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Today I'm doing an Oprah interview, which I'm terrified about. I know questions are going to spring up about the divorce, which I'm totally fine about. It'll be the first time talking about it, of course I'll shed a few tears. But lately, I've been in such a great place. Vince and I have been getting on really well, but to be honest I feel like it's just a fling. I don't like putting it like that, but honestly, I never imagined myself being with another man, not even now. I still see myself with David and that this is all just a hiccup along the way. But today, I can't think like that. I have to have a strong exterior or I'll be deemed a 'damsel in distress' which I'm not. I don't need a man to come and save me, I'm happily independent. But I don't want to come off as if David meant nothing to me, which is so far from the truth.

I'm just in hair and makeup with the kids, they're both sitting on dressing room couch. Amara is looking at all the 'pwetty dwesses" while David is helping Junior with his school work. I know having David here is weird, but he's leaving really soon with the kids. They're staying at his house tonight, meaning Norman and myself are going home alone.

"Wook momma..." Amara runs over to me, showing off the bracelet Junior gave her. "Dawie make it..." she shows me the different coloured beads that are stacked around the string and the little charm he put on it.

"I made that mommy!" Junior says, looking up from his homework.

"Woah I love it, c'mere..." I pat my lap and he comes over, I lift him up and he snuggles into my chest while my hair is getting finished off by Chris. "You are the best big brother ever!"

The nerves are really starting to kick in, but hey, I'm an actress, I'll act my way through the interview.

"You'll be fine..." David comments as he picks up Amara and Junior's school bags.

"Thanks..." he places his hand on mines, giving it a squeeze then lifting Junior off of me. "Give mommy a kiss" both children give me a peck and shout 'bye' as they walk out the door. I watch the door close over and I stare at it for a few minutes, touching my cheek from where David gave me a kiss.

"Jen, don't do it to yourself.." Chris breaks me out of my trance, giving me a sympathetic look.

"What!?" I shriek.

"You know what, now get up, you have to go..."


Standing behind the sliding screen is so nerve wracking, especially from the response when my name is called. Everyone is screaming so loudly and clapping their hands together, it's so flattering.

"Please welcome Jennifer Aniston-" I hear Oprah shout, getting cut off by screaming for the second time.

I walk out smiling and waving at the loud crowd, who just seem so freaking sweet. I make my way over to Oprah, giving her a hug and a gift of champagne which gets poured out for us.

"Oh shoot! I can't have this!" I giggle, pulling the glass away from my mouth, I then hand it to one of the crew members who get rid of it for me. "Pregnancy problems." I shrug my shoulders, smiling.

"That's right, your pregnant again..."

"I am indeed, it's already my third."

"Wow, I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday you were pregnant with Junior." She comments, smiling back at me.

"Oh I know, he's already five, can your believe that?"

"Lordy lord, we're getting old.." we all laugh. "That doesn't seem real, I thought he was four?"

"July eleventh is his birthday..."


"I know that this is a sensitive subject and I'm sure everyone wants to know what's going on, but if I ask you any questions you aren't comfortable answering and want to keep private, then don't be afraid to decline."

"Mhmm.." I nod. "I was guessing it would come up..."

"Yeah, you said you wouldn't be defined by your divorce in your new vanity fair article and that you are both fantastic friends, which I find great..."

"Of course, it's a divorce and it's hard, but that's not all that I am and its not all that I'm going to be. And yeah, David and I are such close friends, we're together most of the time-"

"What's that like, being with him a lot, is it hard?"

"Well sure. But... y'know, David and I have been separated for a long time now, nearly a year actually. We kept the divorce very hush until it was final."

"Is there a reason...?"

"Why we kept it quiet?" I ask and she nods. "Not really, David would like to believe it's because he wanted to keep it private. But uh... myself? There was um... hope, hope that it wasn't real." I look down at my hands that are intertwined as the tears press to the front of my eyes. "And I think making it public, would've effected the chances of it all just being... well, not being reality."

"How about now? You must've shed some tears but what about now, are you still dwelling?"

I paused for a moment, yes, I'm still dwelling, should I be? is the question. 

"Honestly? Yeah, he wasn't just a relationship that lasted a month. He was my husband for seven years and I've known him for well over a decade. Plus, he fathers my children, he's someone very special and important to me." Great Jen! Well done! Let's just reveal it all!!!

"Are you over it? Or do you think you will be?"

"No, it was a marriage that was safe... yet wild... adventurous and full of love and passion. For that to be ripped away from you... it's rough, really rough. There's days where I cry for hours on end, while there's others where I don't seem slightly effected. It comes and goes." I give a small smile as I wipe the tears that had fallen from my cheeks.

"Here honey..." Oprah hands me a tissue and I dab it on my cheeks and under my eyes. "What about joint custody? Do you both have the kids or is it just visits?"

I shuffle a little and get ready to answer the question.

"You don't have to say anything..." she reassures me, rubbing her hand on my thigh a few times then pulling away.

"No, I want to. Umm... the kids are with me three days a week, that's the same with David. Then one day a week we all spend the day together and the kids decide who goes to who's home. Sometimes I'll have Amara and David will have Junior, viste versa or we'll have them both. I would never take the kids from David and he wouldn't do that to me."

After a few more discussions it becomes a little overwhelming, so we move on and just on time the interview had ended. I shared more than I was going to, I even shared stuff I haven't told David. I mean, c'mon Jen! I just told the world how much I'm still hung up, in love with and tragically missing my ex husband!

But that's the thing, I didn't lie about anything I said. I do love him and yeah, I am still dwelling on it, which I shouldn't be. I should be moving on, even if Vince is that guy, maybe i should just be more official with him and tell David about us. I mean, we're practically dating, just in private.

So that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to tell David before the news gets out...

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