Chapter 42: Capture

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Chapter 42

It was early morning in the Wildlands. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon but it was still quite dark. Deep in the Wildlands, somewhere in the Dunes, a group of evolvers were running towards the Strongholds. They were being swarmed by Shade demons...

They had been barely able to cling onto their lives and had managed to survive the night but soon, the Shade Demons had gathered to gather and there were too much to deal with.

"I don't think we can survive." One of the evolvers, a male, said to the other 3 of them.

The group, consisting of 3 males and 1 female evolver, were losing.

"I don't think we can hold on any longer..." The female evolver groaned.

"Keep fighting, just a few more hours..." another one said.

Just then, over the horizon, they saw a bright white light. It was brighter than the sun and it was getting bigger...

"Is that the sun?" The male evolver asked.

They continued observing the light while fighting the demons.

Soon, the light grew bigger and bigger. Soon, they could make out the silhouette of a person in the middle of the bright white light.

It was another evolver!

"We are saved! It's another evolver! It seems their ability is related to light!" One of them said in hope.

"HEY! HELP US!" They yelled in hopes of the evolver helping them.

The white light was getting closer to them. It seems the evolver shrouded in the white light was coming towards them. But he seemed to get faster and faster. He wasn't stopping...

"Umm, I don't think he is slowing down..."

Soon, he was just a few meters away from them.

"Hey! Thank you for hel-" one of the evolvers from the group spoke, but before he could even finish his sentence, the time around him stood still. His hair stood up. In that split second, he felt the heat and electricity in the air. He felt something else, it was fear, the small feeling in the back of head grew bigger. He was feeling a sense of danger. But that only stayed for a split second, when the evolver was just a few meters in front of him. The very next second, the strange evolver disappeared from his point of view.

That wasn't the end of it. Before he could even turn around, even before a millisecond had ended, he felt the heat increasing and that was the last thing the group of evolvers and shade demons felt, before completely disappearing from existence...


Frey looked back as he saw the heat wave and the bright white lightning generated from running, striking the group of evolvers. It immediately vapourized everything. The evolvers had completely disappeared from the desert and all that was left of them was the ashes that were embedded inside the dirty black glass that had formed in the middle of the desert from the heat wave. There was nothing left of them.

"Pathetic weaklings..." Frey spat as he looked at the pile of black glass in disgust.

Without even a second thought, Frey continued shooting past the Dunes and towards the Stronghold. He had mindlessly killed 4 people without a hint of remorse, to him, they were nobodies. He didn't care if anything happened.

"I need to grab that trash and torture him for looking down on me." Frey growled in rage as he thought of Max laughing at him before kidnapping Lucas and escaping his grasp.

But he was a little confused. He was significantly faster than most evolvers, yet Max, a F-Rank Evolver, had not been found since his journey from the Hell's Pit to the Dunes. He had to reach the Strongholds and capture Max.

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