Chapter 19: War?

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Chapter 19

Max was on his way home after class when suddenly he felt a sense of danger. He didn't know what it was but his instincts told him that something was about to happen.

Sure enough, just as he felt that, a massive skyscraper slightly further away from Max exploded. It was the Union Government building. The very same one that Johan brought Max to. Max looked over to see a small green explosion on one of the bottom floors. It looked really small and not that dangerous so Max assumed that it wasn't anything important.

Max shrugged it off and was about to continue walking when there he saw another explosion. This time it was slightly bigger and was on a higher floor. Max felt that something was off. The green explosion felt somewhat similar. That's when it hit him!

"Viper's Kiss! Teeth's attack had similar effects!" Max thought.

Max quickly wore his [Illusion Mask] and quickly flew towards the building. He didn't want to get any attention, thus he decided to float just a few centimeters off the ground, that way he can move quickly and quietly while giving everyone the idea that he was running.

As Max approached the building, another explosion rang out. This time it was on a higher floor. Whoever it was, they are moving upwards towards something. Max wasn't sure what they wanted but he felt like it was something to do with him.

Max soon reached the entrance of the government building. There were many ambulances and firefighters swarming the area. Those with water abilities were seen trying to put out fires or even cooling the victims' burns. There were many people who were injured. Just as he reached the entrance, another explosion rang out. This time it was at the top of the building, the 101st floor.

Just as the explosion rang out, Max could see a small speck in the sky. It seems something or someone has jumped out of the building. Max knew that was the preparator who was behind the explosions. Meanwhile, just as the preparator jumped out of the building, there was a massive chain of green explosions. The explosions started from the top and was soon chaining itself to the ground floor.

"If that explosion reaches the ground everyone nearby would die!" Someone shouted.

Almost immediately, everyone started to clear away from the building's parameter. Many strong evolvers were seen setting up various barriers made up of stone, water and even air to contain the explosion. Some even use telekinesis to slow down the explosion.

Seeing that everyone was managing well. Max immediately gave chase to the preparator.

He needed to know who it was and why they did it. Soon, with his various abilities activated, he managed to catch up with the preparator. He didn't want to alert the person who was fleeing thus, he decided to follow him slowly. Max thought he was being stealthy but after a few minutes of following the assailant, Max felt that something was off.

Just as he thought that, he saw a tiny green flash on the ground within his peripherals. Before he could figure out what it was, he felt an intense pain on his right arm. Max looked at his arm and received a shock. He saw a tiny green laser beam that had made contact with his arm.

He could see a painful gash made by the laser. Before he could react, he saw another 5 more successive flashes of green lights as seen below, putting the two things together he knew that someone was shooting at him but before he could even react the 5 laser beams had struck him. 3 of the 5 have struck his other 3 limbs while the remaining 2 have struck his stomach. Max could feel unimaginable pain all over him.

Seeing how none of vitals were struck, Max knew that his assailant wanted him alive. He also knew he was no match for the assailant and thus decided to fly back to where he came from. To his horror, another laser beam struck him a minute later. It seems his assailant wanted to capture him for some reason.

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