It's Weird...

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3 days after the birth...

After spending a few nights at the hospital Jennifer was able to go home, but Oliver wasn't ready just yet.

The doctors want to keep him in the NICU until he weighs around 4 pounds and can maintain his own body temperature. He had been having breathing difficulties, so he was needed to be placed on a respirator -ventilator- for a while. Then he's also had some trouble with feeding and he's initially receiving his meals through a tube that's inserted into his mouth and passed down to the stomach. Because his immune systems is still developing, he's also at a greater risk of infection, and more prone to hypoglycemia and hypothermia.

The parents know that him being in there is going to be best and it'll keep him safe. But it's still devastating that he wont be at home until it's closer to his original due date. They spent as much time with him as possible and now it's time to go home to their other babies.

Since Jen is producing milk and Oliver isn't feeding she's had to resort to pumping milk. She definitely wants to try breastfeeding when he's able to, so pumping right now will have to be her new thing. And that's what she's doing right now, Jens sitting on the chair in her hospital room, pumping away, as David is packing away all of their stuff.

"It feels weird..." Jen sighs, looking down at the equipment attached to her.

"Hmm?" David looks up from rummaging in the bags on the bed. "What does?"

"This..." she motions to her breasts. "I shouldn't be getting milked by this thing, I should be feeding my child..." her eyes become teary just thinking about the whole situation.

"I know honey..." David walked around the bed and knelt down beside Jennifer, taking one of her hands in his. "... don't worry about it, we'll have him home soon enough." he smiled before kissing her hand, keeping his lips there for a moment then pulling away. "C'mon, let's get you home..."


When pulling up to the driveway Jen and David could see the kids looking out the window, hands and faces pressed against it.

"Oh god, I hope they're clean, the windows will be disgusting..."

"Jen... Courteney's watching them..." he laughed a bit as he stopped the engine and got out. He went around to Jens side of the car and helped her out and into the house. "We're home!"

"Yay!" Both children cheered, running over and hugging their parents.

"Where's the baby mommy?" Junior asked, looking up at her with hopeful eyes.

"Honey..." she tried bending down but it didn't go so well, so David lifted them both up to Jens height. "The baby won't be home for a few weeks, but when he's here I bet you both are going to be the best brother and sissy, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Mhm, you definitely will be..." she ruffled Juniors hair then walked over to Courteney who was sitting on the couch.

"Hey honey, c'mere..." she opened her arms up for Jen to fill them. She sat on the couch beside her, cuddling into her friend tightly. All the emotions were crazy, especially because of her hormones. "Shhh... he'll be fine..." Courteney stroked up and down her arm as she heard Jennifer sobbing quietly.


"I'm going to sit on the patio for a while, I'll be back soon..." Jennifer got up from the dinner table and walked out back, taking a seat on the comfy outdoor couch and wrapping a blanket over herself. She looked out over the ocean, taking in deep breaths.

Jens pov...

I don't understand it at all, one minute I'm having dinner then the next I'm in labour months before I should be. I feel like I've let down my baby, myself and David. He must be really annoyed at me, I had one job and I couldn't even do that right! All I wanted was a safe pregnancy, that would mean coming home with my son after the birth, breastfeeding him, waking up during the night, changing his dirty diapers and all the things I done with my other kids. I mean, sure it was hard, but it was also so, so perfect. When I brought both David and Amara home It felt like everything fell into place and nothing was out of the ordinary. And now what? I'm sitting here, without my son, because he's in the NICU. Don't get me wrong, all the doctors, nurses, midwifes you name it were amazing and they are still doing a terrific job. But I should be the one taking care of him, not them.

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