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This morning was absolutely perfect! Nothing could've went wrong, at all. I mean I'm a little scared, but who wouldn't be? I'm getting back into a relationship with a man that I got divorced to, which was only final a few months ago. It's not too soon, is it? It can't be. Plus, it's not like we just met, well of course or we wouldn't be divorced. But you know what I mean. I mean, I know the guy and I'm comfortable around him, so things won't be awkward... or at least I hope they won't.

David just left an hour ago, he's picking up some more clothes to stay over and getting his acoustic guitar. The kids and I love when he plays, me more that them. The kids find it more fun, I find it much more romantic, charming and he always plays love songs, which were normally aimed at me.

While he's away I've gave the house a clean up, putting away everything that was lying around. Once I was done, I slipped my sandals on and got the kids ready for the beach. I'm surprised they aren't sick of going there everyday, but they love it. When we were down at the beach, I noticed Courteney sitting on her patio, with coco and David.

"C'mon kids, let's go see auntie CC." I begin walking, jogging slightly to catch up with the kids. The second we get close enough the kids start to shout on her, she gets up and walks down onto the beach with coco holding her hand. "Hey honey..." I smiled.

"Someone sure is in a good mood, get a little action last night..." she nudged me jokingly, but stopped and looked at me when I blushed. "Nooo?!"

"Yes..." god it's boiling out here! Or it's just me? "We didn't... y'know..." I move my hands around frantically. "But, we talked things over and we're going to start again and we had a little kiss or should I say make our session..." I'm bragging so hard, but I honestly don't care, at all!

"Your being serious? Jen, I know you love him and I know he loves you, but do you know what your getting yourself into?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jen, you just gave birth, your emotions are all over the place and your child is still in the NICU. Are you sure this isn't just... y'know..."

"What Courteney?" I listen intently, dreading what's she's going to say.

"Are you sure you don't just need someone to lean on..." she finally admits, taking me aback.

"That's how you feel?"

"No of course not babe, I just want to make sure it's what you actually want. I don't want another night like what happened after he told your he wanted a divorce. I hated seeing you like that and I really, really hope that it'll never happen again..." she takes a deep breath, then continues. "I love David, he's one of my best friends. Both of you are and all I want is for you two to be happy."

"Court I love David, so very dearly. It's not hormones from just giving birth. He's my everything Courteney, other than those kids, he's my everything..."


"Daddy's just pulling up!" I shout to the kids and they come running. We all stand at the door, opening it when 3 knocks echo from it.

"Hey gorgeous..." he pecks my cheek, then pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind himself. "For you..."

This takes me back to when we first started dating. David would always bring flowers spontaneously, being the romantic guy that he is. He would do much more, but i loved this gesture.

"Awk, thank you..." I smell the flowers then lean in for a kiss, it was soft, short and sweet.

"Eww you tiss!" Amara shouts, making a disgusted face. "Mowe, mowe!"

"More? Well alright..." David cups my cheeks, doing a side spin, bending down, I wrap my arms around him so I don't fall and we kiss. "Mwah..." he pulls away, exaggerating the kiss.

"Eww!" Both kids gag.


"No, we have to go now and see the baby..."


They all go and visit Oliver, staying as long as they could before the kids began getting tired.

Oliver's body temperature is going up the more he grows, but they want to keep him in longer still, so it'll be a while yet before he's home. It's still a massive shock that he was born early, it doesn't seem real to the parents. And what makes matters worse is paparazzi catching photos of them visiting and leaving without him. Also Jennifer's bump is obviously smaller since there's no baby in it anymore, leaving speculations flying about. When they are ready, they'll let the public know, but for now it's just friends and family that they are close with. Being hounded by the paparazzi has been one of the worst parts. They want to know details about they divorced, why they are still friends, the pregnancy, where's Oliver, is he a boy or girl, why they got a divorce. Millions of questions that they aren't ready to answer and don't have to answer unless they feel it's right.

After they got home, David began making dinner while Jennifer ran a bath for the kids. She didn't make it too deep, just a good amount for it to go over both of their waist heights. Once it was ready and there was plenty of bubbles -Amara remind Jen- she shouted on the kids and they came running in. Jen stripped them both down and sat them in the bath, then she threw a couple of toys in. While they were playing, she got a towel ready for them both and sat it off to the side. As fast as possible she went into the kids rooms, grabbing pjs for each of them and putting them in her room. Then once that was done she got the kids clean, making sure to scrub them down. While Amara kept playing, Jen took Junior out the bath, wrapping a towel around him, giving him a dry.

"Quick, go wait in mommy's room..." she told him, reaching for Amara, doing the same with her. She got both kids up on her bed, changing Amara while Junior put his own clothes on. "All clean." She picked up Amara from under her arms, bringing her closer and giving her lots of kisses.

"Me too mommy..." David shuffled over, placing his hand on Jens shoulder and giving her a kiss.

"I bet you both are hungry, huh? Let's go eat..."


To end a good day, Jennifer and David cuddled up in bed, watching movies. But they weren't all that interested from what was on the tv, but they sure had a common interest in kissing each other.

David is spread in the bed, with Jennifer between his legs and lying her head on his chest.

"I can't wait to have him home, the kids were so sweet with him..." she commented, pulling her lips away from David's and lying down on his chest.

"It'll be great. Junior reacted much worse than Amara when he met her for the first time, don't you remember?" He laughs lightly, elevating Jen as his body moves up and down.

"Oh I know, he hated her... but now he loves her."

"Theres no pulling them apart, is there?"

"Nope..." she looked up at him, grinning away. "Just like us."

"Mhm... night Jenny" he leaned closer, giving her a long and sweet kiss, before pulling away and cuddling her tightly.

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