Chapter 47: The Strange Shaman (2)

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Chapter 47

Max planned on watching what the young man was going to do next. It seems this artifact that he was wielding seemed to be of great value.

As the fight went on, the group of hooded men gained advantage. The young man that they called a "shaman" began to cast a small spell out of a small light blue magic circle. It created 2 spears which erupted from the ground. They looked light blue in color and translucent. It occasionally emits a strange bright blue light pulse from the base of the spear to its tip.

"I think all of you misunderstood something. I am not just a shaman." he said.

Almost immediately, he grabbed the 2 translucent spears and dashed at the group of men. He threw one of them at the closest man at the front of the group. It was then the greatest shock dawned onto both the group of men and Max who was watching from above.

Just as the spear almost left the man's hand, 2 small magic circles enveloped it. Almost immediately, the spear shot out of his hand at a blinding speed. Before the target could even react to the attack, the spear had pierced through his chest and had lodged itself to the ground.

Almost immediately, after the spear started shining and a massive explosion occurred at the point where the spear landed, instantly blasting and killing everyone in a 3 meter radius. Those that survived were the unluckiest. Several hooded men had their arms or legs blasted away while the lucky ones suffered searing burns all over their body and had dirt and dust enter their eyes.

A massive plume of smoke was generated and when it cleared, the shaman was seen gracefully standing on the spear that was lodged onto the ground, perfectly fine with not a single injury to him.

"I repeat again. If you wish to kill me. Bring more people." His smirk returned even wider than before.

"Cocky bastard. Come here. Just me alone is enough to deal with him. Everyone stay out!" A muscular man said. This man was at the front of the explosion but he seemed to be unaffected unlike the rest. Like the shaman, he too was unharmed and not a single bit of damage was seen on him.

Seeing the man, the shaman smiled. "Fine. Come." He said as he pointed the spear at the other man while perfectly standing on the edge of the first spear that he threw.

The shaman jumped up, did a backflip and gracefully landed on the ground and raised his spear. The other man, who was twice shaman's size, flexed his arm as he summoned a bright white shiny sword like weapon.

"Condensed Ki! This guy is definitely someone of high calibre." Max said with shock.

"What is that? It looks like a spirit weapon similar to the Orb or that thing used by the Kreita brat." Kai asked with curiosity.

Hearing this, Max began explaining.

"It's similar. Condensed Ki is something that even SS-Rank Evolvers can't easily create. Only a very rare group of people can create it. It requires extreme levels of skill, concentration and Ki mastery to even create a small ball out of heavily condensed Ki. It's like trying to create a small ball out of air. It requires a lot of pressure and control." Max explained.

He had never seen one made but he was sure it was condensed Ki. The man had made an entire sword out of Ki, which meant he was someone with rich experience and of great strength in Ki based attacks.

Seeing the condensed Ki, the shaman instead laughed at him.

"Fool. Some low levels of Ki won't ever beat me." the shaman said arrogantly.

Almost as if on cue, both of them lunged forward. The shaman and the muscular man exchanged several blows which Max could hardly keep up. The man had been pushed back several times by the shaman and it seemed he was at a disadvantage. However, just then, the man dashed forward. A sharp cut was seen across the shaman's left cheek. It seemed the man had suddenly accelerated.

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