Sunny Smiles...

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The morning sun crept through the curtains, blinding Jennifer. She rolled away from the blinding light, facing the other end of the bed. Her eyes kept shut as she wrapped her leg around the body beside her, then her arm. She lets out a little yawn, waking up the body beside her.

David's eyes fluttered open, vision still blurry then he wiped his eyes, fixing his sight. He looked around the room for a moment then down at the body draped over him, he smiled. It felt like waking up to his wife again. It reminds him of all the mornings where he would wake up first and just look at her sleeping. Her gorgeously peaceful body cuddling him, her face relaxed, lips slightly parted to allow her to breath out. Her hair was always perfect, unlike his short locks that stick out everywhere. Just everything about her was perfect.

Jennifer's head was angled up, looking at David as she rested on his chest. She was still sleeping and he knew that, but those lips were calling for him. He needed to feel them again. Slowly he leaned closer, touching her lips ever so gently, then pulling away. Jennifer stirred a bit, then her eyes opened, looking clearly up at David. A smile appeared on her face, a big one, her eyes squinting as she stared at him.


"Hi..." she whispered back, leaning closer, kissing his lips, holding his face and rubbing his chest. When pulling away she lay back down on his muscular chest, letting out a happy sigh.

Sure she didn't know what this was, or if David even wanted anything more. But to her, those little kisses this morning and last nights kiss, everything seemed to be falling into place. She never fell out of love with him, that's something that just couldn't happen and wouldn't happen. Thinking of all these things just makes her heart glow, but then again, David was the one who divorced her. He ended it with her. So does that mean he doesn't want this?

She rolled off his body, facing the other way, towards the sun. David looked over at her, noticing she just wiped her eyes, she's been crying. He scoots himself closer to her until his chest is pressed against her back. His arm holds around her waist, while the other arm prompts himself up and plays with strands of her hair, removing it from her face.

"Jen? What's wrong?" He asks worried, rubbing his hand on her hip them down to her stomach over and over again.

"I just... you divorced me David." She rolled back over to face him, letting him keep his arm gripped around her waist.


"Yeah, that..." she sighed softly. "... it's not that I don't want this, because believe me, I do. I just don't think you want it, after all you wanted to end our relationship."

"I didn't want to Jennifer, you know that!" He said and she nodded. "I didn't want to end the relationship one bit or the marriage. I just wanted to end all the crappy baggage we were carrying along the way. It became too much for me, and I'm so sorry for this whole divorce! So fucking sorry!" He let his grip go of her, sitting up and facing the wall in front of him. He took in a deep breath, wiping away the growing tears in his eyes. Jennifer slowly sat up, moving behind his body and getting on her knees, she wrapped her arms around his chest from the back, clasping them in the front.

"Please, I hate when you cry..." she whispered, kissing the top of his shoulder, then leaning the side of her head against his. "... I know why you divorced me and I understand all of that. But you have to understand how painful it was to go through it thinking it was all my fault-"

"It wasn't at all!" Suddenly David pulled her body around, sitting her on his waist, she adjusted herself and wrapper her legs around his waist. "Last night... when I told you I loved you... I didn't mean it in a friendly way, I hope you know that...?"

"Ditto..." she smiled, cupping his cheeks and leaning her forehead on his.

"Because I do Jen, I love you so fucking much that it physically hurts."

"And I love you... so much more!"

"Not possible..." he held her face, leaning in for one of the best kisses, it was a relief really. They pulled away and rested their heads together again, closing their eyes and taking in the moment.

"If I hadn't just gave birth, I would be on top of your right now."

"Oh I know.." he laughed. "But if you really want to do this, can we go much slower than the last time? I want to start fresh, get to know this Jen..." he pointed to her chest, smiling goofily.

"I'd love that..."

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