Chapter 25: Library

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Chapter 25

Max read the sign and looked at the unending rows of bookshelves.

"All of these must have been ancient martial arts kept by the ancient race" He thought.

He walked around the library and would occasionally see a few books that stood out. Eventually, his eyes landed on a strange book. Unlike most book covers that were either red, blue or green, this one looked different. It stood out from the rest.

This book cover was purple in colour and had a gold engraving of a sword on it's spine. Max carefully picked up the book and read it's title.

Emperor's Hand
By K.J. Glowrin

Max looked at the book cover and was annoyed. It only showed the book's title and author, nothing was said about the martial art that was inside the book.

"I'm surprised they even have martial arts back then." Max said in awe.

He slowly opened the book to see what it was about, but just as he did that, the book pried itself away from his hands and floated a few meters away from him. The book started to glow and it's pages started to flip really fast. Somehow Max was feeling slightly uncomfortable. It then dawned on him...

"This must be what the sign said about choosing wisely..." He realised.

It was too late. He had to deal with whatever that was going to happen now...

He slowly started to back away from the book and brought out his [Mirage Essence Katana]. It's dark red blade glinted from the dim lights of the old dusty library.

Max watched in horror as the floating book started to transform into a humanoid creature. It looked similar to the [Mist Knight] but it was completely black and wasn't wearing any armour. It was muscular and was the same height as Max. It looked like a brawler or a wrestler.

"I think I have to fight it..." Max thought.

Max watched as the creature slowly started to move. It shifted it's head and stared at him with its bright yellow eyes. He slowly started to back away to put more distance between him and the creature. It was then he received another shock.

The bookshelves and the library have disappeared! He found himself standing in an arena! Max was dumbfounded.

He eyed the muscular creature with caution.

"I cannot look down on it. Creatures from the ruins are all very powerful..." Max said as he readied his sword.

Seeing his stance, the smoky black figure raised it's fist. What came next shook him to his core.

The creature lunged at him. It was fast. Extremely fast for it's build. Before Max knew what was happening he found himself flying across the dark gray tiles.

"Crap. What a monster..." He said with fear as he crashed against the dark purple bricks of the ruin.

Max felt indescribable pain running across his spine as he crashed against the wall. Previously he had barely managed to block it's attack with his sword. He slowly got up.

"My hands are numb. I can't hold my sword." Max thought with panic.

It has been a while since he fought something this terrifying.

Max quickly activated his [Crowned Bone Deity] form and reinforced his body with [Ki Circulation].

"Activate all Ki bodies!" He yelled as he charged at the creature.

He used [Ki Dash] to increase his speed and soon enough, like a massive purple comet, Max was blitzing towards the smoky monster.

The creature to his horror, watched Max as he approached it. Just as he was about to run his katana through its neck, the creature shifted its head slightly to the left.

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