The Break Up...

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Today is the premier for the new movie, it's called 'The Break Up' ironic, isn't it?

I'm in Germany, currently in my hotel room looking through the wardrobe to find an outfit for today. I'm 4 months pregnant now, meaning I have a showing  bump. Oh boy, that was such a shock to everyone that I was pregnant and newly divorced. The hate David is getting because of it is crazy, although it has died down slightly.

1 months ago...

As I'm lying in bed scrolling through the terrible things that are being said I can't help but cry. David is a good man, there's no doubt about that, he really and truly is. The awful hate he is getting is tearing me apart, I guess I can see why people are annoyed. It does look kinda bad. I mean, here I am about 3ish months pregnant, not long divorced and we have kids together. They may think I'm the villain, but they may think David is, only we know the real truth, we'll kinda. I can't believe I called him an unfit father, I'm honestly so angry at myself. I can't even remember saying it, though, that doesn't change the fact that it was wrong. Calling someone a terrible parent or unfit is awful, very few people should be called any of those things. And the people that are called it, either deserve it or it came out wrong, that's what happened with us. I didn't mean he was unfit, but the way that things were going, he could've become an unfit and distant father. But he didn't, he stuck around and gave up the alcohol, all for the kids.

It's around 11pm and there's a knock at the door, I don't have a clue who it is because the gates were locked. I run over to the security cameras, checking to see who's there and it's David. I go downstairs quickly, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I open the door and I'm faced with him crying, soaking from the rain and slouched.

I took a step outside the door, letting the rain fall down on the both of us. "Dave... I'm so-" I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him down and into a tight hug. My hands rubs up and down his back while his are holding my waist with a good grip. "Come on, let's get you heat up." I pull away, looking into his glazed brown eyes.

"Yeah, okay..."

I take his hand and bring him inside, I give him a towel, some clothes I still have of his which are sweatpants a hoodie, a shirt, boxers and socks. He goes into the bathroom downstairs and gets ready while I make him a cup of hot coco. While it's heating up I strip my clothes off and put on a pair of baggy, plaid pyjama  trousers and a white tank top. Once I'm ready I bring in the cups of coco, handing one to David and sitting myself on the couch. David is sitting across from me on the comfy armchair with one hand in his hoodie pocket while the other holds his mug.



"If I knew... y'know, if I knew that all of this would happen..." I lean closer to the coffee table, putting my mug down. ".. I wouldn't have sent the announcement out..."

"It had to happen eventually Jennifer, and it's all on me... so..." he trails off, sitting back on the chair after putting his cup down. "I uh... I deserve it..." he sniffles, letting the tears drip from his eyes.

"No David..." I get up from the couch, walking over to him and bending down, resting my hands on his thighs. "... you don't deserve it, not at all... don't you dare say that!" I raise my voice slightly. "You are a good man, a very good one! So don't you dare...ever, say that you deserve something like this..." I cry with him, now I'm holding his hands. "Okay?!"


"No 'buts'" I get up, sitting down in his lap and pulling his head into my chest, kissing the top of his head.

"You are so amazing... thank you, for everything..." he pulls away, looking up at me with sadness washed all over his face.

"I hate when you cry..." I cup face and wipe away the tears that cover his cheeks. For a second we just gaze into each other's eyes before I bend down, touching his lips for a moment then I pull away. "This shouldn't be happening David, we were so darn happy!"

"I know, I know..." he pulls me further down, letting me rest my head on his chest.

David's pov...

Just looking at her made me go crazy, regretting all bad that has happened in the past and recently. Holding her was even more amazing and when she kissed me... oh boy! When she kissed me, I felt like butterflies were filling my body, lighting up my heart. After a few minutes of cuddling, Jen falls asleep on top of me. I get up and carry her upstairs and into her room, I lay her down on the bed, pulling the covers onto her body. I make sure she's comfortable and bundled up in covers to keep her warm.

Before going I kiss the top of her head, whispering 'I love you' as I shut her bedroom door.

Present time, Jens pov...

That was horrible, luckily things have died down now and in a way, David and I are much closer. We're like best friends, more than that, we've had so many nights cuddling together and falling asleep on the couch.

I've actually just requested to Skype David on the computer to talk to the kids before I go.

"Mommy!" Both of the kids shout through the screen.

"Hey babies! Are you being good?"

"They are, but they've been missing you like crazy..." David responds for them. 

"Well don't you three worry, I'll be home tomorrow morning and I'll be giving you lots of hugs and kisses..."

"Guess whaw mama..."

"What missies?"

"I painw dada's nails..." Amara informs me.

"You did? Woah, let me see David."

"Don't they look great?" David shows me the pink and patchy nails.

"She did mines too..." David Jr huffs, showing me his hands too.

"Well I think she did a great job, anyways kids I really have to go, have fun byyyeee?" I shut the screen over and turn to Vince who's laying across my bed.

"They are so sweet!"

"I know, I miss them both like crazy..." I get up from the little desk and meet Vince who got up too. He wraps his arms around my back and I put mines around his neck, leaning in for a small kiss.

"You are so beautiful, y'know that?" He comments, making my cheeks burn up.

It's been so long since I've even felt beautiful. I get called it all the time, everyone says I look like I've been glowing lately but as Phoebe would say "Oh, that's sweat. You throw up all morning, you'll have that glow too." So yeah, it's just from the pregnancy.

"Your pretty handsome yourself Mr..." I give him another kiss, this time more hungry and passionate. "Mm" I moan slightly as I feel his tongue lick all corners of my mouth. His hands rub up and down my back before he picks up my mostly naked body. I cling onto him and release once he has laid my down on the bed, hovering over me.

"We still have time..."

"Oh, I know..." I smirk, pulling his face back down to mines and reconnecting our mouths.

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