Best Mistake

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December 22nd 2006

"What are you wishing for?"

"I can't say or else it won't come true"

David and Jennifer decided to spend some time together alone before Christmas Day comes along and then them having to go back home. They are currently at East River, throwing coins in the water while making wishes.

"C'mon, I told you mines"

"Alright," Jennifer huffed, picking up her next coin and saying her wish aloud as she threw it. "I want to do a film with Hugh Grant"

"What kind of wish is that, Hugh Grant?"

"Wha- what?! I'd love to go film in England, his movies are always amazing."

"You're so cute" he laughed, kissing the side of her head discreetly. "How about me, will you ever do a film with me?"

"Maybe, you never know what could happen in the future"

"What do you think our future holds... do you think we'll be married again?"

"It really depends"

"On what?"

"On whether you want to or not"

May 27th 2007...

This morning Jennifer woke up to a cold draft from the patio doors, they had opened through the night. Quickly she rushed out of bed, closing them shut and turning back to David. He was still in bed, naked and lying on his stomach. She smiled gleefully. Her heart was so full, filled with so much happiness, they're finally married again.

Two days ago they had the most perfect wedding ever, on the same date as they did in 1999. It was on the edge of a cliff in Greece, the blue waters surrounding at the drop. There were rows of chairs, silk white, with twinkly lights wrapped around them. There were delicate bunches of plum coloured flowers incorporated throughout the set up. Everyone was dressed in white, most men wearing sand coloured slacks, a little different from their last wedding, but still absolutely perfect. It was so private, peaceful and a all in all joyful day. One to remember.

Of course there was the 'Can't believe you are getting married... again' jokes that flew around. But, that never put a dull moment on the day, it only made it so much more amazing. They think of it as 'We love each other so much, so we want to get married again', the divorce is totally behind them, that didn't matter anymore.

Jennifer pulled on her robe that was on the floor from last night, she then put it on. Slowly she crawled back on the bed, laying beside David on her stomach, her face looking towards him. She reached out, caressing her hand up and down his back slowly, going along with the outline of his rather large muscles, even if they weren't flexed. Her hand went further up his back, going through his hair, massaging his scalp, messing up his already disheveled hair.

She thought back to two days ago as she looked at him, the vows, the happiness, so much that she's entirely grateful for.

As she ran her hands through his hair, his body began to fidget before he turned his face towards her, still sleeping. She chuckled lightly as his face was squished against the pillow, his mouth wide open, he looked so cute in her eyes. After a few minutes, she rolled over, hoping to get some sleep in, she may as well.

But someone else WAS awake, just not to her knowledge.

"Good morning Mrs Schwimmer" David crept closer to Jennifer, sliding his arm around her waist and nuzzling his head into her neck, kissing it softly.

"Mmm" Jennifer moaned, smiling as she turned back to him, snaking her arm around his torso, her hand gliding up and down his back where it was rested. "I was thinking... how about we bring the kids back here when they're older, we can go down the ski slope, have hot chocolate after, it would be great!"

"Sounds perfect babe, but not for another few years. We could wait until Junior is at least ten"

"Hmm" Jennifer hummed, a smile placed along her lips.

"Jenny Louise!" Courteney shouted as she burst through the room door. "Oh shit!" She covered her eyes, just seeing the back of David's bare ass.

"Court!" David yelped, pulling the covers over his body and grunting.

"Sorry" she giggled, now removing her hands. "Are you both coming down for breakfast? Everyone is going down in twenty minutes"

"Yes, now leave we have an activity to attend before coming down."

"Wha- none are opened until like nine- ohhhh okay, right, I'll just um... leave you two to it" she closed the door back over, leaving them. They then heard the noise of the door clicking, she's locked it.

"And we got a-joining rooms, why again?"
Jennifer questioned David, he just shook his head laughing. "We don't have much time left"

"What for?" He smiled, he knew exactly what she was talking about. "I'm sure we have plenty of time... at least for what I have in mind" he moved closer, kissing her neck.

"Mhm seems we're thinking alike" Jennifer said, her words turning into a moan as David's lips sucked on the skin behind her ear. She then rolled on top of him, looking straight into his eyes. David's hands took hold of her robe, undoing the tie then sliding it down her shoulders, leaving it still around her waist. Jennifer sat up slightly, letting him throw away the thick cotton, the only clothing between the two of them. Jennifer leaned down, her hands placed on David's chest, rubbing up and down as she let their lips collide. Almost instantly their tongues began swirling around in each other's mouths, tasting each other.

David's hands that were on her waist began pulling her hips up and down, creating friction. Jennifer could feel him harden as she rubbed her center up and down his length. They couldn't help but moan into each other's mouths, enjoying the pleasurable sensation of their naked bodies touching. Jennifer reached her hand down, taking hold of his length now that it was hard enough, and guiding it inside of her. Slowly she sat herself down on him, taking it all in before moving her hips. He pulled her face down to his, kissing her lips ever so softly, savouring the moment. Jennifer kept her movements calm, not speeding up too much. David's hips began moving in sync with hers, his hands running up and down her waist. Within minutes both finished moments apart. 

Jennifer collapsed beside David, laying her head in his chest which was growing rapidly as he caught his breath again.

"Jen" he whispered, tilting her head up with his finger tips, making her look into his eyes. "I love you, so much. So god damn much!"

"I love you too baby" she tucked her head into his neck, tightly wrapping her arms around him as he done the same with her.

With their morning antics and tiredness, they ended up falling back asleep, missing breakfast. But, they also fell asleep totally at peace, filled with love and great joy...

They were finally married.

And funnily enough, the divorce was their...

Best Mistake.


Okay, so, I planned on making this 20 chapters, then I wanted to make it longer. Unfortunately I can't think of any storylines anymore, which sucks. 😢

If I do an epilogue, what would you all like to see? Maybe in the future to a couple of years back? 2018, the kids all grown up? Let me know in the comments.

But, anyways, thank you so much for the love and I hope you all enjoyed reading!🤍

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