her first, holding out his hand for her to shake with a slight smile on his face.

  She had to bite back the sarcastic remark as she leaned against the doorway. Crossing her arms over her chest. "The one and only."

  "I'm Michael, this idiot is Sam," he said, pulling his brother up besides him and messing up his hair. She almost laughed at the boys expression. "Welcome to Santa Carla."


  Genesis spent a good three hours getting to know her cousins while unpacking. Both boys practically making it their mission to make her comfortable as they talked about everything under the sun...though Michael asked a lot of questions about her car. Who'd of thought he liked older muscle cars? She was glad she had a good filter as the sarcastic thought resonated in her head. He was definitely the type. That wasn't a bad thing however. It would be something they could bond over. Besides, she'd always wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle and Michael immediately offered to teach her.

  Sam was another story. He liked fashion, games, and comics. Games and comics she could get on board with, but fashion? Did all black, chains, and leather count as fashion anymore? Though he was really easy going and managed to make a few good jokes during their conversation.

  "You know, our mom, Sam and yours truly where going to head down to the boardwalk tonight. See the sights and whatnot. You could come with us if you want?"

  That sounded a million times better than sitting alone in an empty house. "Sure, I don't really have anything else to do."

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