chapter three.

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    "The worst part? I looked terrible! Like just-rolled-out-of-bed terrible." I frown, remembering my horrible outfit and hairdo last night.

"There is no way that is true," Jordyn responds. I can tell she's rolling her eyes without having to look at her. "I mean, he came up to you, not the other way around."

Jor and I decide that we will be productive today and head into the city to shop for graduation dresses. I would order mine online, but Jordyn insisted that trying them on and making a day out of it is necessary.

I need something light-hearted before my therapy appointment today anyway.

"No, Jor. I'll show you what I was wearing when we get home. I looked absolutely pitiful." I clench my eyes shut, trying not to think about it.

Jordyn wraps her arm around me, laughing. "You said he is 'model-like.' Model-like men don't talk to pitiful-looking women."

I laugh at her words as we head into our second store of the morning. Los Angeles may be a nightmare filled with shallow people, but the stores are lovely, despite the absurd prices.

As soon as we walk in, Jordyn practically sprints to the wall of dresses, running her hand across them. "Look! So many options. Isn't this better than online shopping?"

I give her a fake smile and nod. "Yes, Jor. I'm glad we're doing this." It's not a lie, I love spending time with Jordyn, but I am exhausted. I hardly got any sleep after leaving Zayn on the sidewalk.

His gorgeous green eyes and fluffy dark brown curls stayed in my mind the rest of the night. Every time I shut my eyes, his perfectly straight white teeth and playful laugh appeared.

I'm not really the type of girl to get approached by men, and I've been grateful for it because oftentimes, it's not an enjoyable experience.

I'm not overwhelmingly attractive like Jordyn or the rest of my friends. Jordyn's the kind of girl that gets flirted with at every party, hit on at every bar. Me? I'm just the best friend that follows her around to make the most of my young years.

He approached me, though. He saw me in the corner of the room with my hair a mess and my eyes tired, and yet he still approached me. Did I hallucinate him? I haven't been sleeping much. It's possible, I guess.

"Scar?" I hear Jordyn's voice.

"Sorry. What'd you say?" I look at her and the short white dress in her hands.

She smirks knowingly, waving her hand as if saying she doesn't mind that I wasn't listening. "Should I try it on?"

"Yes. That is a gorgeous dress." It's short but long enough for the occasion. It's a beautiful white lace dress with a plunging neckline, showing off just enough cleavage.

"Okay! Pick something out while I change, will you?" I nod with a laugh, turning towards the intimidating wall of dresses.

Dresses aren't my thing. I might at well be looking at a blank wall because I am absolutely clueless about where to start.

I spend a few minutes flipping through the dresses, pushing the hangers quickly before landing on a beautiful slip dress. It is skin-tight and has a small slit on the left leg. Luckily, my figure might be perfect for this kind of dress.

Jordyn and I try on our dresses and meet in the middle, practically gawking over one another rather than ourselves. We both decide to buy the dresses and head out for an early lunch before my therapy session.

Before I know it, Jordyn has dropped me off in front of the familiar grey building. You'd think they'd want to make a place where therapy happens inviting, but no.

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