Rush to Hospital...

672 19 30

3 months later...

"Well I like the idea of going for either pink or blue, that way it'll match the babies clothes. Plus amara and David both had neutral rooms, I want colour for this little one..." Jen says, rubbing her hand over her belly as she's out shopping with David.

"Well it's your house, mines is already decorated for this little one." He reply's, picking up a stuffed toy and putting it in the cart.

"Hey Dave..." Jennifer stops walking, he holds back and waits for her to speak again. "... do you think it'll be weird? Y'know, us living together again?"

"It's only for a little while Jen..." he puts his hand on top of hers which is grasped onto the cart bar. "Besides, we won't even be in the same bed..."

"Yeah... I guess your right..."

The pair continue shopping for another 30 minutes, then go home with all of their new finds.

David had been staying at Jens this past week, given that she's only got 12 weeks left. It may seem too soon, because we'll, the baby isn't due yet. But it's to help her with the kids, spend time together and it'll work out a system. Well that's all David thinks of it, he also thinks Jen feels the same way. But honestly, she doesn't. Jennifer is thinking that maybe if they live together again, something will spark. They are already in love with each other, but both of them are too terrified to say anything.

"You hungry?" David asked as he and Jen walked in the house.

"Starved... hello babies..." she bends down and greets the three children, coco included since Courteney watched the kids.

"Hey babe... did you say you were hungry?" She asks getting up, giving Jennifer a hug and then David.

"Mhm... I haven't eaten in a while..."

"She's lying, Jen you had a family sized bag of chips while walking around the grocery store." David laughs, shaking his head at her.

"Well... um... I'm pregnant. So ha!"

"The kids were dying for pizza so I ordered some..."

"Please tell me your ordered two, I need more than a slice..." Jen said hopeful as she plopped down on the couch, cuddling with coco who was attached to her.

"Of course I did.." Courteney rolls her eyes at David, letting out a puff of air as she giggled. "Let me help with the bags..."

David and Courteney begin putting everything away, groceries in the kitchen and baby stuff in the nursery.


"That was sooo needed..." Jen sits back in her chair, throwing the crust of her last slice on her plate.

"Dada... momma not eat her cwusts" Amara tells David.

"I know honey..." he smiles, looking back at Jen. They lock eyes for a moment, just smiling at each other from across the table and Courteney just watched them in awe.
For a second time stopped and their stare wasn't awkward, but when Jens eyes widened, he knew something was happening that wasn't good.

"Okay... I'm in labour..." Jen says as calmly as possible.

"What?!" Courteney shouts.

"Your only twenty nine weeks..."

"Uh-huh... but I was sure I felt some contractions and I'm positive I didn't just pee myself..." she stands up, taking hold of the table.

Jennifer was indeed in labour, and it wasn't false.

David took her upstairs, helping her change into a night dress, her 'granny panties' and a big pad for the leaking. She wasn't bothered about changing in front of him or David doing it for her. This birth only has a few things different from the others. Such as them not being together and the fact that the baby is just under 3 months early.


"Jen it's time to start pushing... cmon you have to..."

"But won't the baby be safer in than out?" She asks, crying into David's shoulder.

"It'll be safer out now, you'll be fine..."

Once they're prepared and Jens next contraction comes along she begins pushing as hard as possible. All she wants to do is get their baby out and checked so she knows the baby is safe. But in the back of her mind, she's worried that there's going for to be complications, which are likely.

"Good... okay 1,2,3!"

"Ahh... fuck..." Jens head throws back on the bed when she feels her child withdrawn from her. She quickly looks back up to see the baby being rushed over to get checked out which is terrifying her.

"You did so good honey, so good." David kisses the top of her head then they rest their foreheads together. He cups her cheeks, wiping away her tears as he leaned closer. Their lips attach for a moment, a really small moment then pull away. "I'm so proud of you..."


After a good amount of time Jen was now all cleaned up in her private room, accompanied by David and their baby. After all checks were done and they made sure it was safe Jen was given the baby to herself. A breathing tube was inserted into the windpipe to help with breathing, but all in all he seems healthy for his premature birth. The baby is 3lbs 1oz. It seems slightly heavier than the typical 28 week baby, but it came in luck as Jen went into premature labour.

"So, we're sticking with the name?"

"Yeah, it think we should, what about you?"

"Yeah, definitely... Oliver-Blake Schwimmer..."

"Perfect..." David leaned down and gave his son a kiss in the head then one on Jens.

With all that's happened the past 24 hours, Jens feelings for David have grown stronger than ever and they aren't even together.

Jens pov...

There's a word that doesn't just mean feelings, it's love. I'm in love with him, okay? If your looking for the word that means caring for someone beyond all rationality, and wanting them to have everything they want, no matter how much it destroys you, it's love! And when you love someone, you don't stop, ever! Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy, even then, especially then! You, you just don't give up, because if I could give up, if I could just give up and take the whole worlds advice and move on and just find someone else, that wouldn't be love. That would just be another disposable thing, that is not worth fighting for. David is worth it, he's worth fighting for and if I try and I don't succeed, then I'll never move on, because that wouldn't be love...

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