The Divorce Papers...

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(David's pov)

Today I'm talking the kids to the park for a while, then I have to go back to Jens because she wants to talk to me. I'm actually really excited. After her interview yesterday, it's given me so much hope that maybe... well maybe she wants to get back together. I just wish I hadn't given her those papers, otherwise we would be together right now. That day plays in my head like a record over and over again...

August 2005...

As Jens cleaning up the kids high chairs she hears the front door open, instantly she knows who it is.

"Hey honey!" She shouts while putting the now cleaned tray back on the chair attachment. She wipes her hands on the dish towel as she walks into the living room. "I just put the kids to bed, so we are free for tonight!" She cheers, but stops when she notices his glum face. "Babe? What's going on?" She walks in front of the coffee table, placing her hands on her hips, towel still in hand.

"Jen... I picked up the papers today..." he whispered, keeping his vision on the papers that are on the table in front of him.

"What papers?" She asks, oblivious to what he's talking about.

"The divorce papers Jen!" He snapped, looking up and into her eyes.

Jennifer froze, she couldn't move even if she tried. Her body was stiff, her eyes were watering and anger was building up inside of her.

"Y- you... wha- why?!" Her voice was trembling to the point where she could only say one full word. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably against her hips as she felt like she was going to be sick.

"Jen I didn't want to do this! C'mon, you knew it was coming, if I didn't do it... you would've."

"No David! I wouldn't have, see because I wanted to try and make this work... and you- you! You were the asshole who picked up those papers, not me and I never would have!" She throws the dish towel at his face, not hard, but with force then she stormed into the kitchen. She placed both hands on the counter, leaning forward as she took deep breaths in and out as the tears came flowing out from her eyes.

"Jennifer please, I didn't mean any of this..." David followed her into the kitchen, placing his hand on one of hers.

"Get those papers out of my house, because you know what? I'm not fucking signing them!" She turns and looks at him. "Look David...." she began sniffing as she cried. "... we have to make this work... please, we just have to." She takes his hands between hers and kisses them once. "c'mon, don't do this... David I love you, I love you so much..." she wraps her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder. "... please, please I can't live without you, I physically can't..." her sobs become more and more uncontrollable.

One of David's hands rests on Jens back while the other is on the back of her head, stroking through her hair.

"I love you too... you won't be living without me, because I can't live without you. But Jen... you do know that we can't be together anymore..."


"Okay... pass them over..." Jen reaches her hand out and waits for David to give her the papers.

"Don't do what you did to the first copy..."

David is referring to last week when he came home with the divorce papers, Jen wrote all over it saying 'piss off!' And 'not gonna to happen!'

"I won't..." she rolled her eyes, taking the paper and scanning over it. She looked through it once then started signing her name. It felt like a ton of bricks came crashing down every tiny movement she made with the pen. She was surprised she could still cry, after this week, she was sure she had ran out of tears. But signing the papers made it all surreal, she was no longer going to be with David. It wasn't the marriage title getting taken away that made her feel so horrible. It was the fact that David and herself would officially be broken up.

David still couldn't think during this whole process, he tried shutting his emotions off. But now that she's put the pen lid on and handed him the papers, he lets it all out. He's distraught, angry with himself, hurt, sad every horrible feeling. It physically felt like someone picked up a knife and stabbed him over and over and over again.

Present time, Jennifer's beach house...

"We're here!" David shouted as he entered the front door, closing it over and watching the kids run to find their mother.

"There's my babies!" Jen shouted as she ran downstairs, picking up both children and sitting them on her hips. "I missed you both so much..." she gives them plenty of kisses and a massive hug.

"We at pawk!" Amara shouted as Jen sat them both down.

"Really, what did you guys play on?" She crouched down to their heights, taking off Juniors jacket then Amaras.

"Mara and I went on the swings! Then on the slide, oh and we went on a climbing thing and lots of other things!" Junior shouted, explaining everything as he walked over and sat down on the couch, cuddling up with Norman. "Hey buddie!"

"Well that's great, did you have fun Mara?"

"Oooo yeah!" She walked away from Jen, joining Junior on the couch.

"Well alright then..." she turned to David, smiling at him. "... I need to talk to you..." she looks over at the kids, back at him and then took his hand and leaded him into the kitchen.

"What's up, how's this little one?" He rubs his hand over her stomach a few times then pulls away.

"Well there's no easy way to say this but um... do you remember seeing things about Vince and I?" She didn't wait for a response, she just carried on. "Well I told you that if anything was going on and if I was going to start dating again, you'd be the first to know. So um... that's what I'm telling you..."

"What?" He let out in disbelief. Jennifer and Vince? "Jen you have to be joking me, Vince?"

"David... I- I'm not joking with you, Vince and I are dating..."

"That kid better be mines Jen..." he points to her stomach, pressing his lips together tightly.

"Of course it is you dipshit! It's only been going on for a month or two!" She shouted, shaking her head side to side.

"Sorry, I was just worried that maybe... I don't know... you were-"

"Cheating?" She quipped, he nodded and she sighed. "David look... it was a mistake, I made a mistake..." she sighed, taking his hands in hers. "I- you know it wasn't my fault, don't you?"

"I know... I just wish I had been there. If I just came it all wouldn't have happened."

"Hey! It wasn't your fault, it was his!" She wraps her arms around his neck pulling him into a tight embrace. "I wouldn't call it cheating anyways, cheating is when you willingly have sexual contact with another, knowing it'll hurt your partner. I never did that David, he forced himself on me... and, and..." she was losing her breath as the tears formed in her eyes.

"Shhh... don't worry about that, it wasn't your fault and it's all in the past now..."

They stayed in the embrace for quite some time, just swaying back and forth while running their hands up and down each other.

"So... your happy with Vince?" He question, feeling the knife cutting through his heart.

"I... I think so?" Jennifer didn't know how to answer, she was questioning herself so much.

Because ultimately she loved David...

"N- no I'm not... I'm not happy. God I have to talk to him!"

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