They Remind Me Of Him...

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Making my way out of that room was a mission in itself, everyone kept trying to console me. I DONT NEED ANYONE TO DO THAT! I have children that are about to finish school and I also need to get away from him. I was going to give him a hug, or something, but I'm already in a terrible state, I don't want to make it worse.

Through bad and good David was there for me, always, he never turned away from me. It just got hard, I guess it just wasn't meant to be, although I was so sure that it was. We seemed like the perfect couple, not just from the media and public's perspective, but from our own. We rarely fought, took a break or disagreed with each other. I guess being with someone for so long can be hard, but why? I love him, I love him with all of my heart, but we aren't together, we aren't that perfect family picture anymore.

I wipe the tears from my face with the back of my hand as I approach my car, pulling out the keys from my bag. A few moments later I hear someone calling my name, I turn around and cross my arms.

"Jen... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt, at all-"

"That's where you are wrong!" I cut him off, shaking my head. "You can't file to divorce someone without expecting the consequences! It doesn't work like that David!" I turn away, trying to hold the tears back. I don't want him to see me cry, I don't want to seem more vulnerable around him than I already am. I unlock the car and begin opening the door, but I stop when a warm hand is placed on my shoulder. "Don't!" I shrug him off. "Don't you dare touch me." I get in the car and slam the door shut, not taking another look at him.


"What did you do today davie?" I ask the five year old as I pull out his lunch box from his small backpack. "Well eating your fruit wasn't one of them."

"Sorry... I not like fruit mommy, it's gross!" He sticks his tongue out and I laugh slightly.

"Okay then, so what did you do?" I begin cleaning out their bags, looking for any homework.

"Nofing... oh wait! I coloured you a picture!"

"You did?!" I look through his bag and find a drawing, there's sun, grass, flowers, a drawing of himself, Amara, myself and... David. "That's great honey, I'll put it on the fridge." I can't help but sad smile, it's not easy to see this, even though it's just a drawing. "Okay im going to make dinner, you go and watch tv in the living room, but don't wake up your sister." I warn him, taking him off the bar stool and setting him on the floor.

"Okay mommy!" He runs away into the living room, plopping himself down on the couch and grabbing the remote.

I stand there for a moment, looking through the entryway to the living, it's a pretty open plan home. There's three bedrooms, which won't help since I'm pregnant again. But I know the baby will stay in my room for a while, then I'll maybe let Amara stay in my room. She's always been really close with me, ever since she's been able to talk, I've always been her first choice. At first I felt really happy in a way, but I also felt bad that she didn't depend on David very often. David Jr. has always been close with his father and myself, which is great, but he's pretty independent.

"Junior!" Woah, we normally only call him 'junior' when David is around, to make it easier, I forgot that he isn't here anymore. "Where is your homework?!"

"None!" He reply's, not turning his head from the tv screen.

"That's funny..." I walk into the living room and pause the tv, standing in front of him. "... because your teacher emails the students parents to let them know you have homework so it's definitely not forgotten by the pupil..." I sit down beside him on the couch, making sure to lower my voice since Amara is sleeping.

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