Terrible Words...

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This morning Jen has the house to herself, no kids in sight... well Norman is floating around somewhere. She's been reading through a few scripts that Aleen sent her, but she isn't too keen on any of them.

Jennifer's pov...

All these scripts and I can't find a single one to take my mind off of the divorce, it's driving me crazy! I'm already filming for a movie and it's just about finished, but I need a project for when I finish my current one. It's a good distraction.

I pick up my cell phone as I'm sitting in my little office, it joins onto my bedroom so the kids can still come and see me.

"Hey honey, I really need to chat with you..." I speak through the phone as it goes to answering machine. "Give me a call when you have the chance, Jen."

I get up from my desk, making my way into the kitchen. I decide to make myself a smoothie bowl, something the kids never let me eat by myself. Don't get me wrong, I love sharing with my babies, but they are such little bums. They could have the exact same food as me, if not better and they still want to eat off of my plate. Courteney says Coco does the exact same with her, it's just so weird. Or maybe it's normal, maybe that's just how kids can be. Speaking of my children, I'm missing them like crazy, so I've decided to give David a call. We've barely spoken from our fight last week, which knocked us back a few paces.

"Hello?" I hear a groggy voice through the phone, then he clears it, repeating his greeting again. "Hello?"

"Hi... are the kids there? Wait! Have you just woken up?! It's 12.30 David!"

"No. I'm just a bit tired, Amara wouldn't go to sleep last night. She kept shouting for you and saying she wanted to come home."

"Oh...so why didn't you bring her home?!"

"One, she's my daughter, two, it's my time with her and three, I don't see you bringing the kids to me when they want me!"

"Well she clearly needed me David, you just wouldn't understand!"

"Understand what Jennifer? Understand that our kids don't tell us what to do?! She shouldn't get her way all the time Jennifer, it's not right!"

Damn, he's really getting me pissed off now, I'm getting really fucking angry.

David's pov...

Jen... oh sorry, Jennifer, is driving me absolutely crazy. It's a one way fucking street and she has to understand that!

"David stop dismissing the fact that she had a reasoning for needing me!"

"I'M NOT AN UNFIT FATHER JENNIFER! I can watch my children!" I shout down the phone, luckily quiet enough to the point where I wouldn't catch the attention of the kids, who are in the living room, while I'm outside in the backyard.

"I didn't say that!"

"Well you were thinking it, weren't you? You've said it before, so say it again, go on!"

"I have never called you an unfit father David!" She protests again, lying straight through her teeth.

"Bullshit! Jen I wasn't completely sober that night, but I heard what you said. And it's haunted me ever since that night!"

"What..." her voice softens, I can tell she's guilty.

2 years ago, July...

All day Jennifer had been worrying about David, well all year. Amara was only a few months old when this all started, so, Jen's been struggling with two kids on her own. Sure David does help and when he's not drinking, he's the best father, ever! But drinking has really taken over his life, leaving Jen, David Jr and Amara alone most of the time. She wishes she could go back in time, re-do everything that went wrong, fix the problems before his form of 'fixing' became drinking.

"Helllooo" David says in a weird and drunken voice as he stumbles through the door.

"Oh David, not again!" Jen gets up from the couch, letting him hang onto her to keep him steady on his feet. She helps him upstairs and puts him straight to bed, there isn't time for an outfit change or a wash. He needs to get to sleep before he wakes the kids up, which he does very often. "Goodnight... I love you." she brushes the hair back from his head, kissing it once.

A few hours later and Jen is still wide awake, on the phone with her best friend, seeking some advice.

"Honey I just don't know what to tell you other than rehab..."

David has managed to get out of the bed, walking to the top of the staircase, listening to the conversation from Jennifer's side.

"Maybe rehab, I just don't want to put him in a place like that, then he'll be away from us."

"I know honey, but remember-"

"I know, I know. This drinking problem really has to stop Court, he's become an unfit father..." she sighs, feeling horrible for admitting how she felt.

Present day, still on the call...

"Yes... it happened and you know it did. I came home after being out drinking all day, you helped me to bed but I got back up. When I came downstairs I heard you on the phone to Courteney, saying 'This drinking problem really has to stop Court, he's become an unfit father'. So don't act all innocent, I heard you Jen, I heard you with my own two ears!" I hang up, throwing the phone down and into the pool.

"Fuck!" I shout, roughly combing my hands through my hair. The tears had fallen and I've been caught by the kids, who are standing in the kitchen, looking through the glass doors.

Amara had her hands over her mouth, then gave me a look I get from her mother a lot. She's clearly annoyed that I said a bad word, so I know she'll give me a telling to when I go inside. I find her so much like Jen that it's crazy and she's only three.

"Naughty word, you being bad!" She shouted her best from inside, which I could only hear faintly because the doors are closed over. I walk inside and pick them both up, getting them ready to go back home.

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