A Family of Five...

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6 weeks later...

After a long six weeks I finally get to bring my baby home, which is so exciting. We've been visiting as much as possible, if I had something on David would go and vise versa. Most of the time we had clear schedules, so we were up to see him constantly.

I'm currently just out from a shower with Amara, we shared since our time is pretty short this morning. David and Junior are in the living room, getting everything ready for Oliver coming home. I don't have much time to do my hair, so I just pull it up and into a messy bun, then I do the same with Amara. Now that she's ready, I take her downstairs with me and put her straight in the car along with Junior. David is still in the house while we're in the car, still waiting on him to bring Oliver's change of clothes.

After waiting for five minutes he comes running out the door, bag over his shoulder as he's trying to put a bottle in it.

"Dada punny!"

"Is he now?" David asks, getting in the front seat beside me.

"He is..." I whispered, starting the car up and driving out the gates. "Are we all excited to bring Oliver home?!" I cheered.

"Nooo! He sweel my woom"

"Amara he will share with Mommy..." David informs her, laughing slightly.

"No! My Mommy!" She shouts back at him, a little jealousy showing through. We expected it, Junior was the same, but she's reacted later than we thought she would.

"Oh god, we're in for it today..."


When we arrived at the NICU we were spoken to for a while, just going over everything with Oliver. He's just turned 4lbs 3oz, so he's a good weight, he's off the ventilator and all in all a very healthy baby who was born early. His due date still isn't for a few weeks, but now that it's safe, he can come home with us.

And now, he's finally all wrapped up and ready to go home, exactly where he should be. In the car the kids kept talking to him, Amara seems to be warming up to the fact that he's coming home. Now we're home and we've barely gotten inside before the kids got desperate to hold him.

"Okay, watch his head honey... there you go." I help Junior hold Oliver, with Amara joining him. "Dave, pass me that camera over."


Once they kids were in bed, David and I got to spend a little time with Oliver. We got some snacks, put on a movie and cuddled up with him on the couch. But now long before he fell asleep, he's a baby, I don't know what I was expecting.

"Do you know what I still wonder?" David says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and looking down and Oliver.


"Where the hell are both Amara and Oliver getting the blonde from?"


"Jen! Are you actually being serious?" He pulled away, laughing hysterically at me.

"Of course not!"

"Thank god! I though that peroxide had seeped into your brain"

"Oh wow your so funny! I'm literally dying over here!" I replied sarcastically, standing up and walking over to the staircase.

"I'm hilarious..."

"Keep up the jokes funny man, but I must warn you, that couch is calling your name tonight." I began walking up the stairs, holding onto Oliver.

"Maybe I'll just go to my house then..."

"Wait, no!" I turned back around to find him with his arms crossed and a smirk placed on his lips. "I want you to stay here tonight" I pouted.

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