Chapter 39.1: Revenge

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Max had a very limited access to Ki at the moment. He ran [Ki Osmosis] to regain Ki from the surroundings. Right now, with the collar still on him, there was no way he could generate his own Ki.

He was still thinking when he felt a sudden burst of heat approaching him...

He immediately rolled aside just as a massive blast was heard from where he last stood. A massive crater had formed....

As he regained his composure, he saw a confused and sleepy Lucas coming out of his tent.

"Frey, what is happening Why are you making a l-?" He said groggily. However, he stopped talking the moment he saw Max. His eyes widened in fear. Max had escaped!

Max, who had seen Lucas, also stopped but he was experiencing a different feeling. It was bloodlust. It was so strong he even started to grin hungrily.

Lucas had seen Max's grin when he looked at him. He was scared.

Lucas immediately turned around to run away but just as he turned around, he heard Frey shout.


Lucas turned around and was greeted to Max...

"B-b-but how, you can't use Ki with the collar attached onto you..." he whimpered weakly.

Max had used [Shadow Travel] and had appeared behind Lucas. His mind was only filled with vengeance at this point. The Kreita family had only created trouble for him. He vowed to eradicate every single one of them if he could.

"You can't use Ki with the collar attached onto you." He mimicked Lucas' words in a singsong voice.

Max immediately grabbed Lucas and activated [Shadow Travel] again.

He had seen where they had kept his rings and weapons previously when they had captured him. He needed them back if he was going to survive. Max teleported to the avalanche dragon that was fast asleep. Previously, it had used a massive amount of Ki to maintain the snowy weather, thus it was extremely fatigued and tired.

Max easily managed to take all his items before confronting anyone. Just as he was about to leave, another white explosion landed near him. Frey had found him.

"Drop Lucas and I will let you leave in one piece." Frey said quietly with a hint of aggression.

"Oh shut up you moron. The moment I drop him, I die." Max said as he pointed an offensive hand gesture at Frey.

"Damn. I didn't know you had it in you kid." Kai said in his head.

Seeing the disrespect he was getting from a weakling, Frey immediately bursted into rage. The temperature in the frozen ice dome immediately rose. It was so drastic that the dragons that were resting got up in confusion.

"We are here boss." Olly the muscular weapon master said as he landed beside Frey. Annie had also landed beside Frey, carrying here trusty staff.

Seeing how he was outnumbered Max immediately escaped from there.

"Well. It was fun talking to all of you but I have to go now. Good luck finding Lucas. Oh and by the way, he will pay for everything I had to go through until now. So I suggest finding him as fast as you can." Max said as he waved his hand while activating [Shadow Travel] for the third time.

This time he teleported out of the massive icy mountain that they had created before.

"That was fast. I was expecting a full blown fight." Max thought in relief.

Max wanted to fight Frey but he had seen both of his other teammates, Annie and Olly, coming out of their respective tents. He even saw Olly rushing out towards him while taking out 4 different weapons from his belt. It was impossible to beat them all at once. Thus he decided to leave as fast as he could.

Just as he landed onto the hard warm floor. He saw a massive flaming white pillar of flames explode out of the icy dome. Frey was extremely mad.

Meanwhile, Lucas was scared. He was incapitated by the sheer bloodlust and pressure that Max was releasing. He didn't even dare activate his ability.

"Now, I need to get out of here before your cousin finds me." Max said as he looked at Lucas.

And that was the last thing he heard before seeing an armoured fist flying into his face, knocking him unconscious.

Max stored Lucas into his [Riven Gauntlets] and activated his [Waypoint Medallion]. He needed to get an alibi as soon as he could. To do that, he needed to leave the Wildlands. If he were to leave the Wildlands now, there was no way anyone would accuse Max of kidnapping or assaulting Lucas as the Hell's Pit was very far away from the Strongholds.

Max immediately teleported into the stronghold, saving him days of travel. He swiftly exited the Wildlands. He knew that the government keeps a record of when someone leaves and enters the Wildlands so it looked like he was safe for now.

"I need a little bit more evidence... If I am not wrong, it takes at least 3 to 4 days of travel from Hell's Pit to the Stronghold for an F-Rank, that is assuming he or she survives." Max thought.

Max sighed. It seems the next few days will be a little tiring for him.

"But before that, I need to take this stupid collar off me." Max thought.

Max quickly made his way to his home and tried to take off the strange collar. No matter how much he tried it was impossible. The collar remained firm and would not break. He was losing his patience. Max brought out his katana and tried to cut it but swiftly changed his mind after seeing that the katana would cut him along with the collar too.

"Just what is this stupid collar!?" Max thought to himself in confusion. The more he tried to take it off, the more difficult it was...

Writer's Note:
Lucas = dead.

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